Best way to get Mien Kampf without being put on a watch list?

Attached: 51ArMnQ21KL.jpg (333x500, 34K)

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misspelling the title is a good start

Pirate it

if there's a list youre already on it so just own it dude.

This. Just download a pdf. Or go buy physically at a store with cash. Simple.

You're already on a list for posting this thread.

You won't get put on a watch list

>not already being on the fbi watchlist
Look out we got a newfag over here

If you’re gonna get Mein Kampf, at least get the only authorized English translation by the NSDAP: the Stalag Edition. You could buy a real copy, but I’ll just link you to a PDF instead

Attached: image.jpg (622x295, 255K)

There is no such thing as "Mien Kampf". If you are looking for "Mein Kampf" then here you go -

Read it in German if you want the extra spicy flavour

There’s also an audio version on YouTube so...

There are shitloads of servers where you can download it. Even the original first edition.
You wont be put on a watchlist.
Or simply order it. It is not banned (not even in Germonistan as of recently).
Dont be a puss.
But be warned, the book is full.of wacky stuff. National socialism has better thinkers than old Adolf. He was a hands on man, not much of a thinker. That were other nazis, i.e. Goebbels

use your mom's credit card

you're already on a list, how high up is determined by how much you know.

Make white babies. Mien kampf can wait.

That is PG for my book collection

Just buy it from Amazon you pussy they're pretty good when it comes to free speech

Lol, soon you will be on a watchlist if you DIDNT read it yet. You will have to redo some schooling because it's going to be curriculum material.

Get it on myanonamouse or something.
Or just type the title of the book + pdf into a search engine that isn’t a botnet (like google), look for the audiobook on YouTube (albeit google) or audible, or just get a physical copy from a library or any book retailer.
Also there’s no real watchlists unless you’re literally on the verge of committing some mass terror crime/ terror or cult networking, stuff like that

there's no list to be put on, unless you are in Germany where the Jews control everything you do and are systematically replacing you, your people and your culture. They are seeking revenge on the rest of Europe as well. You better read this book and quick.

tons of free websites and audio books on every platform
achrive and wayback will help you find one

too late

you don't think intel agencies monitor your web habits?