Stuff like this makes me so fucking mad

stuff like this makes me so fucking mad.
the fucking lies and bullshit and double standards.
stuff like this proves 1000% beyond and shadow of a doubt that demoncrats don't give a FUCK about "the children" or "the families" but are instead just using them as a political tool to manipulate you into not supporting "muh blumpf"

i'm so fucking mad right now. literally fucking fuming.
>literally fucking shaking right now guys.
i know it's a meme, but srs i really am.

nobody ever said a fucking peep about it when obama did it.

if you're black and a democrat in america you have many more rights than you do as a white conservative.

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if you're a black demoncrat you can literally treat illegals like animals, but if you're white or a republican then you're "a nazi" and the entire country is going to rise up against you in a supposedly righteous rage.
such fucking bullshit.

IG report claims Clinton Foundation responsible for crimes against children. On Monday the Trump hates kids narrative starts. Really gaps my sparkplugs.

Check out the Bing image of the day. Its an immigration flow gif. Is Microsoft /ourmonopoly/?

they do this EVERY TIME.
in 2016 wikileaks essentailly proved through podestas emails that hillary was "colluding" with foreign governments, taking donations from them through the clinton foundation. 100% irrevocable proof of actual collusion.

immediately after those emails were hacked the "trump is colluding with russia" narrative starts.

ALWAYS the same. they do this EVERY time.

the oldest tactical political trick in the book is "Accuse my enemy of what I am guilty of". that way nobody takes the claim as seriously when they fire back at you.

it's awful, it makes me so angry, the injustices.

dude of course bing isn't /ourmonopoly/. just scroll down on the main page, they're celebrating "national refugee day". literally the opposite of being /ourguys/

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does Bill Gates advocated for mass immigration? I know he wants to help people where they live.

So bored of this.

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Checked. Nah bro he isnt showing his power level is all. How can anyone look at that gif and not see the white displacement? Shitholers flooding the west in one graphic. Its like a viral map during a contagion.
Not sure. He likes putting sterilants in their vaccines though.

Be angry at the string pullers of the media and the deep state, the people who orchestrate this from the background.

Obama didn't separate kids from their parents until some judge in 2016 said so, Congress doesn't want to change the laws.

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>if you're black and a democrat in america you have many more rights than you do as a white conservative.
foh with that

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BUMMMMMMP why is this gettting SLID

Because JIDF, et al.

oh yeah wow, didn't expect that one, NOT

Womp womp

>wraps burritos in foil

Fuck spics


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