Look at these migrants. Look how fat they are.
Look at these migrants. Look how fat they are
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I always wonder why Mexicans are fat if their country is so horrible aren't they supposed to be starving ?
What the fuck? I thought Mexicans were skinny wretches
Why are they fat?
They shave half the kid's heads? Fucking cruel and unusual.
They have to go back.
this is just more proof that being fat has nothing to do with your diet and everything to do with genetics. This is actually a major moment in the fat acceptance movement. I need more pictures of obese migrants now.
Yeah.... and I thought ICE was seperating children from their families.... boy was I wrong!
What are you talking about? They are the fattest ethnic group after black women in the US.
>Almost half (48.8%) of the Mexican-Americans and 43.2% of the Mexican immigrants had body mass index at the 85th percentile or above
>African American adults are nearly 1.5 times as likely to be obese compared with White adults. Approximately 47.8 percent of African Americans are obese (including 37.1 percent of men and 56.6 percent of women) compared with 32.6 percent of Whites (including 32.4 percent of men and 32.8 percent of women).
Nigga, Mexico is the fattest country in the world, even fatter than the US. Google it.
Why? They're a poverty-ridden shithole
They have eight brothers, uncles and cousins remitting dollars by Western Union
Mexicans are actually the fattest people in the world. Mexico is #1 fattest per capita.
The obesity rates in America are increasing because our population of Mexicans is as well.
their country is horrible because of the cartels fucking killing everyone
they have plenty of cheap, shit quality food
Based jew
>I thought Mexicans were skinny wretches
Hey leaf just come down to the States for a weekend. Every Mexican you see is overweight. All the men are like refrigerators, and the women are like bowling balls. The kids are like pillows.
Love will win
The same reason niggers are fat. The cheapest foods in the US are just pumped full of sugar. If you buy canned vegetables in the US you have to look at the label because a lot of times they add sugar into the cans with the peas, corn, potatoes, whatever.
Any real immigrant who went though the proper process will tell you what a piece of shit most of these modern ones are. They are just taking advantage of a broken system due to greed and laziness along with liberal delusions to let it get worse. I bet those "prisoners" get more calories in a day than I do and they get free air conditioning and water along with it.
unironically this. if blacks and mexicans left we would be an okay fit country
Cheap food is calorically dense and contrary to popular belief, beans don't work had enough to burn those calories.
And I thought faggots were aid ridden... Oh wait.
This. They look like they're all together and not suffering.
Just send them back to Mexico.
Their diets consist of fried foods and shitty beer. I'm not LARPing that's all the ones around here eat.
all this is going to do is wake millions of wypipo up to the possibility that maybe the worst experiences for the average jew in nazi ghettoes was drinking warm water bottles in a converted high school cafeteria
watch me
sometimes it's hard for me to believe they're not trivalizing muh nat zees on purpose
They're the highest consumer of coca cola in the world, they fry their food in lard, add lots of cheese, and street food is abundant and cheap. This is a pretty recent trend, I believe they were all skinny until maybe the 80s
>be Mexican in Aztec Empire ca. AD 1492
>be 5'4
>eat a meager diet of mostly corn, with beans, squash, onions, and rarely have meat such as turkey, dog, or human organs from the sacrifices
>weigh 130 lbs soaking wet
ffw 500 years
>be Mexican ca. AD 2018
>be 5'7
>eat a big diet consisting of bread, rice, beans, beef, pork, candy bars, and gallons of soda a day
>weigh 200 lbs
Same genes, different result.
Haven't started reading the thread yet, but I bet you there's already been a redditor try to argue that unhealthy food is cheaper
Give us your fat, your lazy and retarded, yearning for free stuff.
Yeah BMI is actually in many ways a proxy for IQ, oddly enough.
Are Mizrahi fat?
Fuck off nigger I clicked the wrong meme flag.
Thanks for the (you) though.
obviously not starving
Can these disgusting blobs of shit even be considered human? I mean society used to look like >pic related for fucks sakes. These are cattle not people. And we’ve been robbed of human society for almost a century
Their diet is carbs-heavy. Rice this, corn that. Excess of carbs causes you to balloon up.
the average mexican is 60+% spanish dna. It's amazing what just a dash of shitskin will do to a human
Way to fall for the propaganda. Mexico is a really nice country, with lots of wealth in agriculture, minerals, oil, and commerce. Its GDP per capita is comparable to Brazil and China. Some parts of it are super shitty though, and the US is way way wealthier than Mexico.
On the world scale Mexico isn't a top tier nation, but it's at the top of the second tier.
Has anyone got that screencap of a post about a morbidly obese black woman being operated on by surgeons?
Interesting theory. Can't corroborate it, but it's probably true.
NAFTA flooded Mexico with really cheap agricultural products from America. It pulled the floor out from under the Mexican agricultural industry, sadly for them.
So they look just like any other American?
My understanding is that 40% of Mexicans are unmixed, about 10% are unmixed Europeans, and the rest average about half and half.
This is the unintended consequence of introducing technology to unadvanced societies. For thousands of years, they were barely above hunter gatherers and simple agriculture. Food was scarce. Then they were given the benefits of advanced agriculture and the industrial revolution. Food was plentiful. Europeans had millennia to metabolically adapt to quick readily available food, Africans and Mestizos did not. Naturally they became fat.
I would guess it's amazing how much food you could eat when you've got all the time in the world and don't have to pay for any of it.
