No more Europoors dance party thread!
Article 13 Passed!
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Heard you talking shit.
won't hear you much longer
havent seen that one in a long time
how does it make it illegal for them to be here?
>Mountains of memes going to switzerland
Hiroshimoot is too poor and lazy to set up a content filter. Therefore his only choice is to ban yurop!
I am still here faggot.
You know we will find a way , we always do. There is always the other option of eurofags breaking out of their containtment to fuck up everything and truth be told you'd be joining them.
Goodbye europoors
Thank god. The ride finally ends.
>USA will s0on be as cut off from europe as north korea
It hasn't passed.
Sauce? you fucking kike faggot
Please add your memes here
This is bad. We are all fucked.
You’re here forever faggot. If not in your body then in your mind. It will make what’s about to happen to your people even more painful. And you’ll be cut off from anons that understand. F
>what is vpn
>15 MEPs voted to break our Internet but the European Parliament can still #SaveYourInternet before 4-5 July
>On 20 June, the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) voted for the Article 13 Censorship Machine. But the battle has just begun: it must now be won in the European Parliament plenary.
Please elaborate
>has vpn
>uses TOR
Apologize and maybe we'll liberate you.
lol ..
like the opinion of a mutt hardly matters
Well, Norway, and Switzerland won't get banned, right?
Article 13 requires a preemptive content filter for all copyrighted material. the kind necessary for Jow Forums would be to much a poor website to put in place. In other words. We're free of those faggots forever. Except switerzarland. They're cool though.
When will it come into effect?
the sooner the better
It's on a per state basis, Salvini won't vote because "la Ruspa" meme voted him in.
>making animated parodies for a living
i'm scared.
Oh look it's the kike with the nigger-fucker memeflag
Well, it's been a pleasure shitposting with you guys. The EU-policemen are here demanding I hand over my router.
>No more Europoors
you are white europeans you brainwashed retards
actually help yourselves you re going extinct faster than us
I like our brit, german, and french friends though.
>using honeypot
Man I fucking wish
Switzland adopts these EU laws too, so they are dead as well.
Fuck the EU, I unironically hate these people with a passion.
Wishful thinking, faggot.
I just wonder how my country will go about adopting these rules with over 10% of Pirates in the parliament.
Let them track me, let them tie me, let them beat me, let them shoot me. I will not be silenced for my thoughts are free. I will not be taken over for my actions are my own. And if for fuck's sake I won't be allowed to argue I will have to rise and fight.
Dem deutschen Volk und weißen Mann ein lautstarkes Sieg Heil.