Breaking Schumer rejects GOP plan to reunite families at the border

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Tuesday dismissed a legislative proposal backed by Republican leaders to keep immigrant families together at the border, arguing that President Trump could fix the problem more easily with a flick of his pen.

“There are so many obstacles to legislation and when the president can do it with his own pen, it makes no sense,” Schumer told reporters. “Legislation is not the way to go here when it’s so easy for the president to sign it.”

Asked if that meant Democrats would not support a bill backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to keep immigrant families together while seeking asylum on the U.S. border, Schumer said they want to keep the focus on Trump.

>Complete admission that this is all to get back at Trump. And has nothing to do with them caring about immigrant children

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They womped themselves on this one. Obama started the policy they're complaining about, and they just refused to end it.

But the bill asks for border wall funding. They will end this if it's a clean bill, not holding the kids hostage for political leverage.

McConnel needs to kill the filibuster

Because Jews need this crisis to try to meme a civil war/distract form the IG report. There's more IG shit coming out this week.

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If there is a wall, it will fix ever having to deal with this situation in the future.

Why do you only want a band-aid fix?

did they support israel's wall? then why can't we have one?

McConnell is a cuckservative that probably is trying to undermine Trump.

>Legislation is not the way to go here when it’s so easy for the president to sign it
What the fuck is this kike going on about?

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1) The bill was BS, Trump should just sign an executive order (he literally does not have the authority to do this).

2) But the Dems proposed a bill as well!

3) The Cruz bill was "propoganda" and the Dems shouldn't have to sign a bill anyways.

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Instead of throwing the parents in jail I'm sure he wants Trump to let them into the country free to go like Obama did.

More right wing projections. The conservatives really are panicking. The whole world is watching you nazis.

True, but that's a separate issue. To tie it to this issue means the left has the win in the public's eye.

(((Clean bill)))
Who do you work for?

that appears to be a wall of digits

The babies will just climb over the wall didn't you see that pool vid?

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McConnell can't because that requires 51 votes, and there are anywhere from 3 to 14 cucks in the Republican senate depending on what your definition is

Q predicted this.


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Make them vote it's too important

Dude just give Trump the border wall. Isn't that a small price to pay to save the lives of all of these kids?

>muh executive order
The only other option is "catch and release" which essentially releases the family back into the US and gives them a court date to attend. Virtually none come to courts when their time comes, instead they always flee to sanctuary cities.

Democrats are unironically demanding Trump not enforce the law for "parents" of children, even if they may be child smugglers.

Pretty much this. If you ask a lib for a solution, it's just deer in headlights.

Can he really not sign an executive order?

Nice, this man speaks the truth

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