Okay guys I have an idea. I know others have suggested this already, but let’s fucking organize and get this shit done.
So the left is blowing up with this insincere “why won’t anyone think of the children!” act in regard to the illegal immigrants at the border. There is no question that in the eyes of the public Trump is losing this fight. The left is completely glossing over how releasing anyone who comes in with a child would ultimately be a massive gift to child traffickers in Latin America, among other concerns. And the GOP bill to actually resolve the problem is being stonewalled.
So here is my idea for some counter messaging. All we need to do is:
Step 1: find a picture of a black child crying as their parents are arrested (ideally for a nonviolent crime, say drug possession) Step 2: think of a fitting hashtag Step 3: bombard twitter and social media with the image(s) and make essentially this sentiment gain traction — “democracts are more worried about illegal immigrant children than American black children. If we are going to campaign to end family separation, let’s begin at home. End the drug war!”
What do you guys think? Jow Forums has successfully executed much grander schemes before (Clanton, etc.), I was there myself. If this is a shitty idea, what else can we do to turn this discourse on it’s head?
I fear if we don’t beat them at their own game then there is no hope. This is no longer a logical debate for them, so we can’t approach it logically. They have crying children now, so for them all bets are off. They’d repeal the fucking bill of rights to keep some kids fee-fees intact. There are a lot of black democrats, a lot of dumb women, etc. and I believe they would jump on this shit fast.
sounds like it has potential, the blacks would be fairly easy to turn against the dems with a little effort.
Samuel Rivera
and to be clear, the key to this counter messaging is the notion that Democrats don’t really care about (nog) children, this is just a political game for them. So they are once again using minorities as pets to gain political power, but don’t really give a fuck about them. Idk if this is a great idea so I’m open to something else, but it’s been too long since we’ve trolled the world and this faux-controversy is making me antsy.
It’s like, you care about child separation, but what about our kids? Some perhaps shitty hashtag ideas:
#whataboutourkids #blackchildrenmatter
Lmao idk guys I’m not good at this identity politics social media nonsense
If you had to work, you wouldn't have time to think this shit up.
Isaac Evans
Make sure to emphasize the rich, white, privileged nature of the Democrat elite and media who care about Mexican kids but not black kids. That really gets them going.
Gavin Price
Beautiful. Lets do it. Bump.
Eli Ward
bump, it's not bad.
Jaxon Nelson
Hudson Wright
Serves to obliquely remind the left that this is not only a consequence of law and due process but a consequence of the illegal risk these parents have taken. Really what is going on with the spic kids is a cake walk compared to niggers with crack whore mothers.
Angel Hughes
Fuck off Moshe
Dominic Cook
this has great meme potential throw in some black stats to boost the message how many black children are in the foster system? how many black children live without one or both of their parents? how many black parents are incarcerated? #keepblackfamiliestogether #blackfamiliesmatter
Brandon Cox
It's midnight after work. He's had up to 7 hours to think this over. An idea like this can come to you while taking a shit, and it might take 30 minutes clearly type this up. Not everybody is a retarded dyslexic who has to make a gantt chart in order to come up with a Jow Forums meme psyop.
Josiah Brooks
>There is no question that in the eyes of the public Trump is losing this fight Yes there is. I live on a couple-dozen msg boards and forums. I have never seen such an energized anti-immigrant base. This will again play into our hands. If you want to larp Concern Troll, go for it. Here is a better one. >What about American kids who are killed by MS13? >What about American kids whose parents had a job stolen >Why do fat Latins need to immigrate to the US? >What about fear of La Raza? >What about all the money we're spending to properly feed these families and properly process them? >What about preventing human trafficking? Being rational while the Left spergs is the winning combo now go forth.
Blake Brown
I’m having a hard time finding a suitable image or set of images . I know there are videos of families getting raided for weed arrests and shit, so I guess I’ll check around those places.
The first step may well be the hardest, but I know some people here are much better at internet sleuthing than I am. With all the nogs getting arrested for being dillaz you’d think it would be easy to find a crying baby. Still looking.....
no, there is no free speech in my country and people get hunted down for wrong opinions online.
Andrew Turner
Drop them here if you do get any gems, user.
Elijah Ward
I don’t know man, my girlfriend is pretty active on normie bastions like twitter and shit and she told me that there is a big unified chimp out about the kids. Even the so-called conservatives are out there quoting the bible and shit to virtue signal about these kids.
