At this point, I don't even take down the "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" or "White Genocide!" posters on my campus. We've won!

At this point, I don't even take down the "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" or "White Genocide!" posters on my campus. We've won!

I check Breitbart every day to see how asshurt you fuckers are, even though you're in power. And every day it makes me feel better than HuffPost or MediaMatters ever could. Because, now and then, reality hits hard and you fuckers realize you've reached a point you can't return from.

There's no way Trump will NOT grant Amnesty to the DACA children, the vast majority of them living in Texas and Florida. Literally from this alone, those new citizens will be voting age, and will absofuckinglutely return Democrats' favor and vote Blue in 2020.

So enjoy you're Neil Gorsuch and low-level, meaningless judges. In 2 years I won't even have to worry about getting the vote out.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I won't even have to worry about getting the vote out

>mfw this is exactly how they lost last time

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>won the majority/popular vote
>thinks the first thing we wont do when back in power is abolish electoral college

I'll pray for you.

>suffering small children ripped from their parents
>voting age by 2020

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Hispanics have families and are more conservative than Trump voters. You've been warned. It's an act to get you fools to grant them citizenship. They don't turn Marxists until they are here at least two generations. Your education is failing you. I pray you are just a finance-challenged student and not a dinosaur faculty cuck who gets to live long enough to see his life's work replaced by AI.

>he cant see that his party is imploding
>no leadership
>no belief system
>no uniting factor or goal at all except hating Trump

sounds like a winning strategy

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>All I want is power! I need more power! That's all I care about is acquiring more and more power!

This is when I realize national socialism is the only fucking answer. Congrats

You seriously think after the treatment by trump, the GOP, and trump supporters, that a Hispanic immigrant would vote against their interest? Yeah ok buddy.

It's fucking hilarious seeing how you guys reach when you know your time has almost come. It's like the denial stage of death acceptance, except no one will mourn the loss of you worms.

>>he cant see that his party is imploding
>>no leadership
>>no belief system
>>no uniting factor or goal at all except hating Trump
How you liking that abortion-at-any-stage, anti-2nd Amendment Senator your neighbors elected Alabama?

>won the popular vote
Lol you still believe that shit? Russia hacked into our elections you dumbfuck.

Nicaraguan from a family of immigrants here.
We all fucking hate illegals because it cheapens the struggle we had to make a good life for ourselves here. Also fuck Mexicans, they're the lowest form of Hispanic, no better than animals.

There are 11 of us. We all voted Trump. There will be 14 of us voting aged next time around.

>Hispanics have families and are more conservative than Trump voters.
Then why are Latin American governments all left-wing?

>no uniting factor or goal at all except hating Trump
Um, excuse me? They also hate white people you bigot.

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He had to call his opponent a literal pedophile and still only squeaked out a

So that's why every single pol done of them is overwhelmingly left leaning.

>he has no children
>he has no assets
>he thinks WE are the ones who are dying

Yeah I'm sure your cats think you're a hero. What a legacy.

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>muh popular vote

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This is exactly why Liberals keep losing.

cool story bro

Yeah, that's why DOZENS of trumps allies are getting indicted/arrested/jailed every week huh?

It won't be a win for the common leftist.
Even if it might be for many elites.

Eventually, the tipping point will come and things will spiral to shit so fast almost everyone will be fucked.
The minorities already here will never experience better than the last 25 years.

The final straw is already on its way.

>14 voting aged racists
You think that will have an impact against the 4 million votes we get from amnesty?

Lefty bait is get boring and more stale everyday. Do any of you really have any real jobs?

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Because he's lying to comfort himself.

Once they go fully corrupt, the economy tanks. Then the left-wing policies are enacted to keep the populace from lynching them all. It's pretty straight forward.

>It's fucking hilarious seeing how you guys reach when you know your time has almost come. It's like the denial stage of death acceptance, except no one will mourn the loss of you worms.
The irony

Nolte is a complete cuck too
The fact that he's coming around is very big

Fuck off anytime shithead.

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You are a spiteful little man.

Alabama was blood red. Theyd have elected a pile of horse shit if it had the (R) at the end. You're party knows they fucked up with trump and now you're panicking since your time has come.

Other than Chile there hasn't been a right-wing government in Latin America since probably the European Second Empire of Mexico got turned into a shitty mestizo republic.

Where have I seen these faces before?

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Oh no, you have lost. Your hubris will be your downfall. You'll remain prideful until the last second when you're thrown to the ground, a heavy boot falls on your chest, and the last thing you see is a muzzle flash. I'd execute dozens of your kind and not feel a thing. All of my empathy has slowly been stripped over the years. All I feel is hate. It's not a finger that pulls the trigger, but the anger burning within a man's heart.

See you on DOTR, faggot.