No its pretty likely that these "migrants" (arent they illegal) are eating a poor diet. You have no idea if they eating Mcds or Freshii
This is also true. Every country is rich and sustainable. The problem with these degenerate countries is corrupt government and improper resource allocation.
Fucking goblins
it's not the eating, it's the timezone
Why are people always idolizing the past by posting pictures from movies.
And not movies about the common man but the movies about their upper class like they were the norm.
>No matter what, it's white people's fault!!!
Kill yourself, faggot.
Why exactly do you think our average height and IQs have just been dropping?
The average goblina is 5 foot, 240lbs and has a 40+ waist.
Goblins and goblinas
>the average mexican is 60+% spanish dna
I think they're lying honestly.
Yes and they consume an INSANE AMOUNT OF SUGAR
You guys do realize whites and hispanics are similarly obese right
In 2015 % population obese
In a population of 321 million
Whties 29.7%
Hispanics 31.8%
Niggers 39.8%
now factor for whites being a majority annnnnd tada
Mexico is the turd sitting at the very top of the pile of dog shit.
>one of the highest murder rates in the world
dumb crooked teeth faggot
Mexican Food is very high carbs and if you eat it every day you will get fat
Mexicans have to be the ugliest people on the planet.
White 197,362,672
Hispanic or Latino 55,199,107
Black or African American 40,241,818
These are 2016 numbers for demographics by race. Face it whitey, even youre sedentary.
>Europeans had millennia to metabolically adapt to quick readily available food, Africans and Mestizos did not. Naturally they became fat.
Doubtful theory. The "thrifty gene" hypothesis is not in favor. Consider the Soviet Union: Russia and Ukraine and Belarus underwent a major famine in the 1930s and then again in the 1940s as a result of the war. You would expect such a recent selection event to have given survivors in those countries thrift genes that would have caused obesity as they are very close to the selection event.
Even Germany had a famine with starvation deaths in 1919 and then again at the end of WWII. Germans aren't fatter than Swedes to my knowledge.
My opinion is that it's the type of diet. Europeans have had 8,000-12,000 years to adapt to a high carbohydrate diet based upon cereals like wheat, rye, oats, and barley. All caucasians have. East Asians have adapted to diets of rice, another agricultural carbohydrate.
Oh yeah - 50 million people starved to death in China in the 1950s. They aren't fat now either. Even in diaspora in western countries they are skinnier than whites.
It's insulin metabolism, not thriftiness.
>When your people are so shit, they have to migrate to another 1st world country to turn it into the shit hole the fled from.
Spics not even once.
Average bean DNA is 60% of whatever tribe they belonged from their beheading period. At most Spanish blood makes up 10% of their DNA after all the time that's passed since the Spaniards last governed the shithole.
Shit, you're right, man. I see so many of them here. They have 3-6 children, all of similar age (they look like they have a year's difference between each of 'em). These dirty breeders clog up the streets with their gigantic families of anchor babies. Thank god for Trump, man. Just wish ICE was more active in my state, because a lot the spics seem to take refuge up north once they hop the border.
ok go fuck a kangaroo lol
Of course it is. We should have left them in the Stone Age.
Those are mountain Mexicans. They evolved to have big fat torsos with big lungs so they can breath the thin air at high elevations. They shouldn’t be eating euro stuff like wheat either because it makes them balloon up, but they’re too stupid to google that.
You bring a tear to my eye user, keep up the logic
ur making me hungry for taco bell user
I shit you not, these are based on dna tests representative of the country. That is what 40% indigenous will do to a southern euro phenotype.
These are by and large central americans, not necessarily mexicans. Subtle differences but not much
Its good in a way. None of them will live past 50. Altho the free healthcare gibs will bankrupt the USA.
they are amerindian
You'd think an Australian would know better
That's very recent. It's very unfortunate. Mexico doesn't have to be that way. That's mostly in the north, anywhere. On my doorstep. Build the wall.
It's not Honduras bad though.
This. The so called 'death camps' are certainly a lie. Maybe some more people will realize that now.
Go skin and behead some school children you savage barbarian.
Literal fucking retard
They aren't much better then the Abos m8. I haven't seen a Abo in 3 months. They all live in the desert.
They're brown toads.
Eat shit, you fucking wetback. Virtually every spic I've come across has fucked up teeth. Fucking rich insult caming from you, beaner fag. Get ready to get your border hopper friends back after ICE rounds 'em up.
Abos are like the 'missing link' from ape to human.
Whats the difference?
You cunts look all the same
they aren't suffering if they are that rotund send them all back
Abos are too primitive to be the missing link. Its more likely to be niggers.
just kill them nobody wants and care about em
I see only doctors and engineers
>american intellectuals
Quite similar. They de-evolved. They went from being sailors with bows to apes who couldn't make fire. Abos have a lot of Denisovan DNA.
Spic food has never really grown on me.
Can the Americans here reply with what state y'all are from
Reminder there are 4states that matter
Keep seething over superior culture
What kind of pseudo-science garbage is this?
>They're a poverty-ridden shithole
They're the 11th largest economy in the world, they're fine, you're just a stupid white person who has been programmed to give all your stuff to begging brown people.
we jus wan a home forl r familee
>Can the Americans here reply with what state y'all are from
The majority of you are 5'2-5'5 and brown
Maybe its because Im a neigbor to PAJEEEETs but burritos are 10/10. Then again I get mine from a white guy, best tender steaks for burritos