If you’re a Trump supporter, you are responsible for the suffering of every child now held in a cage...

If you’re a Trump supporter, you are responsible for the suffering of every child now held in a cage, every citizen who is facing bankruptcy due to medical bills they can’t afford, every hard-working American who is now responsible for paying off the debt your “pResident” and his party created to enrich themselves while you got the crumbs off their table.

I used to feel sorry for you because your own abject stupidity had blinded you to the obvious fact that you’ve been had.

But seeing children locked in cages, crying for their mothers and their fathers, put a quick end to any sympathy I may have felt for YOU, the people responsible for their fear, their suffering, their endless tears.

At this point, the only interaction with a Trump supporter I would welcome is an invitation to their funeral – an event I would happily attend in a red sequined dress, a festive feather-strewn hat, and a bag full of fireworks to mark the joyous occasion of their removal from our midst.

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You failed miserably in the last thread so you decided to throw it in reverse and try again?

I hope you're getting paid to get this utterly embarrassed.


Slide thread. Saged and reported.

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If you’re a womp supporter, you are responsible for the womp of every womp now held in a womp, every womp who is facing womp due to medical womps they can’t afford, every hard-womping American who is now responsible for paying off the womp your “president” and his womp created to womp themselves while you got the womp off their table.

I used to feel womp for you because your own abject womp had blinded you to the obvious womp that you’ve been womp.

But seeing womp locked in womps, crying for their womps and their womps, put a quick womp to any womp I may have felt for WOMP, the people responsible for their womp, their womp, their endless womps.

At this womp, the only interaction with a womp supporter I would welcome is an invitation to their womp – an event I would happily attend in a red sequined womp, a festive feather-strewn womp, and a bag full of womp to mark the joyous womp of their womp from our womp.

Well, boo-freakin'-hoo. Cry me a river, you bleeding-heart liberal. I'm just gonna play you a song from my tiny violin.



$0.05 has been added to your account, shill


>you are reaponsible for the
That sure turns me on

I'm happy they save these children from sex trafficking.

Good work Trump. Democrats truly are the slime.

What about putting the blame on the people who made the conscious decision to put their children at risk by breaking a country's law?
Nothing ever comes with thinking with your feefees. Think more and Mexico comes into light as the shithole country encouraging their shit people into flocking into their neighboring ally illegally despite all the government aids the US have provided. From an individual to a governmental level, spics are scum.

Wow, what a terrible person I am. You ought to kill me. Come at me bro. What took you so long?

We should be sending both the brats and the parents into ovens

>you are responsible for the suffering of every child now held in a cage
i wish

LOL, that's just your own slave morality

your a cuck and you have 2 moms faggot

children belong in cages , all parents know this

. I was a Hillary Voter, but after this top tier womping, I'm voting for Trump.

>10,000/12,000 children sent without parents
Once we put the Democrats in prison... all the whining in the world won't win you an election
You should be purged

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Mhmm. You didnt put your own kids in cages did you? You didnt torment them and make them cry so you could film them and fuck with the publics emotions did you?

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womp womp

Maybe if Chuckie throws these kids under the bus five more times, you'll get it.

>immigrant tries to illegally enter the country
>brings their kids with them
>temporarily separated while they wait in a detention center
>won't even go back home to Mexico to get their kids back
>I'm responsible

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cry more, bitch nigga

all children should be caged until they're 9. little ungrateful shits it's a shame we need to keep pumping them out to save the white race


hahahaha le epikly owned dood XDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best part is is that I literally don't give a flying fuck

Don't come here. Problem solved.

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Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

Trump has nothing to do with this immigration policy... Congress can get a long term fix done but Democrats dont want to, they want the issue just like they want the daca issue... libs are fucking idiots

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Wrong. The people who voted for the bill are responsible. Go troll Ratface Feinstein because she made this happen. Among others.

>Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad
Who’s “Asshole”?


Reminder Jow Forums is in the right (like always).

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Go ahead and start a war then pussy, you won't win. I'll piss over your grave after you die from your heart attack when trump is declared grand emperor in 10 years

And? When does the heartbreak start?

I literally pray for a beaner holocaust but it never comes.

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Goblins aren't children

>m-m-muh CHILDREN!

Fuck off, FAGGOT. If their parents would come here legally, this wouldn’t be an issue.

This was a problem long before Trump was elected. Fuck off!


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Womp Womp, fuck off shill.

>At this point, the only interaction with a Trump supporter I would welcome is an invitation to their funeral
Calm down you dumb cunt.
Small minds discuss people, mediocre minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas.
Guess where you are on that scale with your gay bait post?

>grand emperor
wow daddy issues and low self esteem have destroyed this one.

>double standarts
what you shills need to understand is , you are not getting in our brains. We arw impervious to your bullshit. We already are ready to pay whatever price to destroy your ideology along with all of you. Go preach to the apathic masses.

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That's real funny because those are fascist ideas dumbass, amazing that you claim to be a democrat

but this is a Democrat problem..?

You won't be baiting me this time Koala fucker

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Tired ass bait

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I've been screaming from the rooftops for immigration reform for decades. Democrats told me we didn't need it. The laws are fine, they said, but the way they're enforced is inconsistent and frequently biased. I said I hoped some psychopath would get elected and enforce the law to the letter and they said they hoped so too.

Drink it in normie scum, this is what you wanted.

This is awful... Someone needs to tell the parents of those children to stop breaking the law.

Friendly reminder that american liberals will be disemboweled and hung from their still dripping guts in the streets and they don't have the guns or support in the police and military to prevent it.

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And don’t you ever fucking forget it. The days of the democrats, and by proxy their hordes of foreign brown voters pushing us around ARE OVER. This nation belongs TO US, the white European descendants of the original American settlers, not to some shitskin living in the third world who for some reason think it’s America’s responsibility to take care of the whole world. Well it’s not. You’re lucky all we’re doing is holding them in cages for now, it won’t be very long until we start executing them. And I personally can’t wait.


Geez, maybe these invaders will think twice bout bringing their parasitic spawn into my homeland in the future. We need more kids in cages and much, much more, these scum need to be thoroughly discouraged from coming here.

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>Obvious bait
>Loads of unwarranted (You)'s
>1 post by this ID
Time to crash this thread with no survivors.

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>This is the year Democrats win fucking everything
Nah, even in my shit town in Kentucky we're overrun with the foreign hordes, every self-respecting white person is sick of it. Not that the neoliberal Recucklican party is any different from the neo-Marxist Democuck party.

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Same man
Never voting D again tbqh

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Womp Womp

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