1. They are separated to determine if the people taking them across the border illegally are actually their parents or some kind of human trafficker going to sell them as sex slaves to some rich pedophile in Washington.

2. No separation occurs if the crossing occurs legally. If they simply present themselves at one of the many legal crossing checkpoints, no separation occurs.

Back to point 1, human trafficking and smuggling is a HUGE fucking problem. Many children are kidnapped solely because having a child with you gets you a free pass in to the USA. Whenever someone crosses illegally with a child, there's no way of telling if that child is actually theirs, or if the child was kidnapped for an insurance policy in case they were caught, or if the child was kidnapped and is being smuggled as part of a human trafficking ring to be sold off.

The separation MUST occur to find out because if the child isn't questioned away from the "parent" or "hostage taker" whichever it may be, the child is not going to tell the truth. They will be intimidated by the kidnapper who will have told the child they will be killed or their parents killed if they do not swear that the kidnapper is their legal guardian. Once they are separated and the child can be put at ease, given food, and water, gets to sit and watch cartoons in a comfy processing station, etc. they will be more likely to overcome any fear they may have of the kidnapper and tell the truth. Especially after being questioned multiple times about things like how long they have known the kidnapper, where they were born, how many siblings do they have, etc. They can cross answers with the kidnapper even if the child is too scared to tell the truth and see if the stories and answers match up.

The democrats and media pushing so hard against the separation are essentially advocating for human trafficking to be made easier. The Elites are going apeshit because it's going to be harder for them to purchase and rape children.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here are sources proving my statements:

Secretary of Homeland Security:

>NIELSEN: The kids are being used by pawns by the smugglers and the traffickers. Again, let’s just pause to think about this statistic: 314 percent increase in adults showing up with kids that are not a family unit. Those are traffickers, those are smugglers and that is MS-13, those are criminals, those are abusers.

>There is a lot of misinformation about what D.H.S. is and is not doing as it relates to families at the border. And I want to correct the record here. Here are the facts.

>First, this administration did not create a policy of separating families at the border. We have a statutory responsibility that we take seriously to protect alien children from human smuggling, trafficking and other criminal actions while enforcing our immigration laws.

>We have a long existing policy — multiple administrations have followed — that outline when we may take action to protect children. We will separate those who claim to be a parent and child if we cannot determine a familiar or custodial relationship exists. For example, if there is no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child. We do so if the parent is a national security, public, or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue and it may not be appropriate to maintain the family in detention together.

>We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking. There are cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention. And I’d stop here to say in the last five months, we have a 314 percent increase in adults and children arriving at the border fraudulently, claiming to be a family unit. This is obviously of concern.

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>And separation can occur when the parent is charged with human smuggling. Under those circumstances, we would detain the parent in an appropriate secure detention facility separate from the child. What has changed is that we no longer exempt entire classes of people who break the law. Everyone is subject to prosecution. When D.H.S. refers a case against a parent or legal guardian for criminal prosecution, the parent or legal guardian will be placed into the U.S. Marshals Service custody for pretrial determination, pursuant to an order by a federal judge, and any accompanied child will be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services and will be reclassified as an unaccompanied alien child.

And here is another source from the Attorney General.

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Nigger the child is kept in a cage
They separate them for legal reasons, not this bs about trafficking
Having a child doesn't grant you any rights in the US, having a child dkest

womp womp

For three years Trump has been warning these people what would happen to them if they tried to come into the US illegally, and it was broadcasted worldwide including on Mexican outlets. Fuck 'em. They were warned.

I always knew there was a reason they were pushing the “Muh children” narrative so hard, they actually want to keep child trafficking going
>When the truth bomb hits so hard that the shillbot starts to malfunction

So this is why the whole front page is slide threads

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I can't even understand what you spoke. I don't speak nigger, try speaking English.

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Why can’t we just steamroll mexico like we did way back when? I can imagine that once the people see the cartels getting their absolute shit getting pushed in the actual good people will cheer

Child abduction in Mexico is such a problem that there's even a wikipedia entry about it:

I want the sound of those crying children added to a white noise machine so I can fall asleep to it every night.
Fuck all the gullible idiots falling for this spectacle as if it's new.

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Mexico is fucked up and the sad thing is America taking a hard stance on immigration and putting up a wall would improve Mexico. Preventing Americans from buying drugs from Mexican Cartels and preventing cartels from smuggling abducted people benefits both of us, yet Mexicans hate the idea and half of the USA hates the idea as well.

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Of course the rat abandoning the ship hates if he is not allowed to. Age of individualism is on and none is ready to sacrifice for the greater good. Not even me.

Great macro!
Should be a black woman though

Got any proof for your statements?

I provided two sources already.

Sorry mac for my short-attention span, I just reacted when i didnt see any links in the first post.

My bad.

But, this is not the narrative.
The left already won this one.
The truly crazy this is they are demanding that president Trump actually use the executive branch to sidestep existing law.
That's insane, when you think about it.

That takes me back

It's not the narrative, that's why we need to push it.

If they bring children that aren't theirs it should be an immediate sentence of 20 years hard labor. It's worth the DNA test.

Spics and jews are bad news

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B-but that racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, jewphobic N-A-Z-I made fun of the disabled!!11!

impeach drumpf im a hillshit now!

The fucking state!

They are separating families which live for months together.
"This is preventing trafficking".. MY GOD!

You know what it is.
Fresh flesh for the richest of the US.
Money from conflict.

Having a child doesn't help you in the asylum process...
OH MY GOD the state of Jow Forums -.-

Go fuck your foster immigrant you sick pedo

Easy there user, can't drop too much red pill at once, let them digest this info from an ebil whitey, if she was black it would seem racist

The problem is when people believe idiots and start being how they're said to be.