Republicans hate children with down syndrome


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womp womp

womp womp

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>If a toddler cries you can't do X
>Toddler tantrums are a basis for public policy
This is what Leftists actually believe

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>Look mom I posted it again!

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:^) I actually don’t enjoy making fun of people with disabilities, I’ll leave that for you soulless creatures.

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Yet again, proving how terrible of a person you are. Who hurt you?

womp womp.

Sorry, we don't base public policy on retards, that's really more a leftist thing.


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yeah, no

Yes you do. I hope you repent.

>look! a bandwagon full of shit and vomit and garbage! we need to hop on! lets go! weeeeeee!

Confirming this thread, soulless losers. It must be weird to a sociopath who hates people who were born with little to no autonomy over their lives.

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womp womp

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It’s funny, you can make fun of disabled children all you’d like. I don’t even have to say anything to make you look awful.



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:D another one who hates people with disabilities. Fascinating.

Ooo another, do you think banks and wigmore hate people with disabilities too?!

>abortion should be right because what if the kid has downsyndrome?
>omg trump is deporting a child with downsyndrome.

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Being mexican isn't a disabil-... oh.. wait.

Well, when you put it like that, yeah. Yeah I do.

Womp. Womp.

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>another one who hates people with disabilities you? Yes, absolutely

>tfw when vote Republican and support aborting Down syndrome burdens

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>zomg if they stand for children’s they must be a liberal and support abortion

This is why you are stupid.

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Oh that's tasty

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All these people hate children born with disabilities.

There wouldn't be a hate of children with Down's Syndrome, if people didn't have children with Down's Syndrome. Shameful are those who are allowing children with defects be born, and forcing them to live out life with them, because they think its somehow worse to prevent them from being born in the first place.

the whole world hates mongoniggers

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More hateful people.

IIRC Iceland has no children born with down syndrome because they're all aborted.

>abused and neglected children are taken away from their dangerous, reckless and selfish parents.
>womp womp.
>"omg how could you do this?"
>aborts children with downsyndrome.

>everyone is equal!
>you're stupid!

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They're not people, they're vermin invading our home, you fucking moron.
>You soulless monster, why won't you let the rats and roaches into your kitchen and share your food?

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I think liberals have disabilities.

we could lock up all mongos in a suitable bolish KZ camp

W to the O to the M to the P
I’ll even throw in
a second WOMP for free

I see you tryin’ to meme
But you got nothing to say
Shills always get seen
When they go ‘Oy Vey!’

I said
W to the O to the M to the P
All I hear
Is shills goin’ ‘Reee!’

You workin’ that goy
But he ain’t complyin’
When y’all full of onions
He can tell you lyin’

W to the O to the M to the P
Y’all slingin’ fake news
Like it’s 2016

WOMP WOMP mothafucka,
Where the hell you been?
That shit don’t fly
In the timeline we’re in

So y’all waiting for shekels
That ain’t gon’ come,
I guess it was her turn
To the curse succumb

That deposit won’t show,
Yeah that wave won’t flow,
‘Cuz the game is up
And you already know

That it’s
W to the O to the M to the P
(((They))) should’a told you
That we work for free

So y’all shit outta luck
See, we need no more,
Than to see every cūck
Mined for salt as ore

Yeah y’all fucked now,
Makin’ no progress so how
Y’all think you’ll get paid for this?
You gots nothin’ to show her!
Might as well kys,

‘Cuz bitch, you got SHOAH’D

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>All these people hate children born with disabilities.
And what you're going to do about it, chromosome smuggler?

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and that's a good thing

The womp meme is actually beside the point. You are gross caricatures of humans and I would wager you are deeply unhappy inside to think it’s ok to make fun of people who have no choice about how they are born.

It’s funny, they elected trump to help the downtrodden worker yet will step all over other people’s rights.

Sit here and point out that you’re disgusting. Can’t really stop me, ya know?

womp womp

(you) ITT

Another person who hates people with disabilities folks.

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Actually I’m pretty comfy and you have no soul.