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(((Max Boot)))
(((Jennifer Rubin)))

At least now they're out in the open about their plans

watch how they become children

>14 voting aged racists

All white people are racist.
That means you're a racist too.

They look like "fellow white people" to me

>The final straw is already on its way.
The comments sections of regular news articles have been resembling Jow Forums more and more in the past couple years. It's coming.

Good luck amending the Constitution when you're going up against the people who actually value it.

To bad hispanics hate faggots, niggers, other mexicans and muslims. The new republican party will be beaners and arab men

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Unless they concentrate them all in Texas they won't change the electoral map by a whole lot.

>national geographic determined what humans will look like in 2050; and it's beautiful

I don't care what you think of me.
I can tell you're a conservative, so I care less of you than I do the shits I take in my toilet.

I hope your president causes you to lose your job because of unfair tax practices. I hope you then lose your house. Then I hope your wives leave you, and your children are taught to hate you. I hope you kill yourselves. Because even then, you would not understand the pain we felt from you racist fuckers.
Eat shit and DIE

Even normies I know who voted for the (left-wing) Liberals here in Canada are starting to react to the constant barrage of anti-white (and pro-LGBT, pro-Muslim) propaganda in the media and are wondering what the hell is going on. It's becoming far too overt and obvious to be denied by anyone, because it is everywhere -- in workplaces, churches, on TV and in movies, videogames, comic books... it's non-stop and wall-to-wall lies every single day, and ordinary people are finally beginning to wake up and react

Communism is the endgoal for America, like it or not you just have to deal with it (: Democrats are just as idiotic as Republicans.


Let me guess, you're 1/64'th cherokee

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>the pain we felt from you racist fuckers.

Better fuck off back to your ancestral homeland if it's so awful here. No, wait, you'll just stick around for the free shit we give you instead

We should have never given Monterey and Mexico City back to you. Sad!

Bait-and-switch where they indoctrinated us into "color-blindness" while they flooded us with non-whites for several decades, but then encouraged the non-whites to be tribalistic while shaming us for being white. When I was a kid, being "color-blind" was the highest virtue, but now it's demonized as a form of white privilege. What a mess we've inherited.

Prove it

>"I am not owned I am not owned" - the thread

why does anyone even bother responding to this clown?


pretty sure this is fake news, unless I get him massively confused with savage

At least these people understand the moral value of Country over Party.

Mind your own countries business. Besides, Trudeau has MASSIVE support still, so fuck off with your lies.

Sure they do, that's why literally over 95% of the LGBTQIA+ community support our amnesty push and support increased immigration from South America.

You're clearly from Europe. Stupid twat. Stop wanting to be the west.

Spics aren't going to vote conservative especially with Trump. If spics keep flooding in through the southern border eventually some poor white sod is going to gather up all his sod friends to gun down spics as they cross the border and then things will get really interesting

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Yeah, and the mask of "we're being enriched" is starting to slip and we're now being told that we're being replaced, instead... all the old happy-clappy platitudes about multiculturalism are now giving way to open gloating about our "beige future", as the CBC calls it

>Trudeau has MASSIVE support still

lolno. He's in such trouble that the CBC is already claiming that next year's election is going to be hacked by the Russians to make him lose

Just wait until next election and it's only brown people standing behind the democrat candidate.

Whites are just gonna vote even more tight nit

>We've won!
Really? Because you seem to be losing.
womp womp


screen cap. this will not age well Tim

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Reminder the attempt by the Left and their (((leadership)) to push for mass immigration for the purpose of votes is not over nor will it be forgotten. Their actions have set into motion a process that ensures their destruction.

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>those new citizens will be voting age, and will absofuckinglutely return Democrats' favor and vote Blue in 2020.
thats not how it works

womp womp


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>Russians hacking Canada's elections
why would they

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need proofs

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I remember this too growing up in 80s/90s canada. Seldom if ever thought about race and I had coloured friends growing up. The meme was that race wasn't an important deciding factor in life decisions and colourblindness was virtuous.
My dad knew an ethnic chinese who called herself a "banana"- yellow on the outside, white on the inside.
I must have been on the edge of a generational shift, because people 5 years younger than me believe inculturation is "assimilation, boo hisssss."
Look up and google 100M canadians. Tons of articles and opinion and shit.
This is what the cucks and kikes have been up to the last several years.
The federal conservatives are *fully on board* with being cucked, too, and fully support huge immigration numbers.
There is no serious party that will address this.

>why would they

Because everyone knows Vlad is terrified of our manly, heroic PM Justin

Probably meets the definition of ethnic cleansing, I wish people would stop saying genocide because it sounds ridiculous. Ethnic cleansing.

Pray for yourself and your family, because patriots like myself will end up killing you.