I would love to believe that you’re right and this will backfire on the dems but I really don’t think that is what’s happening right now. Schumer himself said they are trying to keep the focus on trump and use this issue to wreck the midterms. If the blue wave really happens, and it isn’t Hawaii dropping a fat tsunami load on the west coast, so much of what we gained in 2016 will be negated imo. Like the MS13 messaging has already been happening and it isn’t working, the left turned it around to call trump racist and (((CNN))) quoted MS13 as saying Trump is helping their recruiting efforts -_- I strongly believe that we can’t engage logically and expect to win in the current climate
Camden Lee
>Schumer himself said they are trying to keep the focus on trump and use this issue to wreck the midterms exactly, dems really, REALLY don't care about the kids...it's all about optics for them... they just want an issue/meme/pic/something to go viral that will bring in the votes for midterms so they keep their comfy govt jobs and power this will backfire on them
Caleb Reed
the political signalling on twitter/CNN etc isn't reaching the centre anymore and has shed a lot of those viewers/users. They overeached on those platforms, banned a lot of conservatives on twitter, created radicalizing hugboxes and go on constant insane propaganda spirals of victimhood and hysteria that turn people off.
Evan Sanders
Bumping again. I'll be on tomorrow and see if I can't dig through my fbi statistics on Black Children vs Hispanic Children family rates. Get them to fight each other then have the Left play referee as their pets eat each other over who is more important.
Race War but let the Spics and Nogs start it.
Adrian Gonzalez
You fucking concern troll faggots HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU SIR
>Womp Womp
Too fucking bad. Didn't work
Joseph Wood
This is smart. We could overlay the stats on the image or something. I’m still looking into suitable images and stats but id be grateful if anyone has even 10 mins to spare to help out.
Tucker Carlson already tried this exact same narrative last night, and everybody with half a critical thought saw right through it.
See, your idea of how to "convince people" is just the same tactics used on a propaganda network for people who already need hosts to justify this to THEMSELVES.
The fact that you think this is a good idea or would convince anybody of anything suggests that you have as low an IQ as the Fox News target demo that the hosts play characters for, knowingly appealing to a dying mindset's need for a 24/7 hugbox.
If this idea doesn’t gain enough steam then I will gladly concede that it wasn’t good enough. And I’ll stop bumping my own post now, barring the discovery of any pertinent information or material. Whatever kek wills...
This faggot already did far more mental gymnastics than you would manage in order to try to make this look reasonable and it came off as just as cringe-y as the Fox bitch who called them "just like summer camps."
You are not going to win anybody over with literal Fox News narrative.
I can be here, because I have been here for fucking ever, and I can namefag because this is Jow Forums and we come here to offend each other. I'm telling you that your idea is bad. If you Google Tucker Carlson right now, the top news results will all be how "well" this was received. If you want to convince the left, you can't use tired rhetoric like this. Know your enemy you faggots, how can you not see this makes the left WHITE NATIONALISTS REEE.
Landon Ross
How’s this image?
It's just another layer of security. Someone would probably have to report your post and it's easier if they already know what country you are in.
Justin Morris
Okay that’s fine, maybe you’re right. As I already implied, if it’s a bad idea then it will fail to pick up steam and die. Trust me, I won’t be offended.
don't listen to that shill asshole your idea is a sound one that's why you have a shill in your thread
Caleb Morales
Bump the huge amount of blacks in prison make stats easy to find
Jonathan Morales
Here, your work is already done for you. Just make image macros of Tucker Carlson quotes, and use infographics that have been floating around on Jow Forums since 09.
Everyone will be SHOCKED!
To be fair I used to think we were clever. And we could be, agian, if we ever were. But you guys don't learn how liberals think or what they care about, or, most importantly, what sort of lines of reasoning they are dismissive/reactionary toward.
Isaac Hall
I honestly thought you were a concern-troll shill. Look, bullying people because of emotions is the troll. >15 sad photos that will make you throw away every law. I don't think your idea is bad as long as it is to expose the Emotional Bullying this whole things is about.
Every average person is literally going to think that whoever started this got the idea directly from watching Tucker Carlson's rant on his show last night, and lefts will have their "alt-right gets all their ideas from Fox News" narrative enforced.
Alexander Hughes
OP this is a great idea. Lovin the hashtags. This The absolute state of eurofags
Anyway, OP, your idea is the best way to go. have a bump.
It's already been shared in clips all over social media, and mainstream lefty creative types that work for Fox Entertainment denounced their parent company for being associated with the News portion over literally this exact same reasoning. This is pretty widespread and publicized. There are probably ten threads about Tucker's speech on r/politics. I've seen it on normiebook.
I like to lurk in ~multiple~ places because the internet is just a bunch of echo chambers that are oblivious to each other now, you should all try it.
