Is the US close to civil war?

whoever is controlling the left is really cracking the whip.

>media with this child separation bullshit
>Nielson being mobbed by a paid protestors

today was especially bad.. are we close?

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Probably will start in 6 years, but it is definitely going to happen. Race war is inevitable.

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>its war

I love you Tuck but come on. Its been war for a long fucking time.

the left has become almost feral. it's fucking weird. they're all going crazy in unison.

Wikipedia offically added the migrant dentention centers to their list of concentration camps with locked editing. the media is going to start telling people that they are genociding people at these places wjth no proof and people will believe it and start civil unrest attacking conservatives and border agents.

Its the starting phase, when Trump gets reelected the Democrats will pull a 1861.

Even if you were it would be very short and uninteresting. Libs and the left would capitulate after 2 weeks.

The levels of Syrian Civil War fighting, street to street clashes, fights in will never happen.

Thank god I have 6 years to work on my cardio and accuracy.

I'm not sure if Trump is a lock. not because he won't get the votes, but because (((they))) will do anything and everything to get and keep him out.

I feel like his term now is a " now or never" thing. this is the only chance we'll get to save this country

Better start today (if you haven’t) should be 6+2 years
Volunteer brigades coming to uphold democracy soon brothers. Or at least merchant log support

I honestly think it's some sort of mkultra spinoff that they're going through. I have never heard of a phenomenon like the leftists in America happening in history.

if you haven't bought a gun, I'd do so now. I'd also say if you live in a left leaning area, get out.

better sooner then later before our traitors within destroy us

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It won't come until after one more democrat presidency. Trump is going to be reelected, so that gets us until 2024. After that, is MAY still be possible for the republicans to win if the dems nominate a far far leftists before the country is ready (demographics haven't shifted enough). That could get us until 2028 or 2032.

However, by 2032, we are pretty much guaranteed to reach the demographic rubicon, and a overtly far-left brown lesbian can get elected president. The Senate may still be Republican for quite some time, but the executive branch can still do serious damage. Boomers will begin to die off, and you'll see a huge transfer of white wealth as their reverse mortgages and debts get called in. Whites will become much less economically dominant (Jews will remain so).

That administration will end around 2036 to 2040. At that point, you'll see the first presidential election since the civil war where half the country may not accept the outcome and allow a peaceful transfer of power.

I think we have about 20 more years before the country becomes truly ungovernable through normal democratic means, and procedural norms. At that point, the government will begin to use more and more overtly authoritarian methods to maintain control. That's when people will start to revolt. Also, by that time, the Southwest will become to secede from the rest of the country. The belt from California to Texas is going to become less and less cooperative with federal authority. It's going to become an ethnic war that will morph into a 2nd American-Mexican war as the border states become fully converged by Latin demographics, and allow Mexico to flood in unopposed--possibly worsened by an eventually communist government in Mexico that will create a Venezuela type situation, and an accompanying refugee flood.


Attached: 1525725822022.png (780x542, 308K) 2032 at the earliest, 2040 at the latest.

6 days fool.. under week some one gets shot be ready.


about half the country likes trump

1/4 doesn't like him, but not seriously just politically

1/4 is a bunch of retards screeching on social media about whatever they are told to screech about.

I'm ready. If it breaks out I'm prepared.
And any of you cunts that join my squad get a dust+vapor gasmask free.

I would be for the best, one violent outburst to cut out a Marxist cancer thats been eating at us for a century

ehh it's more than screeching. they're getting more aggressive.

Not really, heated retoric and sporadic clashes by the more radicals of both groups is the near future.

civl war means people with tanks, jets, aircraft carriers and destroyers against pitchforks and assault rifles.

Loved this game. Excellent for simulating the removal of degeneracy.

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definitely feel the same, this is how every war begins in the past.

Trump is a jewish puppet, The left are also jewish controlled. It's a way of destabilising the west.

let them

They will find that their arent really that many insane far left revolutionaries and the entire force of the US military, police and gun owning americans are against them

I wonder if college curriculums and extracurricular activities were guided by alphabets in order to MK ULTRA

You don't understand how demographics in America work mate.

Truepost. Big brain says civil war 2050. Have white kids and teach them to lift and shoot.

Just wait until a California governor mobilizes his State's National Guard to resist federal law enforcement officers. It going to happen sooner or later. That State has been colonized by California. Only a historically illiterate person could think that won't produce international-level political consequences.

I'm down to put the fear of Womp Womp into them

I dunno.. take the police, they have shown in some instances that they're corrupt. like Charlottesville for example

And you don't understand how the electoral college works.

Given how they have no logic to stand on, and they cling to their beliefs even more than people who have echo chambers do, I'd be inclined to agree.

