Can't stand this bullshit any longer. When the fuck are we going to start the killing of communist is this country?
Where's my right wing death squads?
Can't stand this bullshit any longer. When the fuck are we going to start the killing of communist is this country?
Where's my right wing death squads?
Literally never.
Never because Jow Forums is a bunch of NEETs and INCELS on a anime image board.
This. The right is content with a BASED GOD EMPEROR who BTFOs le sjws xD.
Never say never.
This meme is so gay ans unoriginal
Families are split down the middle with half of the good idea's on one side, and half on the other. A civil war would just be a chaotic, weeding out of the gentile masses. The media needs to be exposed, as individuals, each reporter, news anchor and shareholder individually doxxed. If you're saying civil war it means the other half, of the bucket of shit you're pointing at, is hanging over your head
Im in. I at least hope it happens in my lifetime of it ever does I would love to rid the world of liberal degeneracy
Jewish degenacy. Fixed it for you.
Literally never and you edgy Jow Forumstards with your "I'm going to take out the degenerate lefties!" right wing death squad shit would more than likely be the first to go. I can't imagine any American Jow Forums poster being a well rounded, fit, active and reliable individual for a war. You're basically white niggers.
If this is the case, how come not one fucking person has stormed CNN, Vice, or the studios of Bill Maher, Samantha Bee, John Oliver or Trevor Noah?
You could be wrong. Stop projecting.
You faggots are always rushing things.
already killed by the left wing death squads
Never, half these people don't or wont give a fuck till their basic way of life (internet and fast food) are inaccessible.
All everyone gives a shit about is their next smoke, drink, fuck, and paycheck. As long as they get these things they wont give a shit. Nobody's gonna rise up.
Its what we need, but its not gonna happen unless this is resolved with some widespread housecleaning by some outlaws, or something catastrophic.
Doubt it. Any time you see an American Jow Forumstard they're skinny little faggots or fat cucks. The ones that aren't will act indifferent to the rhetoric they spout on here, so they're pussies.
In any case you don't actually want a Civil War. You're complaining about the world on an anonymous forum. You have no want to let go of your creature comforts in pursuit of your ideology.
This is a shill.
it will take some massive unforgivable move by the left, then the right will retaliate by going full vegas on the commie 'victory' rallies in the streets - then conflict will spiral out of control and the foreign arms will start to pour in.
I too long for the day of rope, but us conservatives have always been on the side of law and order so theres no way in hell we will be the aggressors and the commies are a punch of pot smoking pussies so outside of petty vandalism and facebook terrorism I dont think they will act.
Okay Sinbad.
You're nothing.
>ebil commies want gibs for free and don't do shit on their own
>someone else gibs me what i want so i don't have to do it myself
op is lazy commie nigger
you want revolution? start revolution
and everything
So all of you can talk shit on an anonymous board about me when my one man army attempt fails? Fuck you.
My revolution started when I and a few of my friends went to a bar and then for a walk. You don't start changing the course of a nation by simply grabbing a gun and opening fire.
This is true.
But I have no friends. I literally alienated myself on purpose a few years ago. Trying to find a group of people my age IRL who share my political leanings and who aren't creepy fucks.