The real truth of america

> you have a country created by whites. some of those whites had slaves. those slaves lived better than any african ever did.
> mexicans literally jumping into the country illegally, just so they can be apart of the white mans country
> both blacks and mexicans actively try to destroy everything the white man gave them. and you have tens of millions of people actively rooting for the destruction of their own country (white liberals).
> hitler is gone. trump is the closest thing we will ever have to him.

i wonder what would have happened if hillary won. i wonder what will happen once trump gets out of office. america may not last after trump.

the real truth is this: trump may have to stay forever. Trump may have to declare martial law and start getting shit done NOW. And he will have to stay in power, forever.

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that's what i was thinking too. nobody is going to enforce the border after Trump, seeing how much the media attacks them. only Trump can withstand it. after he goes, so does America.

>trump is hitler goys
read culture of critique if you want the real truth. Fuck your zionist president.

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My opinion is the same.

Trump will have to become the Byzantine despot we need.

A kike is like Hitler?

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but the mainstream media told them, so it must be true.

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Trump is too old, he needs to pass the torch. Hopefully he will be able to activate somebody's almonds to take up his mantle.. like a Patrick Little-esque candidate that carries on the MAGA spirit.
Unless we just pickle Trumps head like Nixon in Futurama.

>Trump may have to declare martial law and start getting shit done NOW. And he will have to stay in power, forever.
You rightwingers are so fucking retarded lol "muh marshal law" lol... a republican is going to declare Marshall law and its ok with guys but when you retards think a democrat is going to declare Marshall law its the end of world or the end of america AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA remember JADE HELM lol

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The world is going to get very interesting the next 15 years as minorities increase and boomers decrease. I fully expect legit reparations laws and anti white taxes within 15 years

RINO cuck

thats because democrats arent real americans

the pendulum swings harder each election. we are perceived far right, even though are policies are more center right. since no one cares about facts anymore, the media can just make stuff up. the next left party will be so far left. that is why trump is our last hope.

>thinking any of this will last until 2020
I'll eat my hat if it does. Literally. I'll find a hat and try to eat the damn thing on a live stream. None of this will last much longer.

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i wonder how other countries felt before they were ultimately destroyed from within.

What would stop it before 2020? You don't realize the power of breads and circuses. As long as people can eat and watch game of thrones they don't care. I literally think the world ends when game of thrones ends

>thats because democrats arent real americans
Lol republicans are the biggest fucking liars. Did you forget how many stupid shit republican have done? And whats worst they hide it using "muh patriotism" crap. Bush confiscated guns during hurricane katrina. He also allowed black water mercenaries is u.s soil. So dont give me that crap. Democrats are slime balls too but rightwingers take it to another level and whats worst they use Christianity as means to justify it.

You didn't refute him though

you sound black. so let me break this down for you since you talk too much.

trump is not a democrat or republican. he simply had to play the game as a republican for the normies.

we dont like democrats or republicans. they are the ones who created this entire mess. the jews are the ones who play both sides. both republicans and democrats are pedophile satanists that do child sacrifices.

but, you will always vote democrat to get your free gibs like the slave you are. i bet you watch CNN also. i can tell you are a boomer or black

>Muh jews
Trump loves jews. He married his whole into a jewish families. A bunch of retards over here.

Can you do anything but whataboutisms? Is that your only setting?


that has nothing to do with what i said. reread what i typed.

jidf, boomer, or hes a triggered nigger that is new to pol

it may be the only way. and pol may be seriously the last bastion of freedom

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trump is going to btf out of the deep state.