Putting them in camps or reservations won't work. All it takes is one faggot to ruin everything and hand them back all their power in less than a year. Just look at Israel, half the world's kikes have concentrated there. Did it make their power less? Did it decrease their influence in our countries? No, it just made them stronger.
All Jews need to be unironically executed, I'm not even trying to be edgy or meme or fit in or whatever. Its legit the only real solution.
pol is known as the jew hate board yet they wont kill jews even though they go on and on about muh guns weird
Sebastian Mitchell
youa re in good company. I am not a murdering psychopath myself but most of pol agrees with you, theyre just smart enough to understand if you spook the quarry it will fly away.
>Just look at Israel, half the world's kikes have concentrated there. Did it make their power less? Did it decrease their influence in our countries? No, it just made them stronger. That's the problem. The world gave them Israel, yet they still keep infiltrating other nations. I'd have nothing against them if they'd be concentrated in Israel minding their own business.
Nolan Cruz
I 100% agree. If there are between 14 and 17 million jews in the planet, just remember that jews have killed more people than that in the 20th century alone. Multiple times the amount actually. So why should we even allow a single one of them to live?
I would prefer to give a good stabbing to Peretti. I'm sure we would have handsome sons, despite that honker. Somehow she is still quite beautiful. It must be the eyes, teeth, and hair
I have Jewish blood in me too. We should help in anyway to rid the world, and when we finally succeed we should gladly accept a bullet to ensure that nothing remains of the Jew DNA.
Isaac Thomas
in the US it feels like things are going to be boiling over at any time..
Colton Perry
Jaxon Sullivan
Ultimately this will happen with the growing Muslim population compared to Jewish demographics. Jews made a big mistake in larping for old lands when they could have just taken somewhere like Madagascar where they won't piss off billion+ Muslims
Colton Watson
That sounds cucked. No thanks.
Levi Hill
While on the one hand, yes it is absolutely true that the world would be a better place if all Jews were gone. On the other hand, I believe a more effective tactic given the world we live in is to meme them into being a completely clownshow to the point that the plebs can actually recognize them when they see them. You could call me a cuck but eliminating all Jews from the earth in a violent purge doesn't happen without global nuclear war happening first. The solution as I see it is to keep memeing them until Jewish kvetching on a critique against the goy is laughed at universally. I see them now getting BTFO on social media and laughed at when they try to invoke the holocaust because it has already been turned into a MEME by our own collective efforts. On Twitter and on these youtube debate things they've been having lately, I regularly now see Jews getting laughed out of the conversation even. These young gen z kids have such low expectations that they just don't give a fuck about any of this shit that a boomer would be quaking in their boots over offending a heeb. So yeah that's the solution as I see it. Death by a thousand cuts of ridicule, sort of like how they played the long game with us. These Jews are getting sloppy too I can feel it. They're not of the same caliber as the ones that took our shit over 100 years ago.
I would't trust those results if I were you, user. For thousands of years there were strict laws for Jews to interbreed with goyim that have only relaxed in the past ~100 years as diaspora Jews have infiltrated the Western world. The other thing is that a lot of these DNA tests will use alleles common to more than one group and as 23andMe are owned by Jews, they tend to go with whatever is the most "diversity" possibility for that allele. I've seen a lot of people getting like 1% Ashkenazim on their DNA test and it is my belief they are doing that intentionally as one more psychological barrier to prevent another shoah. FFS (((Sergei Brin))) and his also Jewish wife who is the sister of the Jewish CEO of Youtube owns 23andMe.
I wonder how the Madagascar plan would have worked on a long run. Having a whole ethnicity on a island under SS moderation. It could have worked at start but like OP said it takes only one faggot. So there should have been a population control in effect lowering jewish numbers until they go extinct. This as a humanitarian way but that would probably take too long and every day with the jews is a risk.
Dylan Barnes
This thread will be closed by mods, you will be reported to the FBI along with a ban. Sad but true.
Nicholas Williams
Well I look Jewy so it's probably true. If prefer not to die though so I wouldn't fight for a Holocaust that would kill me.
Lol yeah bullshit. Shut up you cuckold boar pussy.
Zachary Taylor
shhhhh quiet silent slowly....
Adrian Fisher
Meanwhile you give no fucks about the constant threats to genocide whites. Fuck off.
Anthony Torres
A good first step is undermining their influence. We have to destroy their grips on media, law, academia, finance, politics, and art.
Elijah Wilson
It is the time for cleansing. It is the time for wrath. The international jew is the ultimate parasite and must become a footnote in the history books.
Michael Morgan
The Jews are not killing anyone (well, yeah, Palestine, I know) they are not putting white people into concentration camps. Yet they are winning, they are actively and successfully putting the white race into extinction. All it takes for them is to use their brains. To lie, deceit, etc. Why not use the same weapon against them?
Matthew Moore
They have been responsible for every single war since the Seleucids. Nobody wants to blame them even throughout history but I know the truth. If it wasn't for the internet that literal Jews used to make money, we wouldn't have been able to see their fully fledged evils.
Xavier Powell
Could be fake news of course, but didn't they actually admit to doing that? That whole 1% jew thing.
