TEDogate/PedoGate/PizzaGate Child Trafficking General

Just searched the boards and there isn't a single TEDogate, PedoGate or PizzaGate thread.
Have they all been shoahed? We scared those pedos pretty hard last night. Are the mods suppressing these threads? Feels bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=is my last name jewish

Those threads are kept alive by the same handful of autists. I guess they finally got banned.

Pretty sure PEDx is the best name for this one.


Still here, knucka... But I gotta go beddy boo soon so not looking to get involved in a thread.

Guys I have to admit I can't wait to start slaughtering these pedos. I've been such a good boy. So patient. I deserve it.

Gas yourself schlomo.

I'm phonefagging and don't have the link or the actual file, but doesn't anyone have a mirror link for the TedX pedo normalization talk?

>Mirjam Heine

>Madeleine van der Bruggen

Kindly please consistently post this sauce user thanks!

The request is for bakers here in TedoGate general



God bless you user!
I plan on putting up a bunch of mirrors later tonight

agreed PEDx is a good one

Still here faggot

Its catchy but detracts from the TED identity. If anything we should create a meme of a pedophile named TED.

Keep this thread up user i have the full version of Mirjam Heine TedoTalk will upload when i wake up later it's late here in my country

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please stop shitting up the board with these schizo boomer threads
>inb4 someone calls me a shill

The mad man actually did it. InfoWars article on it today has to be the best run down I have seen. He used all of the photos we took and even posted their other pedophile videos and the event listings to prove they were affiliated with her officially.


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Pedo normalization is not schizo Boomer threads. Fuck off pedo kike. We will exterminate you all.

thinking there is secret child abuse and seeing pedos everywhere is a trait of being schizophrenic

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I think Alex is a kike puppet, but this is a solid effort.

Nigger they are now openly advocating for the normalization of this behavior. They will be hunted down and killed.

>someone much smarter than all the faggots on 4chins says "hey we should cut out the hysteria and figure out a solution to pedophilia so we can help both the pedophiles who are mentally damaged and prevent kids from getting abused


You faggots will never realize YOU are the ones putting more kids at risk. You are the ones standing in the way of possibly someday solving this problem for good.

The solution is death to all pedos. We will accept nothing less.

>kill pedos after they offend

>treat them before they offend

Congrats, you're advocating for kids to get diddled. You're an actual pedophile enabler.

>thinking there is secret child abuse and seeing pedos everywhere is a trait of being schizophrenic

Obviously this man has a copy of DSM VI and is qualified to make such claims. As a matter of fact if you look up schizophrenia this is the exact definition

Also, show your nation of origin memeflag nigger faggot

I've been up all night spreading the hooktube link to all the platforms I can, passed out, and just woke up.
Thanks Philippines bro, ya beat me to it.

first of all, TEDx is meant to be viewed by smart people with college degrees who understand you can talk about something as a theory just to explore the interesting results, without actually believing it. It isn't meant for faggots on the internet who think everyone is secretly in a satanic cult.

Second, pedo's probably are a "sexual orientation" since I doubt anyone would chose to be the most hated type of person and a social outcast. and the internet allows them to get together and do or share things that damage children, in a way they couldn't before. so obviously it is a problem that must be solved somehow

third:>The Department of Justice today announced the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month, nationwide, operation conducted by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces. (justice.gov/opa/pr/more-2300-suspected-online-child-sex-offenders-arrested-during-operation-broken-heart)

why did the government do this if they love pedos?

>seeing pedos everywhere
>videos calling for acceptence of pedos and letting people fuck your kids by TED

The treatment is death, I don't know what you are referring to.

Save your breath. Nothing you say will stop the slaughter of these degenerate predators of children and defilers of innocence. This human race will not miss you.

>meant to be viewed by smart people with college degrees
avert your attention goy let the 'academics' discuss your demise. WOMP WOMP

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At least admit you don't give a shit about kids you just want to virtue signal and act tough. Your kind is transparent as fuck. You'd probably cry and scream in autistic rage if someone even looked at you menacingly in public.

But by all means keep being a keyboard warrior on an anonymous chinese carp farming forum.

>More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

they're already going to get slaughtered in prison because someone already caught them while you did the "hard work" of reposting youtube videos, you absolute moralfagging brainlet

I do care about kids and the future of mankind and that is why your kind will be hunted and summarily executed.

