What does Jow Forums think of Black Pigeon Speaks?

What does Jow Forums think of Black Pigeon Speaks?

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He's Japan flag poster.


bit of an asshole

massive weeb

I think he's good! at least gets out there trying to drop Redpills instead of larping on Jow Forums like most faggots!

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His eye is literally a Japanese flag

too pigeonshit to name the jew

>Be Leaf
>Get angry that home is getting flooded with chinks
>Take refuge in chink country

wait wait, who the fuck let a roundeye settle in japan?!

He probably is one. He advertises like one.

Shits on statues and steals.

Our weeb, good for beginner two swallow pills and find out more

most obnoxious voice in the universe

also doesn't give a fuck about anything besides raking in ad money and repeating what has already been said 10000 times

then he's redirecting everyone's attention. very jewish indeed.

never forget that there exists such a thing as the youtube to Jow Forums pipeline

He named the Jew as the cause of third world importation into Europe. Though he had to through in that Jews are endangering their own selves because most antisemitism in Europe is coming from the very people they are importing. His video would be outright pulled if he didn't paint Jews as both perpetrator AND victim.

He literally made a video namedropping the Jewish banking cartel you utter faggots

Not worth watching liberal faggot

how the hell is a liberal for example is for Patriarchy

I think black pigeon is pretty cool guy eh poops on statues and doesn't afraid of anything.

All e ecelbs are faggots


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Ah an old fag. Always nice to see them around from time to time.

What a retarded statement. Way to make the Indian flag stink more than it already does.

He is a self-proclaimed Ethnic jew. He's said it multiple times. You're debating nothing.

Ao muh me lelo betichod bhangi, ye sab ek hi thaile ke chatte batte hai it's Nazi or gtfo

This is why you start killing them from top to bottom not the other way around. This was Hitler's big mistake. Many rich Jews fled and when the war was over they were in even better position than before.


engrish teacher welcome, love you long time

nice sentence paco

Shills newfags and the celebrities themselves

Wasn't he another candid shill

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black pill speaks.
His videos are well made and the topics are relevant, what more could you want?

we don't

go away

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massive retard just our for the money

yea yea

I can tell he follows Peter Zeihan

Good commentator til I found out he lives in Japan. Who the fuck cars about what some weeb thinks.


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Cool videos. Good starter level redpill.

On this site, sure.
On Youube he is our leading channel. Our front for redpills. On youtube Jow Forums is strongest in his presence.

This. Works for normies.

Is that spino? sounds like spino. Spino is a faggot you shouldn't post his videsos here.

>Ao muh me lelo betichod bhangi, ye sab ek hi thaile ke chatte batte hai
is this poo-in-the-loo talk or the sound your arse makes as you shit in the streets??

Sounded like a centrist cuck the only time I heard him. Also I've seen him next to coal burning whores.

Not a good guy, I'd fight him irl if I had the opportunity.

The truth is Spino has been fighting the alt right since 2016. Most of that was because of his butthurt falling out with the skeptic community and Sargoy. He's a duplicitous cunt, who ended up with leftists just to maintain what little relevance he had. He was caught gaslighting and his littler crusade has amounted to "The alt-right are bad guys, they're disliking and flagging videos". Personally, I think there is enough space in the world for fringe groups like the alt-right without the world going to shit and they have so little power most people don't know who the fuck they are even after Hillshill made them famous. Post 2016 the alt right has done nothing but shoot themselves in the foot. Even that kike Ben Shapiro is more successful than them nowadays.

I enjoy his content
I suspect every Jap poster of being him

You'll know soon enough

I'm definitely not him.

He's a fag

His latest about ..
>America, fuck yea
>America First, whether you like it or not motherucker.
Good high energy shit

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Based. Good videos, somewhat accessible to normies. We shouldn't turn our backs on valuable political allies just for the sake of purity spiraling.

i think he is both intelligent and handsome

liberal faggot who wants white shariah, but then agains its too radical for his pussy ass
>lets complain abotu degeneracy while actually shunning solutions to it cause muh rights and muh liberty

>chink country
fuck you, it's a nip country, not chink, you racist!

Thanks BRO
I liked making that one

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Maybe consider ditching the intro. It's your show, but it cringes me every time, and I watch most of your shit.

Keep up the good work, and stay black nigga.

literally who

Why is this video so cringey? Does he ever address the content of what people are saying? Or is it all just the pseudo-investigation thing going on the whole time?

I wonder if they're for data mining.


never has anything interesting to say
videos riddled with hypno porn images of women
is hilariously averse to and scared of women
fled his Homeland like a cuck instead of fighting for his people
invades foreign country, completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of his actions

youtube.com/watch?v=hN1GwOLgjVs latest vid. My opion just mehh. He is edgey in the sence he has liberal haters.