Unite the right 2.0 confirmed

The DC rally has been approved by nps for August 12th. 400 expected to attend.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is a guaranteed massacre


Its ok
to be

>expecting normies to show up to this Stormfront honeypot

Play right into the hands of Marxists you idiots.

Why are you idiots doing this again

Approved for CIA and media use.

Wow. The DNC is pivoting from the "children in cages" issue quicker than I thought.

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Im already convinced this is controlled op to cause a shit show for the midterms

Calling this one for Antifa, I hope the streams will be fun

You're exactly right. What perfect timing. The whole families separated at the border issue takes a dive and now this?

*whispers in ear
to fuck with you

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This will be state sponsored terrorism

>Implying it's us and not moronic attention seekers / possible CIAnigger assets like Spencer

Even if it isn't controlled op the outcome will be the same. Trump should consider pre-emptively disowning this guaranteed disaster, or better yet use jewish tricks to get it cancelled somehow.

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>don’t show up or do anything in real life goy!
>just post frog pics online - your race will come back I swear

Intel agency detected

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A honeypot to what? All this is perfectly legal

Just don't chimp out like last year.

>Trump should consider pre-emptively disowning this guaranteed disaster
what instead of defending us in front of the whole world like last time? boomers nut their pants when they see our larping. niggers and woman do not vote in midterms no matter what. this just gets the old men to come out

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Remember when this movement was taking off and getting mainstream coverage every day and then the spencerite retards decided to flush it all down the toilet at Charlottesville? Let’s do that again. Great idea retards.

Fuck off back to plebbit DNC nigger. We're not buying your shit here.

Is this one being organized by the same agent provocateur that did the first one? Asking for a friend.

This is literally controlled opposition CIA nigger tier shit. Anyone who goes to this is retarded.

the cops FORCED the marchers into the protesters

Charlottesville was a huge net win, you fucking retard. If you think anyone gave a shit about that fat chick who died, you are retarded. On one side, you had a bunch of patriotic, young, White men who are protesting the removal of historical statues. On the other side you had a bunch of “others” who were physically revolting to look at. One side represented freedom of association and patriotism, the others represented destruction of history and anti-Americanism. The sorts of events even if they are terrible with feds and one in 25 people is a CIA in the left side, are huge wins. You have to remember, the Intel agencies literally cannot win at this point. Everyone is so deeply suspicious of all of their tricks that the old moves are just not working anymore. Even if they staged another 9/11 or some retarded shit it will just blow up in their face. Look at Las Vegas.

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anyone that attends these dox-fest rallies is a retard. Have fun never being able to work again.

Digits and it starts the Great American Purge

If you believe this unironically, gas yourself. The only thing that 95% of the public took from that mess was "3 dead in neo-nazi rally". It was a huge defeat that killed any momentum the dissident right had in America. Do you think US far right groups are stronger and more enthusiastic now than they were pre-Charlottesville? To ask the question is to answer it.

A huge win? Where is Spencer now? Totally irrelevant and being sued into poverty. How many of our guys were doxxed. The movement after Charlottesville was portrayed not as clean cut honorable white guys but terrorist madmen. Baked Alaska became a total cuck after it. Cantwell went to prison. The guys at TRS fragmented and went into hiding. It was a huge net loss for everyone who was associated with the organizers and they even admitted it was a huge mistake which caused them to totally reevaluate the way they perform any future political actions. Anyone who goes to this rally is a moron begging to be doxxed and have your life ruined for absolutely no net gain.

ironic really isn't it, they fake a white civil rights rally so that undercover cucks can destroy white people for merely feeling like they are targeted for simply being white and have their civil rights and liberties taken from them.
It's almost like they have a point.

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I hope you guys aren't stupid enough to actually go to this.

The Charlottesville branding is pure cancer. If you can't understand that, you're either an actual retard or a jew / leftist trying to shill.

