Enough is enough. Nobody needs this many guns. We need to stop worrying about the muslim terrorist boogeyman and start worrying about white homegrown who are the real terrorists. >Authorities have seized more than 550 guns from two Southern California homes and made one arrest after getting a tip that a convicted felon was storing an arsenal.
>Sixty-year-old Manuel Fernandez was arrested last week after Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies and state and federal investigators raided his Agua Dulce home.
>Officials Monday say the searchers found 432 rifles and handguns, then returned later and found 91 more hidden weapons.
>Finally, 30 guns were seized at another home believed linked to an associate of Fernandez who hasn't returned to the home.
>Fernandez was booked on suspicion of being a felon in possession of firearms and ammunition and illegally possessing an assault rifle and large-capacity magazines.
>He's free on bond. A call to his listed phone number rang unanswered Monday.
>I hope it's at least donated to a museum or something Every single one of them will be destroyed, probably in some flashy public display to show how tough they are on gun crime.
Or sold to criminals by corrupt democrat politicians but hey, shit happens.
Benjamin Peterson
The entire country of Japan couldn't defeat the American Government, but you think those Japanese-Americans in the camps could've if they had guns.
As the very people who were screaming just a few months ago about repealing the 2nd Amendment because "Who needs guns in 2018!!!" are the very same people today screaming "They are putting us into CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!!" I am sure your cucked logic will continue to serve you well.
That's wrong though. If America actually tried to put us in camps then we would fight back w/o needing guns and put up a good fight because we are the majority. Besides the rest of the world would join forces and liberate us like they did in WW2. America is tough but they couldn't take on the whole free world.
Aiden Hughes
If I only have an M&P9 2.0 for home protection, can I still be in the RWDS when the time comes?
Alexander Myers
>fernandez >california Its obviously a provider for mexican cartels. Once again, not a problemof guns but of who own them. Remove foreigners and the problem is almost solved. Forbid felons, minors and mentally ill people and you are left with no problem at all for legally owned guns. Make using an illegal weapon a capital crime, and shoot and execute criminals on the spot. As often, Op is a retarded faggot.
Luke Gomez
>Fernandez >White
Fuck off and stop lumping us in with Mexicans
Thomas Russell
As you and your merry band of morons keep pushing for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment and at the very same time screaming about being put in literal "concentration camps".
I bet that’s what the Russians thought when Stalin came into power. Come on guys, it’s not like they’re gonna separate us and send us to the middle of fucking nowhere to take hot dicks to the throat in the gulags... kys nigger
Parker Sanders
Kek. Omg such a retarded post. You will fight the police and military with your little fists ? You think there will be a massive movement and that people will not stay home ? A...revolution ? Other countries invading the US ? Kek. You outted yourself as a retarded leftist here. Fuck off shill.
Ryan Butler
Dude common man. If you are Latino you are not fucking white. Obviously you can be an American Mexican but that does not magically change your race.
>Implying you have a family of 500 living in your attic >Implying someone in your home has an extra 500 arms to hold all those guns You do know that you can only hold and effectively use a rifle and a pistol, right? It's no harm to have options between which rifle and/or pistol you carry
Isaac Price
>It's no harm to have options... The only option OP cares about is which dildo he will use to dilate his neo-vagina.
Henry Nguyen
You're just repeating yourself w/o making a valid argument. I'm not saying outright ban every gun. I'm saying make it harder to fall into the wrong hands, what's so bad about that? Like you can have a rifle with a couple bullets if you have a license. Sorry(not sorry), I'm not as familiar with Russian history as you are Vladimir. Military? Who cares about the grunts, we have people in higher places, didn't you see those leaked FBI texts? It wouldn't go you're way like you think it would. I'm not denying that the American military is insanely strong, but it's not like the EU military couldn't attack through both Mexico and Canada and China would probably help as well. America couldn't fight off the world.
There is obviously something mentally wrong with someone who has that many guns. Also I bet they wouldn't even notice if a few went missing, making it dangerous. I can't even imagine how many killings would've been committed if someone stole them and they got into the streets.
Austin Scott
Daily reminder that kikes want us disarmed so that they can kill us... probably won't last long enough to pull it off though lol sage
Landon Cook
>There is obviously something mentally wrong with someone who has that many guns. Yeah he's obviously a slightly eccentric collector. It's tragic because his collection will likely get destroyed.
Easton Thompson
>transphobia How about you act like an adult and try making an actual argument, or is that too hard for you, Blake?