The "left" really just means those still under the influence of the old social control system like TV and the boomer worldview

that would be my guess

qui gasslighting american right wingers encompass 98% of the 400 million owned firearms. We compose most of the military and the police.

the lefties would be rightfully slaughtered

that's also something to be concerned about. what will the white race population look like by then?

when the 2nd amendment gets removed from the bill of rights
that will cause some shit

Civil war is coming. Get your firearms and plenty of ammunition ready. Stockpile lots of food and medical supplies. And don't be afraid of getting shot. Yes, it's painful, but not half as bad as the movies make it out to be. I was shot twice with a 9mm and obviously it didn't kill me. It didn't even knock me down. You should be carrying a .45 handgun like a 1911 as your sidearm. In close quarters you'll be able to take down larger opponents with fewer shots and actually kill or incapacitate them.

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Honestly, if we have civil war here, so be it. The people with Americana views have all the guns. If a second war happens, it will be bloody but we will win. Couple this with the fact that if we were to have a civil war, the world economy could very well collapse, therefore fucking the rest of the world and, to be honest, good riddance to them.

>Hey kid, get shot like me

This is inline with everything i have seen as well. Bank on low level conflict of riots and violent protest clashes as we ramp up to the target year range.

Nah, at worst there will be a few riots that'll lead to more eroded liberties.

We are not at the peak yet, there needs to be years of serious build up. Do not rush this. If it gets pushed too soon, we will sputter our before the point of critical mass is reached.

You are insane, America has an aging population. These midterms really do decide what will happen. It is becoming more and more obvious every year that the republican party is just becoming the majority white party in Defense of its resources from the brown masses.

If Repubs win the Senate in a blow out, we will see a chimpout of nuclear levels. This will lead to Trump's government being radicalized, and eventually mass deportation of illegal wetback.

Liberal states will try to stop them, and that's when the war will begin. This shit could be right around the corner.

Civil war going hot before 2024.

Too short though :(

>Thank god I have 6 years to work on my cardio and accuracy.

Do it now!

I am a woman. Yes, a woman and no I'm not posting my tits deal with it. Anyways I started out at 245lbs in Feb. I am now 206. That's not as much as I hoped to she'd by now, but it's progress and I have been going to the gym six days a week. Sometimes seven if I'm not busy after church.

That's the other thing. Pray! Secure your soul. This is a battle of the body and soul. You have to get in shape phsycially and spiritually. If you're not fighting AntiFa it will be Hell instead. Or both. You have the power to defeat both. Start today!


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Can you imagine various world powers taking side with each of our parties as the whole world begins importing soldiers to fight on our soil.

I don’t think much will happen. Mostly, right wingers will drink at home and left wingers will drink in bars. There will be some violence, but only if you seek it. Remember most of the left doesn’t own guns. So if you’re overheard saying something too right wing at a bar, they’ll only try and beat you up IF they think they can take you. But seriously, why would you really need to go to a bar anymore?

And that’s a good thing and it’s beautiful

So much this. Been training for awhile

I like your optimism and gumption, but you're clearly Trump-posting. The Republican party IS becoming the White Party, but the key word there is 'BECOMING'. Most of America is still boomer-tier in its thinking, whether literally boomers or not. It's still going to take some time before White Americans truly get it--and don't underestimate how thoroughly kiked the evangelical Christians are. We won't see a true awakening until someone convinces the evangelicals how much the Jews despise them and gets them to see the organizes champaign to fuck white Christians. If we can get the evangelicals to see this, the fury and anger of their response will take care of everything, and you'll see all of the things that you want to see happen. Seriously, just imagine an anti-ZOG American Evangelical establishment. Holy fuck it would be glorious.

Civil War II by Thomas Chittum is the best book on the subject.

it was written in 1997 and has predicted a lot of shit.

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This was the least motivational thing Ive ever read.

> is the US close to civil war
> civil war
> war

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That's not how it works luv. Get your funbags out and don't forget to timestamp.

Close? I dont think so. Its definitely in the air tho

Problem is you have one side who is pro gun and pro military and usually veterans vs fags who majored in lesbian dance and are offended by words

The left is pushing for a fight they will not win. I don't understand it.

I have my weapons and ammo ready for whatever

Everyone keeps saying there will be a civil war and it just ends up fizzling out.

I'm not getting any younger! Just start this shit before I am too old to fight.

They have emotions though! C'mon, that trumps a .556 to the skull, right?


Listen to this good man.

I'm more concerned about the people who are pulling their strings

What would be the point of a civil war? The right essentially already won. We own the presidency, the house, the Senate, and the supreme Court.