Even if it didn't have that association though, any overtly WN street protest is still a bad idea. Antifa are guaranteed to try and attack it, normies see violence and/or a huge police presence their taxes are paying for, and don't have any sympathy for *either* side. The only thing that sort of works are implicitly white events like MAGApede ones and Patriot Prayer, they *still* get attacked by antifa but at least generate some support for our side in the process. (Better yet would be mass marches of normie conservatives to protest things like planned amnesty, but the broader right doesn't have a culture of doing that and it looks like that's not going to change anytime soon.)

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Godspeed you glorious bastards. Wear body armour.

JIDF fuck off
Whites have rights too

this. and wtf? even if anons personally didnt want to go why discourage others? i remember a time when the internet question of "should i commit suicide" had only one answer.think of the lulz summer childs

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>normies see violence and/or a huge police presence their taxes are paying for, and don't have any sympathy for *either* side.

Apart from the people seeing those leftist spastics on the ground

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>Charlottesville was a huge net win

according to who?
name one person that thinks all that drama was a good idea


This will definitely end well.

Name one single positive outcome of Charlottesville. It *accelerated* the statue removal you claim to care about, gave the dems electoral wins, hurt Trump when they twisted his "very fine people" comment (which was directed at civil rights and libertarian types in attendance, not LARP Nazis), destroyed James Damore's up to that point successful protest against Google's ideological conformity, gave the left generally and antifa specifically a MARTYR, undercut attempts to have violent leftists classified as terrorists and put that spotlight on the right instead, imprisoned a bunch of our guys on trumped-up charges, and created a chilling effect against right wingers getting involved in future activism.

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"don't show up goyim, stay in your moms basement and keep making memes."

Me. Forcing the left to tilt their hand is only for the good because they work in secret. If only a few normies saw this its a boon


>sped up the process of the statue removal.

yes we couldve had it up for 2 more weeks if we didn't show any malcontent

If a much larger crowd of pissed off blacks appears ( which they will in DC ) and starts looking likely to chimp out, they need to have a way to get out of there.

Really engaging will result in your death and if you defend yourself, the jury and judge will be black.

Muh celebs, it was their job to crash and burn be clad that no one took the bait. Those free speech, unite to right rallies were all supposed to incite violence via actors.

>enemies got their way once?
>never try again!
Good goy.


>gave the dems electoral wins,
nope. and trump/republican approval keeps going up

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To all lurkers, ask yourself why these threads are immediately bombarded with shills/CIAniggers attacking any sort of protest or march for the right. No one has said anything about wanting to replicate violence. They are always

>you’ll get doxxed/fired
>you’ll get hurt/attacked
>the feds will lock you up!

Just watch what they parrot.

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A small well disciplined group might make it out together. Maybe.

> It *accelerated* the statue removal you claim to care about

>But amid the furor over Confederate monuments, touched off by the violence in Charlottesville, Va., two weeks ago, an unexpected reality has largely been overshadowed: While old monuments erected in bygone eras are coming down, new ones continue to go up.

>At least 36 have gone up in North Carolina alone since 2000, he said, as many as were put up between 1940 and 1990. Of those, 20 are to Confederates and four are to Union forces. The rest memorialize the war in general, including one dedicated in 2012 to Civil War horses.

Your face when

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Another merchant pysops to stop red wall by the deep state, screen cap this.

Rightwing protests = Good
Nazi LARPfests that end in domestic terrorism = Bad

It's a fucking trap, everyone who fell for the last one is retarded and everyone that falls for this one will be retarded.

>inb4 some random protester gives a Nazi salute

It was getting mainstream coverage as a setup for cvil

I'll only show up to a rally for People of Light civil rights.

You are a fucking coward and a fool, if you expect that you'd get the revolution you want without sacrifices and casualties.
You have to actually move to real life, and show strength, instead of trying to outsneak the system that is hell bent on your demographic destruction.

You PR cucks are nothing but short sighted cowards who would rather see your own people die out than do whatever is necessary to ensure that your movement actually has a real life presence. You cannot remain in the internet forever.