That's just a drop in the bucket pedo. We will hunt you all down.

>I want everything to be brought down to the education level of an 11th grader because reading books iz fur Jews and commies

I am smarter than you. Try me.

i already explained that the TedX talk is meant to be taken theoretically as a way to explore possible solutions to the issue around pedophilia, not as a literal "make molesting kids legal"

a smart person would understand that

You're a 16 year old larper on an anonymous website. You won't be hunting down shit except more mountain dew from the fridge after mom buys groceries.

And I already told you that we will hunt you degenerate pedos down and eliminate you by any means necessary. A smart person would understand that. But, hey, keep promoting the normalcy and outting yourselves as targets. Makes our job easier.

I'm a 40 year old man with nothing to lose and a lifetime of pent up rage.

on the internet no one knows youre a dog


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>I am smarter then you. try me
>"I think you're wrong on this issue"
>Im going to hunt you down and kill you
truly some enlightened wisdom

>wanting to fuck kids is a (((sexual orientation)))
extremely enlightened shlomo

Hapi ahapi tedo gate


Just accept you're going to die alone never having done anything of note in life and let smarter more capable people work on fixing the problems you can't.


lmgtfy.com/?q=is my last name jewish

The public need to be forced fed red pills at this point, they should no longer have an excuse to ignore whats going on.
They all knew about hollywoods open secret and joked about it they knew about jimmy savile and covered it up.

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Yes, a thousand times yes. Mods are in bed with pedos and feds, even Alefantis is involved

Nope. I will fix the problems myself. Sorry you dont get to play as god any longer.

The Feds can step down or become targets themselves.

1. fuck off faggot your virtue signaling larping doesn't impress me
2. the fbi monitors the fuck out of this thread i'm sure they already have a file on you and monitor you just in case you are actually crazy and do something crazy

So your options are end up in jail or rot away like the piece of shit you are in your studio apartment.

That's the reality of the situation. An enlightened man would accept reality or change it.

This. Nobody else has covered it in the news- InfoWars does a full blown investigative on it. Probably the best piece we'll see on it too

Fuck the Feds. They can get out of my way or become my enemy. I have nothing against them at the moment, but if they insist on protecting and supporting pedophiles than they can hang with them. I don't live in fear of your illegitimate system. I will burn the entire world to the ground if necessary to eliminate the scourge of pedos.

Yeah, you're totally not a schizo larpfag. Nigga you're 40 and you sound like a fucking 13 year old. Grow the fuck up.

You're the perfect example of the mentally ill retards that infested this board in the last few years.

Ad hominen has no effect. You're all going to die.


If you ever go through with it make sure your message is clear and available. Don't want any spooks or them to use you for their agenda.

eat shit and die

It's not an ad hominen, it's an observation. But i'm done. There is no point arguing with faggots you like you all.

Just know. You'll never amount to anything. No matter how hard you virtue signal or act tough on the internet that won't change.

I'll consider your point when I'm shoving my knife into your spine and stealing your shekels to fund the cause.

Fuck. Keep at it. Id love to see the antipedo piece they'd have to make to backpedal from this


what of tuscon as well? not a peep lately

CEMEX plants and nearby golf courses. Golf is a Masonic fag sport

Maybe because this entire child trafficking meme I bullshit.

If a child goes missing their parents report it to the police and the police investigate. There are not gorillions of children being abducted and trafficked you retard. “Taken” was just a movie.

Castrate yourself your fucking retarded cunt.

true, look up "golf rumors"

Lmfao notice the pedophile sympathisers are all on the Left. Notice the only people who attack this bread are opposition shills, and notice how they leave all the other threads to come to these. There's something about this subject that the left tries desperately to keep hidden. Whether it's their own guilt of their sick fetishes and mental illness or whether it's something bigger, they REALLY get mad when you call out pedophiles for the fucking twisted cancer AIDS freaks they are. We are on the right track with this vein.

Already know.

the IG report was the first step

and that's the ultra sanitized version that was allowed to get out

the truth will shock and horrifying people

the shill masters are literally fighting for their lives

they will they never stop until they are dead


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Any of these mirrors still up?



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