>b-but that's not real Right-wing!
>he still believes in democracy
>Haha, he believed the eurosceptics and right wing parties are interested in citizen’s rights
Oh my God, Ari, why were you so naive?
>vote for freedom restricting filters and retarded host blaming for content
Why did this pass
Yay, even more censorship and other statist shit.
It hasn’t passed yet, they vote today. But “libertarians” have always voted for censorship and government interference in Europe
As if anyone in Europe cares about citizens.
>muh "Statism"
When will anarchists/ancaps ever learn?
Apparently from OP’s graphic the left and greens genuinely care
What would a real conservative be doing inside the European Parliament? It's a fucking charade.
Define “real conservative”
>Define “real conservative”
Not a kike puppet
The greens want to put the burden of climate change directly on the lowest class with shit like higher gass taxes, meat tax etc.
Both the greens and the left are for more immigration, and want us to pick up every african at the coast of lybia and take care of it, at the cost of your safety and money.
Meanwhile, the muslims that are imported are already using violence to silence citizens with opinions they don't like. Do the left and greens care about those citizens being harmed? no, they care about 'islamophobia'.
>Define “real conservative”
Easy: Anti-EU.
That's why it's a fucking charade.
There is no right wing in government. We aren't represented by anyone but small fringe parties/senators.
liberals aren't libertarians idiot. There are barely any libertarians in Europe.
No one believes in free speech or any freedoms. Freedom is just a weapon to use against your gullible opponents.
comservative isnt a real stance, its just a break in the relentless march to the left which gives people an illusion of control.
no no no, "freedom" is why terrorists hate us or something.
What they're doing in the European Parliament is exactly the same thing they did in the US. Two sides of the same coin playing good cop/bad cop with different policies.
Whether it's the Left who's against a certain power move (like in this case), or the Right (in the case of immigrants), the votes are just enough so that the motion passes. Then one side can pretend to be "outraged", but the damage is done.
Rinse and repeat.
yet the self proclaimed anti-EU parties like the Front National, the Lega North, UKIP and the FPOe all vote for this internet censorship law.
I want to see Nigel Farage speak out here... but no, he is 100 percent silent and will vote for this censorship law because his big media owners tell him so. Asstard.
I hate the greens, but at least they aren’t bought by the industry wanting internet censorship. In a world of “climate change tax” vs. free speech, I take free speech any day, sir.
By conservatives I mean reactionaries, which would include Third Positionists and Nationalist/Populist movements.
>relentless march to the left
Being defeatist is a great way of getting defeated.
It's all very strange indeed. But it's hard to find an explanation without veering straight into territory. I don't think the "big money" excuse quite solves the equation in this case.
>voting in Europe
my sides
You never had a vote and never will
Unless... there is something about these laws that we're failing to grasp. Some technicality.
I refuse to believe anti-EU and Nationalist parties would vote for what really amount to self-censorship.
Here in Germany bug media companies like Axel Springer have lobbied the CDU/CSU and FDP hard for years. This is why they are so pro censorship. The CDU guy Voss even said that he thinks the current way internet speech and internet culture works should be roled back to the pre 1990s world. He said he wants no more Google or Facebook or anything but some meagre gov controlled media websites, North Korea style.
>refuse to believe anti-EU and Nationalist parties would vote for what really amount to self-censorship.
Why? You really think there aren’t any lobbyists and big business people who have influence in UKIP, the FN or the Lega?
First of all you already don't have free speech, there are houses being raided because of a facebook post over there. People are being charged because they hold a opinion.
Second, try being openly critical of islam. As soon as you gained some notoriety, you'll need the 24/7 protection like Wilders or you'll end up like Theo van Gogh. I guess at least he was protected by ''free speech''.
Third, you're already paying a climate change tax, you are also already paying insanely high tax rate over just about everything you do.
If you fuckers gave us a chance once. Like our systems only fault is the military weakness. And it wouldn't be a problem if you and the commies weren't expansionist pieces of shit.
Maybe they want the EU to be shit so there's a bigger impetus to leave it. This law would be one example.
There is one thing to have a few cases of idiots being raided for Normiebook posts... and a complete different thing to tell all companies to pre-censor or shut down operations.
That's not the point. What I'm saying is that if this tool is going to be milked for all its worth (i.e. political suppression), anti-EU and Nationalist parties are the obvious targets. Why would they do something that could very well kill their own source of power, in this case Alternative Media and public fora such as this one.