Theres nothing to gain from a war. We just have to actually do well enough to maintain control. The problem is right wing politicians are all corrupt as fuck, including trump. Social issues aside, if red states can't pull their own weight and the United States does worse under trump instead of better then there's no point. Media can twist things but not change reality. It's better just to evaluate if the American right can even do well enough to be in charge.

A social justice racism watch dog was just forced to quit twitter after using the platform to call out racism against white people.
The Twitter account, @RacismDog, has over 700,000 followers and spends a notable amount of its time attacking President Donald Trump. In some instances it will find acts of racism. When it points out something racist it tweets at the account by “barking” or “woofing” at them.

In a now-deleted tweet, @RacismDog called out the racism in a local ABC news report about a black woman saying she hated white people and attacked white passengers on a bus.

Yeah, man. I'm 42. Never is best, but better now than later when I'm too old.

Exactly. I am former US airborne with 2 tours of Afghanistan. Like the numerous other combat vets we know whats its like to be shot at and endure the stresses that come with that.

These kids freak out if there isn't enough black people on a tv show. How would they fight? Could you imagine them in the proverbial foxhole?


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Would you be down for killing non-combatant civilians? I don't think they intend to take up arms.

>is the US close to civil war?
No. There is political polarization, but it's very unlikely that it will lead to a war. Americans have too much to lose, and nobody wants a civil war

>I don't think they intend to take up arms.

Just wait until they fail to retake the house in November.

Should I start with 22lr to build a tolerance to bullets, or can I start off with 9mm?

I would never kill a civillian, I'd only kill lefties.

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No. I would not be down to kill non combatants. I don't even want to kill these leftist radicals. But if civil war broke out along left/right lines I aint siding with the green haired feminists and their "allies"

I want white leftists to go batshit insane. I want them to start attacking anybody who they "think" voted for Trump. I want them to attack anybody with a shaved head. I want them to riot and burn American flags on the fourth. Please give me a reason to retaliate, leftists. I beg you.

kys boomer trash. Or go buy a gun that doesn't stovepipe every time you shoot it.

You will have a war against Soros funded leftist groups on your soil, It will look alot like a race war

Europe is at 86% SJW level ( i traveled everywhere) and at 100% it will turn bloody ( islamic)

Patience, We will definitly see a war on western soil in the next 6 years.

The planet broke before the guard did!

There will be skirmishes, riots, etc. over ideologies. But full on war? Highly doubt it.

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>We own the presidency, the house, the Senate, and the supreme Court.
You have learned nothing. You own nothing.

Feels like we're teetering on the edge, the hate is strong on both sides.

I'm ready. I've got my supplies, ammo, weapons. I'm only waiting on a signal to attack the cities and blow up the bridges.

We have columns of dirt buggies with .50 cals mounted on them in order to rush in and take out police vehicles and block up the highways with cars.

Is the word given?

Please give the signal.

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People have been saying there will be a civil war for about two years now, and it's still fucking stupid. The United States isn't gonna have a civil war anytime soon. The only people that screech about the next civil war are those that want it to happen for ideological reasons.

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OOoooh no no no, For a Nord who visits here you should have known better lol, Especially considering your garbage cities in Norway and Sweden.

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm posting from an underground base in the southern hemisphere.

China just bought the LA Times

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Do you know any liberals? They had a president not long ago and they're pretty confident they'll win again soon. they hate trump but their apathy is mostly not towards conservative voters and they definitely don't want to kill anyone. There won't be a war. If there ever was I think 99% of liberals know they'd get slaughtered.

The guy that bought the la times is actually a trump supporter. Wealthiest medical practitioner in America or something, worth 10B.



Trump needs to go HAM or we are stuck with the slow bleed. Pull the fucking bandaid off now and sure a few people will die but if we wait forever it’s going to be bad.

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Jesus thats rare, My humble apologies though.

Please get out of this bubble and interact with normies. Nothing is ever going to fucking happen. Most people do not care.

>like a 1911
i absolutely love the aesthetic of the 1911, but I'd rather have a fucking hi-point in a civil war situation than a 1911, those things are a bitch to clean and take apart; they're a mechanical nightmare

Rate my war map, it would start in the US with California declaring independence from the US for human right's violations. The US would say no you can't do that and go to war.

California would call upon the mexicans to help them, and China would jump in as the financer.

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You morons still don't get that YOU are the ones who should be starting the violent uprising, and you should have started it a looong time ago.

A war is the last thing the left wants. They want the status quo. Trump is threatening the status quo, but a war is not their answer to it.

They're going to double down on their PC regime and start persecuting dissenters even more than they have in the past.

you're forgetting the millions of niggers they'd send from africa to chimp out.

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