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bump for great justice
> remember if you go don't be a pussy you going to get hit your going to get doxed you will have to suffer for us
be like rockwell be strong, be brave be in control and not scared of what will happen in the end

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>No one has said anything about wanting to replicate violence.
Glow in the dark CIA-nigger detected.
"Replicate violence"?
You mean getting attacked by antifa, because that's the only violence that occured.

Why would you imply that we were the ones that instigated violence at Charlottesville if you weren't one of them?


It's vital that we learn from our mistakes, in this case the naive belief that the police would be impartial and not agents of ZOG. Charlottesville was a huge unforced error.

Wouldn't a venue where the feeling of the populace is more in your favor be better and aim for high right wing attendance by having a focused symbolism. ( or nothing but the flag ) be better? Show that being right wing is ok and normal.

will we see a return?

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>400 expected to attend
Behold the great numeric might of the Extreme Right™.
>This is a guaranteed massacre
Of what, the participants' dignity?

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No. DC is not Charlottesville. The Secret Service doesn't fuck around and they'll be present due to the proximity to the white house.

Rockwell was about being outrageous to garner media attention because the media controlled everything that was seen.

The media doesn't anymore.

Wouldn't a better story be: look we're basically Nazis but we look and act normal and people seem to be with us.

That would be truly outrageous.

It's because we've seen the disasters that happen when you retards go on your LARP rallies. Those tactics failed.

Fuck off civ-nat cuck. The only primary it nay have had an effect on was Virginia and that republican was a RINO.

This, optic cucks should consider reverting back to republicans.

>Nazi LARPfests that end in domestic terrorism
That has never happened. If you believe the boomer narrative on James Fields you should return to reddit where you belong.
Fields will walk. Screenshot this post.

>how do you do fellow 4channers?

Suck my dick

Limit yourself to 400 legally. Counter protesters show up in unlimited numbers. Another Kessler event. How stupid do you have to be to fall for this? We'll see I guess.

youtube.com/watch?v=wVckRJvuBQY dramatically swung the Gillespie / Northam race, which was supposed to be close.

Or alternatively I just wasn't aware of that? Neat I guess, but it's still not exactly great to lose historical statues in favour of modern ones which I would be willing to bet are less "provactive" in terms of their design and where they're situated.

"1 post by this ID"
It's not a blue wave but a shill wave
50% or more posts are bait/garbage/psyop
Only + is that they provide ground to educate

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"Optics Cucks", or nationalists who don't go about waving swastikas and shrieking about Jews have successfully gotten Britain out of the EU, elected Trump, are competitive in politics across Western Europe, lead conservative authoritarian countries in Hungary and Poland, just formed a government in Italy that's turning back migrants, might be teaming up to oust Merkel, and are a growing force. Are they perfect? No, but they are something and they have concrete victories.

Brave National Socialist warriors have achieved jack shit since Stalingrad. They have no wins, they destroy the careers of their followers and fracture any movement they insert themselves into.

I have no idea why anyone wouldn't side with the "Optics Cucks" in this debate.


somehow I bet they will manage to shut it down though, citing last years events or something

Charlottesville was a loss. Gainesville was a loss. MSU was a big win when people saw black clad communist attacking our supporters.

>+400 people will go and massacre every leftist in a 10 mile radius

Leftists attacking protesters is leftist terrorism. They are seeking to suppress political speech by violence and intimidation.

This whole thing is stupid unless you have a real battle plan to deal with the violent leftists AND corrupt cops. You'll need insiders for that to work. Good luck with all that.

couldn't wait until after the mid-term elections? like, a good gloat is always nice but uh... eh nvm, fucking fbi.

Hope it goes well for you boys.

Remember, you have lots of friends overseas that will support you if people try to attack you.

Such as that fat idiot logan james smith that tried to dox people and get people fired.
People worked to expose him for the communist scumbucket he was and got his patreon shut down. Twitter also shut down his little operation when he was mass reported for trying to get people killed.