That is one conspiracy theory, but it doesn’t work well. It is very easy for citizens to just see who voted for what law in the EU. It is hard for the euroskeptics and right wing to point to the tyrannical anti-free speech EU... and then have to admit that it was the left and greens who tried to block the law but the right and euroskeptics where the ones who pushed it through.
I can only speak of Austria and Germany. In Austria, the biggest source of political influence in the media is the Kronenzeitung having a 40 percent population reach. The right wing FPOe has very tight relations to that newspaper and while that paper is very anti-EU, it also is pro censorship and pro Article 13. As a result, the FPOe is also for this copyright “reform”.
In Germany, I believe the AfD is hit by all media, especially small left wing media and social media memes etc. They have an interest to shut this all down, as criticism of them would basically evaporate fast. There are also ties between the AfD and the Bildzeitung, which is highly influential among the plebs in Germany and wants Article 13 and 11 badly.
>our systems only fault is the military weakness
It's not. It's a morally bankrupt system that breeds vice and public distrust.
We had a vote once.
Just like there is a difference between being censored for your speech or being murdered for it. You're claiming the greens and left are for the citizens, i'm saying they aren't.
than again, you didn't even know the difference between a liberal and a libertarian.
I'll have to think about this. Not quite convinced, but you make some interesting points. Thanks for the polite exchange.
Vice is the same stuff that gives you happy feelings. People are bend so much they run away from what would make them happy.
And don't you think that public distrust is kinda deserved, living in current system.
You are either very ignorant or very retarded. According to your pic EFDD will vote against this. Now look up who's chair of EFDD...
>when your entire ideology depends on other people not being dicks
fucking retarded idealists
pragmatism >>>>>>>> your stupid memeshit any day of the fucking week, child
so they haven't voted
this is just more fake news
its not censoreship for particular views, its upload filters that compare every social media upload to online content to see if anyone owns it. so no screenshots movie clips hollywood memes etc. and shit when the people dont want it.
When everybody has food, sex and shelter, there's little reason to be dicks. Dicks are basically evolved to climb the hierarchies, with no hierarchies to climb they are soon extinct.
Another aspect is which countries are against this whole thing in the EU council...
EU member states backed the plans - while suggesting some changes - in the Council. However, six member states - Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Finland, Slovenia and The Netherlands - voted against.
Reda said, “This is very much a German-driven piece of legislation but the German government has actually voted it down.”
The UK gov is pro censorship... the German gov has voted against it! But unfortunately, the German conservative MEPs are spearheading the effort in direct opposition to the German government.
>just one more chance...
>Vice is the same stuff that gives you happy feelings.
That's a strange definition of vice.
I get happy feelings taking care of my daughter, is that a vice?
I get happy feelings looking at a beautiful landscape, is that a vice?
Morality is objective, in the sense that it can either nourish social welfare or completely undermine it. It's like a technology. Don't fall for the moral relativism, "God is dead" meme.
Why the fuck both sides have this illusion that the other is this solid block of agreement.
We all fight the ones closes to us mostly.
I'm absolutely befuddled by this state of affairs. European politics is a horrible mess.
>>b-but that's not real Right-wing!
"Right" is just a meme, once you call a bunch of boomer conservatives "the Right" it obviously becomes a shill fest for big companies.
There is also really nothing wrong with censorship.
People who want to conserve the cultural and ethnic heritage of their country.
Free speech is a meme issue, the right should latch onto it so they can regain the ability to speak more radical ideas, with the end goal of restricting the speech of the "left".
>I want to see Nigel Farage speak out here
Look at OPs picture, his party is the EFDD.
You want to nourish social welfare? Stop waving nazi flag, people are seriously terrified of people who can shrug off a genocide as a hoax. And terrified people tend to do unreasonable things.
P.S. I too like nature, and healthy social relations, I just things there's parts in moral norm, desinged to keep us down, more than happy.
>>I want to see Nigel Farage speak out here
Look at OPs picture, his party is the EFDD.
So why is he not convincing the ENF, his buddies? His buddies, the Front National, the Austrian FPOe, the Belgium Vlaams Block, the Lega North, the PVV and Janice Atkinson are in that group.
>still believe that the EU works for the interests of the citizens.
At this point the EU is like a simple flowchart.
>Moar niggers / sandniggers
>Yes -> vote yes
>No: Sell out voters to the highest bidder.
>So why is he not convincing the ENF, his buddies?
I don't know, maybe he is trying that right at exactly this point in time, who knows?
>When everybody has food, sex and shelter, there's little reason to be dicks.
why are the rich such cunts then?
>Dicks are basically evolved to climb the hierarchies, with no hierarchies to climb they are soon extinct.
evolution itself is a hierarchy. you can't get rid of it