Robert Wright
You know your subhuman kind don’t belong on this board much less this earth. Fuck off, we’re full.
Shut the fuck up you newfag cunts. Terry has always known about Jews and he posted on Jow Forums a bunch, stop posting memes of him you newfag.
Carter Thompson
Our IQs aren’t as high as theirs. Higher IQ populations will always dominate and subvert lower IQ populations.
Jeremiah Morales
Do you want the kikes to come back in the future and for future generations of white children to have to deal with the same shit to we’re dealing with now? The kikes have done this time and time again throughout history and despite being physically removed and kicked out of every nation they’ve been in throughout history, they continue to come back worse than before. Do you really want that to happen again?
Evan Nelson
You'd be making a big mistake. I believe that when God cursed the Jews to make them hated among all peoples and a pestilence, he did not retract his initial blessing which was to bring ruin on all who harm them.
From a Christian standpoint all we can do is cast them out, but not to kill them
Brody Ward
I have heard about that video and searched for it but haven't been able to find it myself. Not yet anyway. They probably shoahed whatever the first upload to youtube was. I believe it though. I'm a 6'2" blonde guy with blue eyes and they gave me 1.4% Ashkenazi lol. It just doesn't make sense. Most of the Jew-goyim mixing would have happened in the last 100-150 years and if that was the case, you wouldn't be getting all these people that are like 1% Jew. You'd be getting people that were like 30 and 40%.
But realistically there should be enough high IQ whites that if they were all racially aware they could subvert Jews since whites are much more numerous
Jeremiah Mitchell
That still solves fucking nothing. They will still be here to subvert and destroy our nations from within regardless of being a joke.
I hate Jews for what they've done to whites but I come first and I'm not about to fight for the white race just to be killed for having a trace amount of Jew blood.
Noah Cox
But yet I've only used my Jewing to the benefit of white men.
Gabriel Nelson
>Actually have a solution, a final solution, means that you’re a spook.
>They have been responsible for every single war since the Seleucids Aren't you forgetting their escapades in the 12 Century BC? They were known as the Shekelesh back then.
Why are you mad chang? is it because the aussie women laugh at your micropenis? I mean i can't even imagine cirucmcision on something so small
Cooper Wilson
You can tell alot by the browls oldest species will have hawk beaks not flat noses or ant eyes from spying. Go home we waz kings go home
Michael Sullivan
Not exactly. They were exposed for putting 2% black DNA results on many white people’s test results for some (((progressive))) reason. But who’s to say that if they can do that, they wouldn’t add on kike DNA as well.
Samuel Gonzalez
Because you are selfish
Angel Anderson
I'm not saying it's the perfect solution. If you can become the president and be charismatic enough to convince everyone to wipe out the Jews globally or someone that can, I think that would be great. I just don't see it as feasible. I think it's more realizable to get 90% of the goyim to see Jews as a rat-like race of snakes trying to subvert their societies at every turn, basically how the Muslims view Jews. I see that as a distinct possibility to happen within the next 5-10 years much moreso than I see the possibility of the Jews being exterminated somehow within the next 500 years.
Let me put it this way: Who wants to destroy the Jews? Who wants to grind their bones into the dust? And who wants to see them rise again? Wealthier, more successful, powerful, cultured, more intelligent than ever? Then you know what we have to do? We have to love 'em. What? Did he say ''Love the Jews''? It's strange, I know. But with these people, nothing is simple. The Jew says all he wants is to be left alone to study his Torah... do a little business... fornicate with his oversexed wife,but it's not true. He wants to be hated. He longs for our scorn. He clings to it, as if it were the very core of his being. If Hitler had not existed, the Jews would've invented him. For without such hatred, the so-called Chosen People would vanish from the earth. And this reveals a terrible truth and the crux of our problem as Nazis. The worse the Jews are treated, the stronger they become. Egyptian slavery made them a nation. The pogroms hardened them. Auschwitz gave birth to the state of Israel. Suffering, it seems, is the very crucible of their genius. So, if the Jews are,as one of their own has said... a people who will not take ''yes'' for an answer... let us say ''yes'' to them. They thrive on opposition. Let us cease to oppose them. The only way to annihilate this insidious people once and for all... is to open our arms, invite them into our homes... and embrace them. Only then will they vanish into assimilation, normality and love. But we cannot pretend. The Jew is nothing if not clever.
Grayson Murphy
>If you hate kikes and you actually have a solution, a final solution, you’re a kike.
The only Final Solution for the Jews is the Final Judgment. Their father is the prince of this world, and he yet reigns, but they are wrong in judgment for the prince of this world is judged.
Thomas Sanchez
I think what they're doing is giving everyone with a substantial amount of Eastern Euro DNA like 1% Jew tossed in there. I've done one and I know ~15 others that have, and everyone that has any substantial amount of slav in them gets ~1% Ashkenazi. I don't think it's real though due to Jewish marriage laws and how consistent that very low number is. If it were real you'd be getting a range of % from 1-5-10-20-30, etc. Not everyone with this very low percentage when the Jewish disaspora only relaxed themselves on breeding with the goy in the last ~100 years or so. What they're doing is picking a particular allele that Jews have and also another group has and designating it as Jewish.