Fuck FUCK i hate my state

Fuck FUCK i hate my state
fuck colorado

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We've got some really cucked politicians

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Cool, do I get to join the union army or does state resources mean what I think it means, which is nothing

> i dont want to win my re election in a republican state

All this posturing will go against them eventually, people in California are pissed.

I’d say this coy all change in November but we’re still getting a faggy leftist as the new governor, thank the Californians for that

Democrats starting a civil war over something they did themselves.

I bet all of the officials who are pulling out were the ones who voted yay on the policy in the first place.

TFW live in Tennessee, live comfy, work 4hrs a day 5x a week, still live comfy, live in 98% white community, live comfy, live surrounded by redpilled guntoting rednecks, live comfy

Worse than that, the policy is dealing with kids already separated from their families. We have done near jack shit to make that worse. Mexican families are breaking themselves up and calling for human rights abuses against us to the media.

wouldnt blocking resources just make the living condition of the kids worse?

liberate massachusetts.
and rhode island.
i'm sick of seeing 30-40 illegals paid cash everyweek. while getting their prov city gibs.

Good news, everyone!

There are some exceptions to posse comitatus. One of them is when local law enforcement cannot or will not enforce the law. In that case the military is allowed to step in.

So yes, if state and local authorities refuse to do their job, Trump absolutely can send in the United States military to patrol the border and arrest people.

They are playing right into his hands.

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Fuck my shitty fucking liberal state of Connecticut is in there. Of course it is.


when is he going to declare martial law?

Wait a minute North Carolina is part of it now.

Virginia can only be saved if the day of the WOMP starts soon

sounds quite nice

Vote for Walker Stapleton for our governor then.
Colorado is only blue by a cunt hair. Transplants don't realize that it's a purple state.

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>gay jew who adopted 2 sons with his husband
>one of the richest congress person who has close to half a billion net worth
>everything he has done and his parents have been purely motivated by greed and to make money
>favored to win and only person who might beat him is the cousin of George Bush, Walker Stapleton who also comes from generational wealth in one of the richest and most well known colorado elite families.


Hickenlooper was at Bilderberg this year too. Hes destined for big things, might be vice president with the DNC candidate in 2020

I cant wait to fucking vote out Raimondo here in Rhode Island. This fucking bitch has ruined this state. She just signed in a law to give illegals licences and plans on flooding my college with Syrian migrants by 2020. (Reapropriation from the general fund to give them brand new housing on campus and free tuition) I only hope Fung can fix this shithole. But I doubt it.

Kinda surprised PA didnt join due to Tom Wolfe.

>new york
heh, nice try, who says we need to even care about this shit when they all run to canada anyways. Gotta love having cuck trudeau next door.

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Says the VPN North Korean faggot.

Think about this
Trump created a New branch of the military
New branch isn't bound by the posse comitatus act of 1878. The United states space force secures our border. Lmao what timeline is this again?

We are saved. We just have to wait a little bit. We won the election

Roy Cooper is a piece of shit Democrat governor of NC going along with the plan. My nephew goes to a school that is 80 percent Mexicans because of shit like this. When can we start fighting back.

Did we now?

I thought the state midterm hasn't gone full swing yet

But they supported Obama doing the same thing but at twice the rate? It is practically a joke at this point. Someone who actually knows how to strategize could be the second George Washington


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> states far from the border refuse to allocate border resources

really makes me think

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They can reunite in Mexico.

Maryland here, the cuckening feels bad.

Colorado is the best state by far, Boulder is a white paradise

tis fren, tis

I live in Virginia and honestly maybe it needs to get womped. Its a fucking nog party

checked. nice dubbs mr. hansen

Having a few white havens in your country doesn't mean shit. We need to finally say enough is enough at some point.

But we really don’t, we’ll never have minorities because we keep outpricing them. That’s the new form of segregation and it’s completely legal.

NC is bean town in the middle.

>nigger mayor of Denver
>illegals fucking everywhere
>scumbag leftists flooding in from all over the country for dudeweedlmao
>CA transplants fleeing the trashfire they made of their state and voting to turn ours into the mess they left
I fucking hate this place

It's happening everywhere my state is getting them too. They fuck their state up and run to our beaches. If I see one more pastel colored house in going to lose my mind.

Yes Colorado is the worst!
Let's all move to another state!

Not only that since they started coming to NC heroin is making a huge comeback also fentanyl.

They bring all their drug addict kids here and their nigger boyfriends. The crystal coast has beautiful white sand beaches ant they're fucking it up.

Me too, thinking about straight up entering the political world city level right now, Denver burbs have only retired cuck boomerfags running

Fucking commiefornia pieces of shit.

it means the national guard, who were just there digging holes because they have nothing else to do. it was an optics move when the caravan was coming to the border. he couldn't do shit so he asked for states to deploy the national guard, most never even sent anyone and the ones that did go weren't allowed to really do anything related to the border.

it changes nothing since the states have no authority over border control. it just outs those who are willing to take it seriously and those weak on immigration.

I agree you guys, it does suck here. We should all move to anywhere else.


It’s a shit hole annon. I left for comfy Arizona waiting to shoot some spics with my spoopy assault rifle 15.

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I hear that South Carolina is great. We should all move there!

Minnesota just pulled the National Guard back too.

And to think I used to complain about Roy Romer...fuck me.

I'm trying to get back sometime this year, so there'll be at least one more drop of red...

It's really ironic when you find yourself missing Wellington Webb...

>new york
always fucked over by the city. why haven't they split into two different states

I'm glad you made it out. My entire family is planning an exodus.

I don't understand this bullshit about how it's a violation of human rights to separate the children from the parents.
By that logic, you can't send anyone to jail who has kids....

yeah boulder is where all the self hating whites live and bitch about minorities being oppressed by them despite living in majority white areas

colorado is cucked by freemasons, not even joking they love to flaunt it everywhere.

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Nah he's right. You are a kike for blaming North Korea instead of the jews. They are a poor country that eats vegetables and grass to survive while the kikes in hollywood make millions of dollars an hour for nothing. We know who the real enemy is KIKE.

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(((((((((Jared Polis)))))))))

This user knows what's up

NYfag here.

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It's a pocket of CA refugees that fled when they fucked the state up.

Can we do anything about this shit

I'm praying for open conflict civil war. I'm so sick of this shit. Especially the coastal cities. I want to end this banana republic.

Don't you see what's happening? They're going to impeach Rosenstein end of week.

National Guard would be used to quell the riots. Blue states are trying to stop the dominos from falling.