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Isn't it legal in Uruguay too?

I see you already smoked too much. It clearly says "second nation".


now the whites will smoke weed and forget they are being replaced
*rubs hands*


jealous bong

(((They))) were the ones that made it illegal in the first place, because it threatens their pharmacies, drug companies, alcohol companies, the paper industry, etc.

Another idiot writer who doesn't know the difference between state/country and nation.

This looks like a pathetic attempt at seducing voters to vote for the liberal party considering that the conservatives won in toronto.

Enjoy your muslim overlords


Can you ban Chinese investment in real estate too?

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great.. more smelly dumbasses everywhere I go

Whitest than you mohammed.

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How long has Trudeau been in office when this was his campaign promise?
How long until re-election is up?
Based on the timing its just a ploy to get you back on dudeweedman's train.

Accept the legalization, but don't vote for him again.

weed culture was a mistake.

am I wrong though

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I see weedman did it just in time for reelections too