Why is this picture passed around so much even know it turns out the pics were all taken on the same day...

Why is this picture passed around so much even know it turns out the pics were all taken on the same day. What actual proof do you have that cnn fakes stuff, I couldn't google for anything

Attached: bfqdV.jpg (640x640, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1521995781474m.jpg (683x1024, 85K)

Sounds like some nigger serial killer been accused of somfin he dindu.

yea haha just trolling ahah yeah. no but rly

We have a corporate controlled media. It prints news stories for their benefit, not yours. Everyone knows this. Shills like you simply cherry pick and deny, but in their heart all Americans know you're #FAKENEWS.

oh... and sage

I'm just looking for some good zinger proof that it's fake. The pic I posted would have you believe that until you research it furhter

Lol didn't even dress her differently

Because it's the same event not separate dates, unless im wrong?

Coz they tried that shit during our elections in 2013...
>lemme look for sauce

pls do

There's also this, but doesn't really prove anything ground breaking just proves they're lazy af

Attached: article-2321671-19B00210000005DC-305_634x382[1].jpg (634x382, 55K)



Really makes you think

So you're saying the kenyan people said that the crisis they were showing in my OP didn't happen at all?

I wish the pic would say that instead of trying to say it's three diff events faked

This is a nice 1, how creepy and this is local news right? the one where it's presumed to not be mass controlled and ... local?

No you fag, I'm talking about CNN faking news stories in our country just to sow discord and create a crisis they can report on.
Journalistic integrity seems like an anathema to these fucking faggots.

I cannot even tell how many different news channels are included in that video.

But they totally dont all say the same thing

Oh yea CNN is totally not full of shit or anything....

Attached: 1488092323285.jpg (720x960, 56K)

I know they're full of shit but I'm looking for evidence that they full on stage things and fake things

You'd think they'd at least change the girl's outfit.

Attached: image.jpg (1024x1014, 238K)


Attached: 1523424338668-pol.webm (318x180, 2.09M)


Attached: 1523424436886-pol.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

this is what i was looking for. is there sound versions

Mind = blown

Has "da media" actually pushed this as an example of kids in cages? Or just dipshit libs on social media? I think you know the answer.

Don't have it. But this one adds more to the ambulance car boy fake

What's this one of? Can I get context?