He, of course, tried to play the victim on tv, talking about trolls "attacking him" but the truth is, he got exposed and shut down. His money was taken from him and he was told to stop trying to get people murdered.

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>conservative authoritarian countries
>Hungary Poland
>Italy teaming up
>Against Merkel
Oh lord please let it rain brain

Your issue is that you don't realize, that a Canadian socialist is about what a European far righter is. All those BASED nationalist you named are in fact supranational big government Cucks trying to get better deals and more gibs from the rest of the EU

Hope this will bring many keks though

the dems are panicked in VA for the midterms, they need something to rally the NoVa libtards to elect shithead democrats.

it's a false flag

expect people being run over/shot/stabbed

My argument wasn't that they were perfect. My argument was that they were a start and have won some of the fights they entered. I see absolutely no victories from the other side. I think my point stands.

At some point, I started to think about it as about living under occupation, and everything makes sense now.

>My argument was that they were a start and have won some of the fights they entered
Sure, keep cheering from over the pond for the BASED Soj-Wing fucking natives in the ass. Kind of get why some Burgers are not really happy about Euromutts cheering for le epic GEOUS

ah i was just thinking how the CIA have been quiet lately

A Canadian socialist springs from the same well as any other socialist, you euro-dolt.

>It was a total shitshow last time.
The name of it is already causing this thing to sink.

All of the people who have risen up to the task of becoming leaders within this movement have proven to be failures and many of the total jokes (Heimbach). Until there is real leadership and a common direction, political events like this will be subject to manipulation and destruction from the left. A bunch of memeing larpers can be forged into something more but without wise leadership we will all remain memeing larpers. I look to the distance for a leader and despair because right now there are none worth following. Maybe one day. Maybe even soon. But rehashing the disaster of Charlottesville from the current position of political fragility is not a good idea.

It's purely a question of TACTICS, nobody is saying we should stop fighting. Do what's been proven to work, don't do what's been proven to fail. In this utterly hostile judenpresse / hysterical leftist environment, we should be thinking more like hit and run trolling guerillas than regular forces.

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Its a good opportunity to see whether the cringy boomers and incels have learned some social literacy

Also the media cant ignore it because of click bait

no one should go to this
the last one was created and pushed by feds, and so is this one.

It's a script they've been told to run. It's always the exact same lines.

to defeat the Jew we must become the Jew. pic related
we shouldn't be goose stepping in the streets, giving the hyper asshurt leftists a solid enemy to fight against. we should be like jelly

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That's my plan. I've also got an old style South African flag that's going to have a good deal of relevance come August, and it's not blatantly 1488. What worries me is that they chose to hold this in DC where my Florida concealed weapons license won't be valid. I guess hornet spray it is.

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Will this one be a psyop too?
Asking for a tard.

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It is hilarious how optic cucks pretend it has not worked before to be open and honest and pointing out facts that as more attention comes to the subject will convince more people.
Concerning about optics is allowing the enemy to set the tempo.

Optic cucks are as cancer to a movement as spree killers, in my eyes optic cucks might as well be shills.

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>A honeypot to what? All this is perfectly legal
To destroy their lives with public shaming. Every time Spencer held a rally they used it as an excuse to demonetize and deplatorm the far Right from Google, Twitter, YouTube, PayPal, ect.

Whoever is doing this needs to be outed as controlled opposition. Right in the lead up to the midterms. This is astroturfed bullshit funded by Soros and a bunch of low IQ retards are going to show up.

Charlottesville killed our momentum were we do the most damage. On the webs. Here was can lowkey convert the White youth like we've been doing with great success.

So I say you haven't achieved anything since Stalingrad and you use Nazi Germany as your counter-example? You realize they ended up getting gangbanged after 12 years right?

Neo-nazi groups have been around since 1945 and have achieved nothing at all in all that time. Right-wing populism at least has some successes. The environment we have to compete in is different than post-WWI Europe. I don't see why this is so hard to understand. Optics-conscious movements have actually accomplished things recently. You haven't.