I agree user. How dare these anons make fun of the 6 million retarded Mexican kids. HOW ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU ANONS

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Who doesn't?

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:) did you make that yourself?

Yeah, Republicans hate libtards. Great thread op

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>Can’t really stop me, ya know?
Actually, i really want to see you sperg more, so please go on

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So brave to pick on children with disabilities, you must be real beacons of dignity IRL for your communities .

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Downies are harmless and cute. Real retards should be euthenized

> post time signature
Yeah bitch you didn’t type out that reply and post it in 4 seconds flat relative to my post you pasta spamming shill
Learn to blend in

But if we don't make fun of leftists then what can we do?

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womp womp

Why do you think you're not on planet Earth, where everything eats each other?

By all means, it’s very easy to point out people who have no moral compass.

>It’s funny, they elected trump to help the downtrodden worker yet will step all over other people’s rights.
Joke is on you, faggot. I voted for trump specifically to trample "rights".

How dare you?! How dare you!? How absolutely dare you sir?! How dare you! We have infants that are being taken from their mothers! We have infants being stolen from their mothers and being put into cages and you go womp womp?!? This just exemplifies... how dare you sir. How dare you. She has down syndrome and she was taken from her mother.

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This is a deeper point, but if you don’t want to lift yourself above nature we’ll then all your ancestors might as well spit on you.

:) so be it.

Just remember you are a hateful person deep down inside and apparently
Nothing will ever change that.

Look he posted it again!

Is autism considered a disability? Yes. So this place gets the nigger pass or however feral negroes call it

How dare you?! How dare you!? How absolutely dare you sir?! How dare you! We have infants that are being taken from their mothers! We have infants being stolen from their mothers and being put into cages and you go womp womp?!? This just exemplifies... how dare you sir. How dare you. She has down syndrome and she was taken from her mother.

(Womp womp intensifies)

We may make fun of them but we don't abort them. You stay classy liberals.

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Who kills them in the womb ?
Conservatives are not virtue signalling pieces of shit who treat people differently because of their backgrounds and body/mental ability and use a toxic paternalistic "enlighted white savior" narrative to commit the worst acts of injustice and violence (muh think of the poor downie's life, he's less than human, poor him, let's supress him before he's born)

>Lift yourself above nature
>When literal child eaters still exist and are the ones paying/not paying you to spread lies

Ooooh, I'm a scared because the shill called me a meanie doo doo head!

>my moral compass is exactly the same IRL, as in an anonymous romanian stealing forum
haha, nice one

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>all of your ancestors
99.99 percent of my ancestors wouldn't have given a shit about this and the idea of being swayed by an obviously emotional manipulation tactic would've repulsed them. If you buy into this you're a beta faggot who shouldn't reproduce.

lol at this, how many republicans have forced mistresses to abort children, what a joke.

No matter how many times I see him, it just looks like his face is too big for his head.

Honestly, those that hate children with Down syndrome are most likely your satanic pedos.

K keep me posted

lol you're literally a commie pig using these children for propaganda

Wrong, we merely refuse to elevate them above othat kids and mock those who would try to manipulate us with them.

In short, I don't care if she is special, her momma is a criminal. Womp womp

Uh huh, the truth always comes out doesnt it?

Yeah, they’ve already given up on you.

its not republicans that slaughte millions of children in their own mothers womb. that is a democrat hitler like act not a republican. sorry dumb faggot it appears you are dumb.

K. I'm still quaking in my whomp.

Yes a policy the president could end and instead is using to get his wall. He is using hem for leverage.

And you are dead inside.

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Kek that makes no sense, good b8 tho

I don’t hate Down syndrome children, but you’re the monster if you believe they should be allowed to live the hell they’re born into

To be fucking honest, if it was up to me, I would have machine gun batteries mowing these fuckers down until they get the message that they aren't wanted.

I would also recruit a volunteer service of young men and women who's job it would be to act like literal blade runners to hunt down illegals and those who hire/shelter illegals and detain, deport or destroy them.

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>Disagreeing with a Jew

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They offered them no separations and faster asylum processing yesterday, kike. Cryin chuck said no.