Carson Gonzalez
>all of which were almost certainly obtained illegally How will gun control have prevented this, exactly?
Colton Moore
>Yeah Thanks for agreeing, I hope you're finally staring to see the light. >It's tragic because his collection will likely get destroyed. I'm not 100% anti-gun, I just want common sense. I actually agree here and think that if any have historical value they should be made non-fireable and placed in a museum.
Xavier Adams
So it is clear you are as goddamn stupid as you seem. You are your fellow cucks are not going to get a single goddamn inch of any form of gun control going forward. Clearly, you do not see the obvious insanity of leftist positioning in that you are outright pushing for the mass regulation of firearms on the entire population while at the very same time you are actively screaming at the top of your lungs across the internet, trumpeted by your leftist pals in the media, and with the trash Democrats like Dianne Feinstein.
Also, "couple bullets". They do not sell them by the "couple". I buy them by the lot of 500 or even 1000. Do you even know 500+ people? What backing do you think you have? You are literally screaming that the government is putting you in "concentration camps" and the rest of us are massively over armed "Nazi" with several thousand rounds of ammo and several AR15's apiece. Think about it cuck.
America's navy and air force would dominate everyone. How is China and the EU going to land in Canada and Mexico?
Angel Perez
>ruining historical items by making them non firable Neck yourself
Thomas Rivera
>assault weapons literally where
Andrew Thomas
>I actually agree here and think that if any have historical value they should be made non-fireable and placed in a museum. You think you are agreeing? Wanting everything destroyed one way or another?
Jayden Mitchell
>g-guys back me up
Isaiah Carter
I'm glad you asked. You see, since we don't have strict universal gun laws that apply federally to every state then every state has its own differing laws. Did you know that most guns used in crimes in New Jersey were obtained in neighboring states ? Imagine if your neighborhood forbid alcohol, but the surrounding ones didn't. Alcohol would still be prevalent in your neighborhood because people would just bring it in from the surrounding areas. That's why change needs to happen at the federal level.
Lucas Edwards
The government isn't putting us in camps, just the asylum seekers and children. They can't put us in camps because we are the majority and we won't let it happen. Buying ammo in bulk isn't the same as having a weapon that fires them in bulk, brainlet.
Hudson Cruz
>>Finally, 30 guns were seized at another home believed linked to an associate of Fernandez who hasn't returned to the home. What the fuck?
Jacob Hall
You guys(apologize if wrong pronoun) can't even make coherent arguments. All you can do is post garbage pics/videos. Debate me honestly, you'll lose.
Samuel Bell
Sadly this getting spammed by a lib retard.
Benjamin Morales
Hey dipshit, this ex con was probably involved in violent crime. This is such an anomaly you're a fucking fool for reading into it any further. Fuck off you race baiting nigger loving white traitor piece of shit
Thomas Richardson
Oh yes, in California. This squatamalan is 100% pure Spaniard Conquistador phenotype, yes!
>sexy I expected more from you. I'm sure you could remove a small piece and store it somewhere and nobody could tell the difference. Why does a museum piece need to be able to kill someone? Making it not able to kill isn't destroying! Do you think those are toys, fake? Those aren't toasters or curling irons. They are weapons purposely made only to assault and kill living beings, hence the name.
Daniel Garcia
Up your game nigger, your debate skills just come down to your fee-fees
>America can fight the world I already said it wouldn't be easy, but all the EU has to do is land in South America and advance North. Canada can attack from the north and allies can come through Alaska. America would be on the defensive. I expected more from a leaf.
Michael Reyes
I completely agree, OP, we should worry about the "white" terrorists in our country, the one that call themselves Jews and Liberals.
Jeremiah Brooks
We need to stop worrying about the guys who actually kill people and instead go after people who haven't shot anyone because they have guns
Lucas Mitchell
Nice assumption. Keep proving my point. >meme flag
Oliver Harris
Asher Cox
Literally not one of you can debate me. I don't know why I expected more. I heard this place was the HQ of the alt-right, but if this is the best that the right-wing has to offer than I have nothing to worry about, hahaha.
You guys just keep proving my point. You obviously don't need one because you don't live in a gun cult society like we do or you would've already built one if it was that easy. You didn't because it's not necessary because you guys have good gun laws.
Hudson Ward
Once again you prove my point. They never should have had access to those weapons and body armor. Only approved people like the military.
I already polished off an entire bottle of moscato and I can still put you guys in your place. Maybe I'll give a bitcoin to the first person who can beat me in a debate using facts. Don't worry, I know you can't.