DC insider here. There will be war over the weekend.
Trump to fire Mueller and Session on Friday
>Trump to fire Mueller and Session on Friday
oh you
Well that is one way to lose your job and not get a letter of rec.
>ever being rational
This is a tweet from today from Trump's 2020 campaign manager.
The IG report gives Trump momemtum, it's now or never. Cohen is cooperating with the feds. Trump know his time is limited.
Every president since at least Bush sr. has had a court magician. They are the ones in charge of the putting up magical defenses and wards to psychic attacks. Especially Bush jr. was vicious, where any astral attack was countered 3-fold. Even mentally projecting a middle finger would turn ones stomach.
Well... I don't know why. But Trump does not have one. I mean, even Lady Gaga has one, and she is not cursed as often as a US president is.
You'd not yell "fuck you!" to Bush jr. or Putin and not drop dead of a heart attack while jogging in under 6 days. Trump is taking it rawdog-style. Makes you wonder what kind of higher-level Moloch magic he is harvesting.
Trump has millions of Christian followers.
He is well protected.
>his time is limited.
says increasingly nervous man for the 100th time
he doesn't drink
and he's INTJ in spades
meaning what, exactly? cohen is cooperating with the feds, but cooperation doesn't mean they have the proof their little raid was looking for. Hell, the Obama SC nominee Merrick Garland threw manafort in jail to pressure him into turning over any goods on Trump, but it's like trying to get blood from a stone.
>Makes you wonder what kind of higher-level Moloch magic he is harvesting.
He survives solely off liberal tears
what are they calling rudy a piece of shit for?
Fuck off, Bush Jr had Arabs throwing shoes at him during a press conference.
>That based guy with the flag and the Trump button blowing kisses right next to all the deranged leftists.
Giuliani *snapped for his cringe collection* lmao
>Cohen is cooperating with the feds.
Quality post. Might I ask how you know so much?
Womp Womp
X gon give it to you
a delicia told him all that stuff. You know, this is how this works.
>Grab the delicia monkey.
>Ask him a question and then chop his head.
>Boil it on the original delicia sauce
>Eat all the delicia and go to sleep.
>In your dreams the monkey will tell you the answer to the question asked before the ritual.
>Trump gets rid of an arguably unconstitutional special council that is obviously politically motivated and totally corrupt per IG report
>This is within his right to do as president
>Lefites rebel and start being traitors
>get completely crushed and liquidated from american life
I hope you are right fag, this country would be saved
I think Don only gets stronger the more hate is thrown at him
Just like flynn and manafort
oh...wait !
Naturally, it's because the left has all the intelligent, cultured, top-tier people and the right has the rural and suburban retards. Rachael Maddow told me so.
I just want him to rip off the band aid. He disagrees with almost everything Jeff Sessions does besides immigration. The Russian Investigation is pure bullshit and been proven time and time again. Just fucking do it already.
Not gonna happen faggot
liberals avoid guns like a literal plague, and the one's who don't have the skills of the GOP baseball shooter, so he'll be fine.
>Still called him president
Lol what a coward