ethno-nation states edition
Europe Map Thread
WAY too much effort
you make it once, you have it forever
Horror tier map.
>ethnically anglo-saxon
>ethnically french
3 more
this is an old map and im phoneposting so i cant change it but you can have your celtic union
Schöne karte abgesehen von Preußen
Stop giving st.peterburg to finland you fucking nigger faggot
im not actually swiss, im from (north?) macedonia i'm just visiting so you are gonna have to speak english Hans.
looks more a e s t e t i c that way
>Enontekiö given to Scandis
Why is Sweden so THICC?
>ethno-nation states
>czechoslovakia - polish
top kek
The Channel Islands are staying British.
have you ever heard about Großdeutschland and pan slavism?
>implying same language immediately means same ethnicity
why poland with czech
Another thread of dumbs, who paint huge territories as part of Finland, simply because it looks beautiful on the map and in their fantasies, despite the fact that there is no fucking finns there and never was. Even if consider Karelians as finns (although the Karelians and Finns live for thousands of years in different states and profess different religions) - they populate only east west Karelia, East Karelia is 90% russian ethnic historically, and Kola peninsula (Murmansk region) is historically Sami (they are finno-ugric but definetely not finns) and russian (pomor) and now it's 90% russian.
>implying useless divisions of the pretty much same people are good
not at all. But speaking the same language honestly doesn't mean that the ethnicity and race is the same.
This is how a God-tier Europe looks like in terms of ethno-states
Transnistria should be Russian
oh you mean the tribes that are descendants of the indo europeans?
>Give tons of non-germ clay to germs
>nothing else changes
>god tier map
anglo saxons are also germanic
Unhide flag Pole
I'm not a pole, but the map is still ridiculous.
Soooo... which country is white, blue and red ?
pretty confusing borders.
Still pretty ridiculous, you autistic anti-white bastard.
Anti white
Kek go suck a fat one Backstabbing-Finn
Are you retarded? Why do we get Latvia and lose part of North Karelia to Russkies and Enontekiö to Scandis?
>wanting to take lands from other white euros, causing said euros to be expelled from their homes for some autistic land claim
>not anti-white
Okay Mehmet
There was a war.
because your mongol khanate can only stretch that far west before its naturally halted
Too many nations being merged
>white euros
>separaring european peoples in "white" europen and non-"white" european thus causing division
lmao wh*toids really deserve to go extinct
This is objectively the best map of Europe
>meanwhile we're potentially annexing a mountain from you
You're not taking Enontekiö, Leif Fagsson.
That's not what I was doing you 80 iq macaco.
Germany needs to be cut down. Two world wars and the rapefugee mess is enough. All these LARPing "I'm German!!1" burgers muttshits need to be gassed in the process.
was the unification of germany too many states merged?
>wanting to take lands from other white euros, causing said euros to be expelled from their homes for some autistic land claim
Guess what happend to the Germans in 1945 who lived in those territories? one of my relatives comes from Ober-Schlesien now go fuck yourself you Mongol-Skinhead
We need to talk about Jutland and the eternal bordergore that it has created.
Okay, say you expel those poles, what's gonna happen some time after now? There's going to be some butthurt anti-white pole, crying about his relative who was forced to leave and then there will be conflict, leading to more whites suffering.
0/10 too much Pakis
It's ironic how you were sperging out to the other poster about enontekiö and for us it's somehow okay loosing a shitton of our territory
Also nice argument
>It's bad when it happens to them but you're in the same situation right now but i guess thats not an issue
Best map I've seen yet
Swiss truly are superior
The whole world is British mate.
best so far
make czekoslovakia great again
Enontekiö is populated by Finnish people in the here and the now. Those regions are populated by poles in the here and the now. Why do you want to make those poles leave their homes? How is that fair? Leave the past behind. You know eastern germany used to belong to the slavs before the 1000s, why is your claim stronger than theirs?
>How is that fair?
I don't know it it seems quite fair to the people who were thrown out of their Homes with no compensation. but either way you're not involved in those matters so i think you can stay in your own affairs. and btw (Germanic tribes)
>Enontekiö is populated by Finnish people in the here and the now.
Yeah and at then and there it was populated by Germans what happend to the ones who took it? Nothing.
solid exept for that abomination in the south balkans (greece?)
I'm not making excuses for the treatment of the Germans during ww2, firebombing German civilians and throwing people out of their homes were war crimes, but border revisionism is retarded and will not do any good. On another note, why should Scandinavia be part of Germany?
t. Slav
It was just a map of WW2 National Socalist Germanies plans of how it would have looked in my opinion i really only give a shit about Austrians. everyone else i really don't give a shit about
> but border revisionism is retarded and will not do any good
Kinda agree so lets keep Nation states and abolish the EU who i strying to turn into a Superstate agree?
German = Dutch
Dutch = German
Okay, this is epic
>why should Scandinavia be part of Germany?
shouldn't it be called Großgermanisches Reich then ?
>>wanting to take lands from other white euros, causing said euros to be expelled from their homes for some autistic land claim
>asking for your own ancestors' land back, people still being alive that were born in that land
>MUH BASED POLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No objections to that. I would be cool with a new anschluss as long as the Austrians agree, though I think that there are (((laws))) against that.
Hey, if they agree to it, though I doubt it.
post flag
based ally
that would be this. Also why isn't England a part of this? Aren't anglo saxons germanic?
>Aren't anglo saxons germanic?
Yes and no, they're like 30-40% Germanic genetically, but culturally dominantly Germanic
They're their own thing, though. Germanicism never really included England, as it saw the British empire as a realm of its own. There is such a thing as a divide between continentals and Brits
>The whole world is British
Except England
aaaaaaand .... stupid.