>shoot big, rare animal
>let it rot in the savannah
Why? Just shoot a deer instead and eat it ffs
Why do americans do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hunting is a wholesome activity it's fun and there's nothing wrong with it, get a life. Only effeminate men are opposed to shooting animals, they are worthless.
poor people will never understand the feel of BTFO'ing an exotic animal
This is from that same website that tried to push a fake lion revenge video as real a few years ago
So you know this shit is fake also
>asks Jow Forums about legally killing a rare african and posing with it
What do you do with your excess UBS money? seems like a good option to me
If you think killing for sport is fine, then you can't even call yourself an outdoorsman. Real men know and about nature and respect it.
it's a world power thing, you just wouldn't understand...
These animals that are shot are usually old and/or diseased and need to be taken out, or in parks designated for hunting. Fucking peta fag...
>let it rot in the savannah
It will feed local scavenger like hyenas or bushmen.
there's absolutely no proof that thing is even dead in that pic, or real for that matter
You liberals don't give a fuck about nature conservation.
Game hunting is probably the most profitable enterprise you can do with these animals, and it is the only thing that puts a large economic incentive on these countries actually having these animals.
What is more, is that elephants have a huge natural habitat, when constrained by the boundaries put up, they have rapid population increases. The Kruger park for example would take up half the land area of your shitty country, yet it isn't big enough to support the natural populations of these animals. Hunting and controlled culling is therefore vital to the conservation of the ecosystems that are designated for conservation. And yet you have retarded liberals in the West like yourself and Barack Obama telling everyone that you can't export parts of the dead elephants that must be killed.
You can personally not like hunting whilst still recognising it's necessity to the survival of the ecosystems it is is involved with.
Big game "hunting" isn't hunting. It's all planned out for them by other people and the one they kill is premarked .
>you can't even call yourself an outdoorsman
I don't.
Big game hunting funds wild life preservation organizations and the meat is given to local villagers. You are either completely mistaken or an out right liar.
shes actually british
>nigger spotted
"The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot."
I know they aren't as great as they could be, but they aren't that fucking rare.
self defense
Some people are so out of touch with the nature that they dont understand how the circle of life goes.
If something dies in the wild, some other will live because of its corpse.
I come from a family of big game hunters and there is absolutely nothing wrong with murdering animals as long as it's for the consumption of you and your loved ones/community.
tldr: you kill it you grill it
That giraffe was a pussy
I bet giraffe tastes delicious.
Stupid whore.
that chick is british but its good knowing the swiss are fucking retarded and cant into research
So many cultural supremacists think that animals in their own country are just normal animals to be hit by a car shot or poisoned, but animals in another country are mysterious rare and exotic. Check your privilege
Why do cucks give so much of a shit about what happens in other countries? It's not your business faggot, mind your own
No such thing as a British outdoorsman, they're all soft cunts
only correct response.
Don't talk shit on elephants, faggot
so much sick itt
>No desire to travel across the world and hunt the largest beasts on the planet
jesus christ I guess all the high T yuropoors died in the war.
Killed by white look who is there for the spoils....
Because it's still illegal to hunt two-legged animals.
>shoot big, rare animal
lol no.
They don't rot, they are fed to the local tribes.
Is that a zebra tiger? What is going on in the wild? Animal racemixing is absolutely degenerate
I'm not a regular on Jow Forums what the fuck are these bullshit "premade" threads?
The fuck you talking about brit? You guys don't even have guns so how can you know how shooting an animal is like?
But yes it's fun shooting deer. What's not fun is shooting something that isn't a pest that's eating forest vegetation to extraordinary shit.
Plus deer jerky is amazing.
it's a rare liger
>Eating an animal after killing it
>Taking a selfie of an animal you killed