Indiana Teacher Forced to Resign Over Refusal to Use Transgender Pronouns

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How can this be happening in Penceland?

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He's gonna be rich after the lawsuit

Is this the new Jordan Peterson?

im suprised it happened in indiana


he's a public employee so I doubt it

Good for him refusing to go along with that bullshit. Schools are supposed to deal in facts.

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add a .

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Truly a based Jew

Good man.

Sweet home Indiana
Where the fields are so green
Sweet home Indiana
The only state I've ever seen

Where is big mike at?

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Stop spamming the threads fag

His head is very weirdly shaped

Parts of Indiana are very blue. South Bend and Indianapolis specifically.

My state finally does something right for a change.

No one cares if you 'believe' or not, it's a matter of science. Fuck off.


Kids think they can be batman or goku and shit, why should we pretend along with their delusions?

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Who gives a shit about gov't workers and how they feel about anything?

Science says there are only two genders, you dumb fucking idiot.

Because the NIH doesn't have reams of science data on people pretending to be Batman and Goku.

Oh, right. You still think all research is 'da Juuz', right?

"Burg" is German (Hamburg, Nuremburg, etc ) you fucking tard.
"Berg" is (((chosen people)))

They have reams of scientific data on plenty of other delusions though and none of them are treated by mutilating a patient's body

I'm so tired of these leftist religious freaks imposing their religion on people. Forcing others to deny the truth is evil.

None of the data calls them delusions, and there is no prescribed treatment of 'mutilating one's body'.

The source of your information is...suspect, at best.

The father of transgender theory and inventor of srs surgery Magnus Hirshfeld was a Jew, or is historical fact a conspiracy?

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Odd, it's usually religious people who hunker down on some inscrutable 'truth' that others must follow. Like....the one you're preaching now.

So because one person invented something (or is claimed to have invented it), then the entire procedure is wholly and only controlled by their genetic lineage?

I'm afraid I can't follow your 'reasoning'.

Nice strawman. I'm not taking away people's jobs if they don't follow my beliefs.

It's not an argument to just make up some imaginary crime.

The most outspoken advocates of transgenderism are Jewish, it stands to reason that they have some sort of interest in spreading it. Are all Jews trannies? no of course not. But as a tool for subverting cultural norms to implement communism absolutely. If they can make people deny the truth of biological reality, what other nonsense will you accept?

Literally cut off the penis and introduce unnatural substances in the body to reshape it.That is multilation.They believe they are something they could never be without these mutilations and still can't fully be. That is a mental disorder. Hell at least becoming Batman is a productive goal.

Im using delusions in a colloquial term rather than its psychiatric meaning. More accurately they would be termed as identity disorders. Sexual reassignment surgery is mutilating a person's body

It wasn't 'following our beliefs', it was following school policy. Put blame where blame goes and quit looking for scapegoats.

But biological reality is that we exist and always have, not that there is some conspiracy that 'turns people into trannies'. They're even zero'ing in on a gene cluster that's likely involved. You might catch up on science before you keep beleiving the conspiracy angle.

As for 'subverting cultural norms', FREEDOM is teh cultural norm of pertinence. For a long time we've been denied our freedom. Jews likely stand to gain from USING us, yes, but that doesn't mean that we are either at fault, nor should we be hated for it. Rather, you should recognize the injustice done to us, invite us in, then see what the Other is up to without us as a shield. Of course, that might require foresight and so isnt' very likely.

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>cut off the penis
Okay, so you have no idea how SRS works, nor do you realize thta most of us never get it
>unnatural substances
Bioidentical hormones of a hormone naturally produced by your body is hardly 'unnatural', user. Again, bad info sources.


SRS is not prescribed, although it can be voluntarily sought after a few years of treatment if dysphoria remains bad. Few of us actually get it for a multitude of reasons, though.

School policy controlled by leftist cultists who require you to deny objective reality to fit their religion.

And who exactly am I scapegoating? Are you trying to deflect that fact that the school is requiring the leftist faith to be practiced by employees?

Well you are correct, but what happens once you trannies have served your purpose? In the utopia they have planned transgender people have no purpose past the destabilization/demoralization phase. Already your cause has been thrown under the bus in favor of Islam.

>science is faith!
Oh user. I'll not even be wasting time with this one. Just remember, literally every adult needs a doctor at some point in their life. I hope you'll stand against their 'faith' when the time comes. ^^

chop off your 1-inch dick and then kill yourself.

its science.

I don't worry about what anyone has 'planned' for me user, I just want to live my life quietly, with a good husband, and a nice home. Sure, kids would be nice but that's beyond me, so I'll make do with what I can and be a good aunt for someone else. I doubt anyone who dislikes families would like that purpose for me, but again...I don't worry about what someone else may intend for me. Its not healthy.

Point me to the hard science backing up your claim. You are posturing like your religion should just be accepted without question. Social pressure doesn't work here.

Arr ye scurvy wench, ye be thinkin' ye dick nothin' but a mistake? I'll show ye a mistake when I turn ye dick into a handle to mop me poopdeck.

it's like the jews are just asking to be holocausted

That could have been possible had your kind not made it political and tried to legislate everyone to bend to your delusions, that ship has sailed though now. Passing legislation to punish those who won't bend causes people to no longer be apathetic to your plight, is not apathy better than hostility?

No, they're both german. Jews just happened to steal the second berg more than the other burg.

Critical thinking, user. How could .3% of the population do LITERALLY any of that?

The entirety of the LGBT group in America is barely enough people to swing the vote of Rhode Island if we all lived there. We have no power to force any of this. But to answer your second question, no. No one was apathetic - they were hostile af and have been for as long as there's been an America. Kind of disingenuous to pretend everyone just sort of didn't care when it's quite obvious that wasn't true at all.

There are few exceptions when memeflags are acceptable, i feel roleplay shitposting is among them

nordbot got shut down faster than this faggot, but mods totally aren't compromised guise XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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i miss indiana sometimes. them cornfed ypipo are based as fuck