When did you realize that everyone here is mentally challenged?

When did you realize that everyone here is mentally challenged?

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i realise it when i eat me potato

2012, when i came here bratu.

literally "we wuz" the country

>That video
I didn't realize "Macedonia" was still a country, nor that their military was that developed.

In answer to your question, when I read an actual book.

I think you mean greece.

Every human who has not attained enlightenment is literally retarded

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first day

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When my DNA results came back without knocking.

I realized all Macedonians are retarded subhumans when I saw this thread

How can we attain enlightenment when "we" are all still separated?

We aren't

You with the jokes? Leaf?

I am not mentally challenged, normalfags just have a hard time understanding me because they are "average".

Where is here?
Jow Forums or Macedonia?

Womp womp

Jow Forums

I mean look at this

Seriously underrated!

Me? Never...

Literally,everyone one this earth thinks macedonians were greeks except for you bulgars

when I realized you existed.

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Wake up sheeple

frig off

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What did Pajeet mean by this?

please excuse our retarded cousins.

take your meds and go back to your room FYROM.

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no u

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This webm is fucking amazing
Top pajeets

Kys tatar


Drugs are bad.

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Womp Womp

Movie is Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, just FYI. It's on Kikeflix, but it's almost 3 hours long.

back when you were a island in the med sea you were greek clay.the location was on the eastern side of the med sea semi near the coast. now that it was moved inland your just gypo faggots

>merrikan education

Thanks for proving the ops point


--- Challenge ---
Can you unlynch this nigger?
Pro-tip: You can't.

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came here to post this

HAHHAHAA Talking about jumping the shark.

What is that from?

MEMEdonians and challenges

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