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Other urls found in this thread:

glad we left

>can't own mopeds soon
>need license to jack off
>pay TV tax to watch pro-refugee BBC documentaries
Get fucked bong. All of Yurop is doomed, enjoy it :^). Now go ahead and go with the same stale f-fif-fifty s-s-six perc-perc-percent!

fellow euros, contact your MEP and tell them in no uncertain terms that if they vote to pass this horseshit than you won't be getting your vote. Also we should be thinking of ways to break and bypass the system in case they actually go through with it

Just watched Jim's video. Fuck yeah. Then felt bad for Europe. Then ate a cheeseburger and stared at tiddies

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Oh noooooooo!
Now I can't post my memes anymore!

PS. I can.

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*Slooooooow Womp*

How retarded you can be you fucking burger. The justice commitee accepted it to put it on the parliament for the vote.Nothing has happened yet. Also the happening is real, then there's a period until this directive? will be enforced.

Europe will be the end of the world

Me: fucking finally

Also me: they're taking the memes away? Over my dead fucking body


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Wait what is article 13?
Quick rundown lads

You guys can't even walk around outside with a potato peeler without getting arrested.

Go one better and tell them you'll support your nation exiting the EU.

Womp womp :(

Get fucked Yuropoors.
Have fun sitting in your commieblocks, imma go shoot a rifle, eat some bacon, and look at some tits online.

Big database of copyrighted material so that websites will have to submit images posted against those stored in the database and will block/charge you for their use. For example pic related is on DB, user posts it on 4chin as a meme and if it comes up as a match then the website is charged a fee. Think YT copyright system except far more far reaching and damaging.

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I got TOR installed. You brainlets need to learn to make use of leaked cold war tech that's mostly inpenetrable.

I hope more countries leave to be honest

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Um ur not doin shit sweetie

I can do all 3 too as dad is a hunter, but due my extremely low ''guns per capita'' stat I can laugh in glee if I switch to shooting people because they can't shoot back. Power is only power if few have it.

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Get fucked Eurofags. Hopefully now this board will not be filled with a bunch of retards going “AMERIMUTS ARE SO DISGUSTING. LOOK AT ME I AM A SMART EURO HUR HUR HUR!”

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I wish

the only reason you post that Fukushima chimeara is because you don't got smellavision. Childr- Loli's* (to not upset your autism) stink and cats stink too. a mix would be a nasal force to be reckoned with. Why can't things smell nice like gasoline, formaldehyde or spent hunpowder?

Ingenious shit.

>Article 13 passes
>Censorship everywhere online in the EU states
>People get fed up and make a good effort to install TOR and go full on Dark net
>Article 13 is made useless in the end

(((They))) may have opened pandora's box and haven't even realized it yet.

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We all have dreams.

I remember when you Euros were laughing about net neutrality ending.

Funny, isn't it?

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wish me luck boys

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I guess we do

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I already do that for edgy shit i want to look up as saying ''ima shoot up a school'' gets you v& here, remember? i never thought about it enriching the criminal site of the deepweb though.

Use it with a vpn for christ's sake.
This could work out in your favor. Don't you guys have some privacy laws as well?

This has no major impact on the US, right?

Just a jury vote, not a parliamentary vote. Article 11 and 13 are not law, not yet. They won't be properly voted on until the end of the year.

Gas the kikes.

good luck m8

VPN's fuck with steam and cost too much for what it offers. I got ESET Premium.

Together forever

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it only passed the committee stage, no one has voted on it yet

tfw not part of EU

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Suck your masters' dicks, EUfagboy. LOL what a fucking lop. BEG FOR PERMISSION PLEBISCITE!

Fucking europ*ans, we don't need any more architecture added to the data collection apparatus. Great job fags.

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lmao like those incompetent fucks can stop my memes

they dont even understand the concept of power level yet

that is correct.

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Not necessarily true. But they do use the Nazi movement as a template for their own empire. It's shit and going to fail, but since when did Jews ever care about that? The Soviet Union is testimate to that. The Mao Communist government is the same. They're never made to work

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You won't do anything. Again. And again. And again. Till they gas you.

YouTube copywrite strikes except applied to every website and site owners get fined for hosting said content. And that's until the next wave comes and applies hate labels to parts of the database so if you post hate images the thought police come to ask you a few q

Pretty sure all this will do is move every single European tech company overseas

I hope the whole EU falls apart. Nothing but tyranny. You didn't vote for this, many of your countries didn't have a single representative for A13, but you have to take the dildo anyway.