Okay so I just watched the Tucker segment you linked.. I think a potential difference between this and what tucker is saying is that my proposal is attempting to attack the issue from the left rather than the right.
What I mean is, tucker is primarily making the case of immigrants vs Americans. Instead tho I’m proposing that we abuse the absurdity of racial politics a bit ourselves by portraying it as immigrants vs the American black community.
So if you add the drug war stuff and frame it around race then it will be viewed as a criticism from the leftist mindset.
Juan Collins
The Seth Macfarlane thing was about his comments during another segment iirc, it was about the IG report. I didn’t watch it to be honest but he said something like “believe the opposite of what the media reports”
Daniel Sanders
well, that explains it go back to plebbit, kikebook and the other places you like to troll
Nathan Turner
Lets just drop the nuclear bomb then. lets talk about the parents permanently separated from their child due to being killed by illegal aliens.
I saw a better counter argument here but it isn't as memeable.
The fact is the kids HAVE to be separated because you don't actually know if the person they are with is a trafficker or a parent. A trafficker could be intimidating a child into answering the way they want so they can use them as human shields to break into our country illegally. Not to mention siding with a parent that would drag their kid along to commit a crime in the first place.
The left are the ones encouraging criminality like this by preventing a simple solution like a wall, or more use of federal ID on the other side to business etc. In fact Schumer had to opportunity to stop the child separation nonsense today by signing off on a bill and the DeMS-13 predictably threw it back in the R's face.
These consequences of lawlessness are squarely on the shoulders of the left, and they have no coherent plan for dealing with it other than crying on TV and screaming at the adults in the room like Trump.
Nolan Jenkins
That has been already been tried I think, but the message doesn’t get through. By framing it around racial politics/black people and how the establishment white Democrats don’t really care about minority children, the message may get through.
Then again my search for suitable material has come up pretty short. Naturally there are stats and articles about the impact of “mass incarceration” on NAPAs but we need some crying kids or something to have maximum effect. I could only find that one picture, which is amazing considering the amount of negresses getting arrested for drugs.
Facebook is for drunken arguing with people that you actually know IRL and alienating yourself further in life.
Reddit is for being able to filter between echo chambers (The_Donald, r/politics, The_Mueller) so that you understand the main talking points of the day from both sides.
Jow Forums is my home and I ain't leavin without my porn and rare pepes.
Bentley Lopez
The media is a unilateral shitshow by any standard. Throwing a lot of money around doesn't change that, it's fucking hilarious that 1% money impresses Plebbit and communist leaning lefties.
Aiden Richardson
Yeah the trafficking angle is huge and definitely a very real concern. That is a workable angle I think.
The key imo is that you can’t bring logic to a feels fight. So whatever counter messaging is attempted, it has to be based on emotion first and foremost, and logic second. Some anons have suggested the opposite though so idk
Blake Roberts
We could find pictures of all the families that were blown up in Yemen with American made arms sold by Obama.
>The key imo is that you can’t bring logic to a feels fight. So whatever counter messaging is attempted, it has to be based on emotion first and foremost, and logic second.
No you're absolutely right there. The only weapon we have on that level is MS-13 Gorepics really and I don't like dealing in that shit personally but maybe it's time to break it out with the media stooping this low to post kids crying in fake cages at a protest and Obama era cages.
>The key imo is that you can’t bring logic to a feels fight. Remember the migrant crisis?
You could start a right-wing campaign to try to get the camps shut down. Use lots of MUH TAXES etc >"Why do WE need pay to protect all these kids from THEIR countries child traffickers/gangs? Send them back now, they can live in their own shitty countries."
Brandon Mitchell
We need to really emphasize each time Trump makes a generous offer to fix this and the Dems bite the R's hand. That puts this situation further in their court due to their emotional based mismanagement.
That way all the work they've been putting in promoting crying kids sticks to them ultimately instead.
I know we can count on Trump to keep making these types of offers so meme'age along those lines would probably be the most effective as it has both a logical and emotional component that way.
Joshua King
Political Judo is always the way. Emphasize every hand the DeMS-13 have in the formation of this seperation situation.
Turn their momentum against them.
Anthony Sanders
There are already blacks that are pushing this angle or some variation of it (pic related) so I think with a bit of organization this could actually have a tangible effect.
In order to give this thought an honest shake, I’m going to try and find time to put some more effort into this, create an image summary of the plan, find some suitable material and repost tomorrow. I have a bunch of work shit tomorrow but I will try to get around to it, if not tomorrow then a couple of day later.