UK Police State

Why does the UK have to be like this?

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the UK is now a caliphate. Also daily reminder

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Look at all them 12 people.
That's why this country is finished.

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Don't be such a defeatist

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Tommy Robinson is a retarded chav who tries to wind up poc and the muslim community to further his racism, fuck him

you mean niggers and shitskins? kys faggot

Who would've thought

It's largely a myth. There are fucking idiotic cases like the Nazi Pug fella who was found guilty of a thought-crime, though lets be honest, he pretty much came off it OK.

It fucking annoys me that the Tommy Robinson EDL types, rant about how the UK is a "police state" because people are free to say their views are fucking retarded and they're a violent bunch of thugs, yet in the same breath they'll rant about how the police aren't doing enough about immigrant gangs or whatever the fuck they're rallying against this week.

I must admit though, they're not as bad as the far left, who are a whole new level of retarded.

stfu antifa Sven

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>a retarded chav who tries to wind up poc
>gets wound up
What does that say about you, Abdul?

>It's largely a myth.
>Statistics released by the Metropolitan Police show more than 850 people in London were detained under the controversial Communications Act last year.

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Even rap music is hate crime in uk.

p o l i c e s t a t e

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imagine my shock

Check'd. Posting in epic thread. Britain is the major front line in this war. Prepare for hard times.

cheers, it's time to regain your liberty

Ever noticed how these posts about the UK always seem to come from meme flags? Is it because you're an amerimutt? Or somewhere equally inferior with no room to talk?

Why aren't you memeing for your liberty?

they're worried about us

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And what the fuck are you doing about it?

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Get in here:

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UK isn't a police state. Brittons because of fashionable causes simply agree on committing collective suicide. This is free will, not force

Why do you keep pretending we're denying the existence of the pedo elite? Everyone angry about the pedo rape gangs are also mad about the pedo elite. You seem to think it's only possible to be angry at one at a time?

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Time will tell if you're right

Tommyfags ignored government and BBC pedos. they were ok with them.

This is evidence its not about pedos and only about muslims. My concern is Tommyfags are targetting the wrong culprit

Why not join the threads and remind people the problem is bigger than muslim rape gangs, because that's true, without trying to sow infighting. Tommy's arrest has gotten Bongs out on the street protesting, help us inform those crowds this is about the pedo elites and pedo police instead of trying to divide and conquer.


Your threads die because you get any dissenting voices banned. Theres no discussion, just tommy fags getting gay with each other. And theres only like 2.

keep sooking muzzy

Oh - thats interesting. You bump, then delete the bump post to make it look like your thread is gaining interest when it is in fact gay.

I dont know what that is and Im not muslim

>Im not muslim
We know taqiyya is Abdul

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Oh wow. You've just got every excuse ready to just perpetuate a little childish routine. Wow

Why does pedo rape gangs getting called out upset you so much?

It doesnt.
Government and BBC pedos need calling out. Calling out muslim rape gangs specifically is OBVIOUSLY media programming to misdirect attention away from them. I mean the BBC is the media AND the government mouth piece

The mainstream media, especially state funded BBC shill Islam constantly and cover up all the pedos from the elites to the street rape gangs.

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All those black and yellow flags remind me of this.

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We need to literally nuke them without warning.

Slaughter them all. They're all useless, bloodless, spineless faggots. ALL OF THEM.

The british are cowards, so fuck em anyway.

We've got a retarded, folks.

This is why I'm convinced that all of you need to die

kek'd at this

Why do you white bongs still exist? Just to suffer?

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dropping UK dystopia folder

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Attached: UK insanity.png (519x1093, 352K)

Attached: 140000 muslims gather in birmingham to pray to allah.jpg (1242x1320, 1.64M)

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Attached: Abuse of children in the UK by muslims.jpg (615x766, 107K)

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Attached: Big Ben falls silent for Muslim Prayer.png (631x670, 421K)

Attached: British cops hunt down facebook wrong think.png (1075x1038, 526K)

Attached: Brittany Pettibone Detained in UK for wrong think.jpg (825x855, 208K)

Attached: Female UK cop raped trying to arrest a rapist.png (1080x1011, 750K)

Attached: Grooming gang victim made into kebabs.jpg (584x735, 140K)

Attached: Comedian locked up for 8 months for telling nelson mandela joke.jpg (660x894, 135K)

Attached: London Churches Replaced with Mosques.png (683x586, 414K)

Attached: Londons Police Chief tries to play off rape gang significance.jpg (720x960, 99K)

Attached: Manchester suicide bomber used student loans to pay for weapon materials.png (980x812, 341K)

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Attached: UK 1984.png (630x1021, 132K)

Attached: Police hunt down facebook muslim wrongthink.jpg (666x824, 194K)

Attached: Rotherham police want powers to ban anti rape protests.png (676x1688, 900K)

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Attached: Muhammad most popular baby name for 2014.png (619x803, 430K)

Attached: Muslim nurses can wear burkas but no christian crosses.png (660x881, 394K)

Attached: School Homework - pretend you converted to islam.jpg (1063x817, 136K)

Attached: UK Memeball.png (462x559, 271K)

Attached: Michelle Obama meets UK students.jpg (537x555, 51K)

Attached: UK Officials are rapists too.png (568x808, 314K)

fuck off Sven go back to watching Muhammad and co "culturally enrich" your wife's vag with their cocks.

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if my family member were imprisoned simply for defending their life, it would be game over for whomever put them in there for defending their life. Holy shit UK get your fucking shit together.


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Because these idiots:
Have used Muslims in the UK like they use Hispanics in the USA.


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>people are free to say their views

No, we really aren't. Look at Hate Speech laws, how society has been engineered to rat on each other if they over hear some wrongthink. You don't know what the fuck you are on about.

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Now allowed to since EU Article 13 was passed m8

Aussie Confirmed.

There isn't even a memeing license available?

Wasn't this a joke from when Big Ben started undergoing restoration?

The UK has a ruling/ power class fronted by the monarchy. They are just the face, defining the sensibilities, symbols, rituals and the continuity of absolute dominion of the realm.
Those behind them, the powerful, include international finance, zionists, the saudi royals and others who have for better or worse outplayed them.
Great Britain is not great like it was before, we have been sold by that class into the European consolidation project.
It doesn't matter who you vote for, the plan is set and the game will always weave out of our grasp.

>Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile 'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an Observer investigation can reveal.

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The BBC were obviously interested in promoting the story to have the spotlight off themselves

or making it look like these guys getting single digit sentences after decades of kidnappings and rape was justice.

>three girls

Well, Tommyfags didnt cry "civil war" over government or BBC pedos, so the BBC misdirection worked. These are "the system". The pedo problem is systemic.

Why weren't you rallying crowds and holding mass demonstrates when the Jimmy Saville news broke?

I meant demonstrations

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err wrong thread