Whats with these (((hollywood))) types, they're not even hiding it anymore
Hollywood hate thread
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Fuck me.. Just look at his twitter feed. We are full on war mode with these people.
Fascinating just how obsessed kikes are with Nazis.
day of the rope when
We straight up cannot coexist with these people. There are irreconcilable differences.
Either we exterminate them or their hordes exterminate us. It's a matter of life or death. Existence or extinction.
shit needs to happen soon if we want any chance of surviving
It's fucked up man. I disagree that it's dire because i'm confident WWIII will be fought primarily with biological weapons, and in that case the urban population would be at a major disadvantage. How many water treatment plants does an average sized city have? That's a small point of failure. Your CDC had incredible weapons that could exterminate entire swaths of the Soviet Union half a century ago. Who knows what they have today.
I'm 100% confident war is coming. Your civil war was fought over far less.
"t-t-th-that's different" -ron perlman, jew
>jews are paying attention to me
I feel so special
>inb4 down syndrome joke
They say these people are family's when they have kids in tow but what documentation do they provide to prove who'd kids are who's? They could all be child traffickers for all anyone knows, or do they illegally cross borders with passports?
Did you post a fake tweet OP? Why?
War has changed
cocksucker OP edited tweets like a faggot
"that's different"
lol what a fucking jew
the biggest meme ever was the "high iq jew" meme
i'm just a farmer you faggy leaf
Wow, those people are deranged.
Fake. What's the point
These inbred fucks think its ok to have a wall in their country to rape the native people of their land, but come here and with the same mouth say we need to capitulate to foreign actors operating inside our borders.
There is one animal this resembles it is the snake saying the same thing with its forked tongue to mean different things. This man is a living example of the snake in the garden of Eden.
The time for arguments is over, calling them out and moving on is what we must do, the people will see before comments are scubbed/deleted which only shows the truth that is being hidden from them.
good to hear not all leafs are cucks
He did my confirmation