I go to the grocery or eat at a restaurant and I see a white woman with some nigger shitskin turd baby
>with no dad of course
And you know what? I'm genuinely disgusted. I don't want to grow up and pay taxes into Brazil 2.0 brazil fucking sucks shit dick. I'd rather die fighting than bring white children into a world where they'll be hunted. Fuck this gay earth we treated niggers far more humanely than they deserved and now were getting stirred into this generic pot where the white man works so niggers and their kin can live like animals and rape our women. The fires of hell will be cooler than my anger when this all kicks off

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Oh and I forgot to mention:
I had a recent meet up with old highschool friends, brown, and they talking amongst themselves said the same thing: how as kids they never thought about or concerned themselves with race. But now it's on theirs and everyone else's minds.
And now it's all everyone talks about, because of the kikery in (((public school))) and post secondary education. And hell, the news.

my friend buries his head in the sand and doesnt believe Europe has gone to shit. wish i made more money to prove him wrong.

I noticed that my has added race-based organizations (and an LGBT+ASDLFKJWYZ one too) while only a decade ago it was completely neutral.

>won popular vote by 3 million votes
>won in california by 4 milion votes

only won PV because of california. the other 49 told the crooked bitch to fuck off, and California is starting to replace democrats with republicans and Dems lost their supermajority in California recently.

Yeah, but the country is Israel.

This is actual sedition. As in, admitting this openly might be cause for execution.

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All those votes in California are from anchor babies whose parents were amnestied by Ronnie Raygun.

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Wars have been fought for less.

>Thinks the military is left leaning even in the slightest

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>I don't even take down the "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" or "White Genocide!" posters on my campus.
I put mine innawoods. Pic related.

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Gas yourself, lib tard.

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i love your reasoning, kike-faggot
>there's no way Trump will not (double negative, btw) grant amnesty...

imbecile, by this logic, deporting them would be of tremendous benefit for POTUS. in that they've all been biased against him with this incessant Trump bashing, it stands to reason that he'd do everything in his power to keep them from securing the right to vote. -- in that it would probably be an anti-MAGA vote.

i wanna think this is bait...but it's so banally retarded it has to be the actual thoughts of a mush-minded progressive. even trolls take the time to make sure their argument holds water.

Max Boot is a jewish Neocon

>won the majority/popular vote
>thinks the first thing we wont do when back in power is abolish electoral college

i'd suggest you read the Constitution and investigate exactly how the Constitution is amended.
(You) will never, not in a million years, get the votes to do it.
we do, however, have nearly 3/4s of the state legislatures. /we/ could completely redraft the Constitution with those numbers.

>parts of california are placed under martial law
>so-cal is placed into a receivership
>the region is reclassified a district

***after a long period of unrest, violence and rioting, America's cities are rendered a hulk of smoldering cinders. this country's large cities are grouped into the districting plan so successful with the district of southern california; they can vote for representatives, but those representative are forbidden a procedural vote on new legislation and they are barred from submitting new legislation.
representatives from these urban districts are merely for windowdressing, such that the metropolis' denizens feel their voice is being heard.***

so, OP, how does this plan sound to you?

>New Founding Fathers


he has about six months left in office.
4D chess, lass.

>14 russian trolls
who showed up for sentencing, btw (mueller is fucked)
>paul manafort
probably the mole...notice how Trump fired him IMMEDIATELY after speaking with Adm. Rogers?

Trump is clean as a bean.
cry more

can you explain the part of your plan that comes after turning the US into another 3rd world shithole? are you another gated community liberal who thinks they won't have to live with their little passion projects, you just have to convince the uneducated poor white people to accept violent crime and even lower standards of living?

>i hope you...
sorry, tuts.
user is going to maintain in his awesomness. winning is what winners do. the deck has been stacked against us for a while...this is true...but you must understand, a sequence was set in motion several years ago. anons just collectively decided that we'd all had enough. all at once, and without any clear signal, anons started to see the world for what it is. it's called redpilling (stick around and you'll see it happen to you).
anyway, you've made the fatal mistake of galvanizing the very core and strength of this nation -- something jews of bygone days were wise not to do. but now it's happened, the tumblers are all falling into place, the response of the left is binding these people in common cause and sharpening the contrasts in society.
you've stirred this country's soul to anger and action. you are unapologetic in your excesses and your leaders are rotten to the core. it's going to be a massive double-whammy. your leadership arrested and charged for very serious crimes, your networks dismantled and your funding confiscated. it's going to be devistating. what is more, your beloved ideology will be buried, never never to breath again.
new things will take its place, but international bolshevism is dead. and it deserves to die.
the most caustic human philosophy ever conceived.

>abolish the electoral college
>piss off the entire population that owns all the guns