>play video game that is also released in the eu
>game rules are set up to follow both sides rules
>you now cant do memes/sprays/whatever because it might violate eu rules

of course it will effect you, just like how the eu's laws made it so steam turned everyone's game into a fucking subscription because muh eu laws.

globalism is a legal nightmare and its always the smaller groups and niches that suffer because of it.

he would still have an opinion on it

It'll just encourage OC.
What's the problem there?

i hope some incompetent boomerfags will go to jail over this LMFAO

Net neutrality was a haox by the left to fear monger us into submission. We won't fall for their games anymore.

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>no more memes on reddit and twitter
Why should I give a fuck again? Our boomer politicians don't know what image boards are anyway, they think the entire internet consists of twitter, youtube and facebook.

sure it will, the EU will try and force US based internet companies to adopt the system or risk being blocked. Some of the big ones like google, facebook and twitter will comply and implement the system worldwide just o cut down on the headaches of running parallel services

Mate if all the Europeans left Jow Forums this place would die

Would be no bants thats for sure

>huehue the EU is the REAL fascist, amirite fellow magape-i mean, Jow Forumsacks? xD

And I feel fine

whoops, i left the memeflag on



Handing over the means to free speech for corporations to handle is a shit idea.

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lol remember when Euros were making fun of us because the US allowed Obama's retarded "net neutrality" rules to sunset? imagine actually having to pay Manly Tears to use the memes he claims to have the copyrights for.

>remember all the Euros shitting on us over the whole Net Neutrality shit
>it did fucking nothing
>now the Euros passed something that makes NN look like even more of a joke
holy shit, lmao, karma's a bitch aint it?

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what's to stop some faggot from copyrighting all the OC and claiming it for himself. We've already been through this shit with pepe and Furrie trying to kill frog memes becasue he was butthurt that others were more successful with his creation than he was. If this law passes than that will just be the tip of the iceberg, little OC, no reworks and absolutely no stock image use. Memes will be badly damaged since they will have salted the fields

Then handle your shit if you want a seat at the big boy's table.

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Fake news

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you can see where the X over the EU was redrawn to re-complete the x.
It kills me.

we leavin, good riddance EU

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UK staying boys

Normie's don't care and will never do anything about this, if anything they'll label the non Normie's who get outraged as radicals and enemies of the eu

Oh you wacky Euro trash still follow all EU laws

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prepare for a trade war, lads

Not an argument.

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I didn't laugh at you for that, as your content and tyranny against it affects how it reaches me. Now I doubt this shit will affect me as I used my buccaneer friend to defy (((google))) but still, fuck you and your seagulls.

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since 2014, Euro fags count for about 25 percent of posts (and that's including the UK), or 30 million. US users alone contribute 2x that.

So is the German Queen and her kids.
Maybe the German royalty in Spain will help them. LOL HAHAHAHAHA

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No ones first amendment right will be violated.

and we have an almost-monopoly on intelligent posts.

of course it doesn't, we don't abide by eurolaws, only the dumbasses who still do business with eurotards instead of just blocking them.

If you weren't one laughing then you shouldn't take offense to my comment. You have nothing to be sorry for. My complete and utter apathy will remain for your cuntish countrymen
>repeal NN
>my internet bill goes DOWN and speeds go UP

nice Garou smile

EU anons please take this rare pepe. save it to a flash drive and make use of it during the coming dark times.

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>don't tread on me flag
You are about to get treaded up your boipucci faggot

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fucking boomers

Nah Europe just always HAS to be where all the world wars start

agreed, I like some American youtubers and if they suddenly 404, or European ones do, then it's a loss for us both.

Yeah I know right? Should be a USSR flag underneath

The shittiest part is, that companies are going to implement algorithms that censor memes. Another bad this is that this could increase normie traffic.


It's over aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm literally shaking rn. Pinkwojack.gif

>some gay copyright shit that doesn't affect anyone here is the end of the internet

Womp womp

? you ok

can someone tell me how exactly will this affect the internet?
use examples

I expected America's internet to die from capitalist propaganda like "copyright laws" not Europe's since the US is more cucked by "muh economic freedoms"

I expected the EU's internet to die for "hate speech" reasons

get em bois

will affect normies AFAIK, don't you use TOR & piratebay too?