Conspiracy Theories

I believe pedos should be put to the sword like any normal person does, but I don't think there's some grand elite conspiracy tied to pizza parlors and Mexican cement companies to rape kids en masse. I mean, come the fuck on, it's just so silly, it's obviously put out there in the hope that all of us, instead of redpilling normies, go out there and turn them off by spouting stuff so far out in space like pizzagate and crisis actors that they just disregard any redpill attempts as "shit crazy people say".

Hell, I'm not even going to dispute that there might be a kernel of truth in these theories, I'm just saying that if you believe in these things, save them for those who have been redpilled for a while. Don't spring them on normies right away.

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Other urls found in this thread:"perfect pizza"/

I guess I'm the only one with this opinion?

It's really not that far off when you look at the sheer amount of evidence and coincidences. I mean is the fact that a literal witch and spirit cooking mentioned in Hillary's emails not in the least bit suspicious to you? Or the constant use of the words pasta and pizza?


>a thread died for this

You look at anything closely enough with a suspicious mind and you'll always find something? People, especially kids, eat a lot of pizza and pasta, so maybe it isn't crazy that those food choices come up when talking about kids? Speaking for myself, almost every kids birthday party I've been to, they're serving pizza because that's what kids will eat without a fuss.

Maybe it's weird, but maybe it's not. What I've seen of all the PG threads, it looks like a lot of wanting to believe and jumping to conclusions.

Hey, maybe it's all true, but maybe it's not the topic to lead with when redpilling, is all I'm saying.

Drone reasoning. It didn't just "come up." it was stated like "did you want to fuck my 10 year old pizza in the ass while the map napkin sucks your cock?"

Conspiracy is a legitimate legal term. Law Enforcement can and has busted people for participation in conspiracy to commit illegal activities. If you are a rational person yet deny the facts of a conspiracy, you are a fucking idiot.

When there are oceans of coincidences...well, that means there are no coincidences.

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I'm not saying there isn't a kernel of truth. Most conspiracy theories contain one. Doubtless there are some pedo elites, and they need to be caught.

My doubts kick in when it starts turning into some grand conspiracy that involves pizza parlors and Mexican cement. That's where I start suspecting there's a psyop at work like in the OP.

Your inability to believe facts when they are outrageous is what keeps most conspiracy theories from becoming conspiracy facts in the minds of most people.

Most conspiracy theories have far more than a "kernel" of truth. You don't write huge books on a single kernel.

Pizzagate is way more credible than the trump russia nothingburger. There is more evidence for pizzagate than for the made up distraction using the russia narrative.
And as long as obama doesn't come up with an explanation what his buddy meant when he wrote 'Obama flew in 60k $ worth of dogs/pasta from chicago ' I'm expecting the worst.
Also the media's silence is deafening. Not a single msm outlet would discuss what strange stuff is written in these emails.

>Don't spring them on normies right away.
Normies better hurry the fuck up and learn, they're really behind

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Guys, what are you fighting for, exactly? The idea that telling normies right off the bat that Cemex is trafficking kids to Jim Carrey's house? How do you think Joe and Sally Smith next door are going to swallow that? Isn't the proper method of redpilling a normie to start with small, easily verifiable truths and work up to larger, more difficult ones later?

My only suggestion is wait to drop that redpill on people after they've been redpilled for a while.

"""""conspiracy theories"""""" is what the jew cries when the goyim know.

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Nothing to see here.

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People are actually being indicted for the Trump Russia thing, and there are plenty of verifiable examples of people from Trump's campaign meeting with Russians. With Pizzagate, you have what? A crock of shit with no verifiable sources and no reasonable incentive.

>The idea that telling normies right off the bat that Cemex is trafficking kids to Jim Carrey's house?
oh I saw that all the time on Jow Forums wait no i didnt youre a shitter shattered hill

"People leave the strangest things behind"

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>People are actually being indicted for the Trump Russia thing
including companies that didnt even exist!
also why was peter strzok escorted from the FBI building today. wasnt he working on trump-russia case? weird

so elite want to increase the rate of homosexuality and the only way they know how to is to mass rape children since that's the only known way increase someone chances of turning up gay?

if so, why do they want more homosexuals? more population control?

Read everything on here and then tell me pizzagate is not real:

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You can't explain the pictures on Alefantis' Instagram. I've never seen anyone even try.

Gtfo with your tinfoil coincidence theories

Pedophilia isn't even at heart of what's happening among the elites. Their kiddie diddling is an extension of their Satanic beliefs. As you read what I have to say, keep in mind that Satan need not exist for these things to be true. I am a Christian and I've seen things that have lead me out atheism, but I'll still argue from a mostly atheistic standpoint.

That being said, these people worship an entity called the Baphomet. The Baphomet is just one physical manifestation of the Leviathan/Serpent/Satan. Whatever name you want to give it, these people worship the devil. They've been convinced that this is their only life and they should indulge in every Earthly pleasure that money can buy, including but not limited to, fucking little kids. They believe that this creature grants them magical powers when they offer it the blood of the innocent. There are children ages 10 and under who are frequently subjected to all manners of torture and ritualistic sacrifice. The Alex Jones tier shit is family friendly and watered down to say the least. I'm talking strapping these kids to tables and flaying them alive. These are hardly the limits of their depravities. They have entire islands and cruise ships dedicated to this stuff.

But it doesn't even stop with the kids. They promote things like race mixing and the reversal of gender roles in an effort to sew chaos. This "organized chaos" as one may call it is rooted in the four words "as above, so below". These words are the words of Satan, who wishes to be like God. This why these elites do horrible things instead of good ones, and why they do them to kids instead of adults. Everything is to be made backwards. They remove borders instead of enforcing them. Whether it's the torture and rape of one child or the destruction of a whole nation, the Baphomet doesn't care. The Baphomet doesn't have a sense of time. Well, at least that's what they believe and use to justify their actions.

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>Yes, goyim. Don't share Level 0 "conspiracy" theories. Don't give any information that would let them make any conclusions about anything on their own. Just stop being a Jow Forumsack basically.
Try harder JIDF. It makes me laugh

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>people from Trump's campaign meeting with Russians
The original claim was that wikileaks is a russian tool to hurt hillary. They claimed that russians hacked hrc's email server and gave these emails to wikileaks.
And this narrative is bullcrap, you dumb fuck. I don't care about peoplemeeting with russians. The original claim is SHIT, got it? Tell me what obama meant with 65k $ worth of dogs or kill yourself, you piece of shit, incapable of reasoning.

Wrong opinion on Jow Forums bud

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I fell for the "Hillary has health problems" conspiracy theory.
Never again.

>but I don't think
no one cares what you think, retard

do you want to look at the evidence or not?

How do I tell conspiracies which are true from the ones that are ment just to bait?

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Word "Conspiracy theory" was implemented by CIA niggers to shut down goyim why tried to dig too deep into Kennedy's murder.
This way, everyone who dared to doubt (((official version))) is equalized to outright freaks like flat earthers in eyes of common goyim cattle.

>people getting this mad over the suggestion that maybe dropping this redpill first isn't the best way to redpill people

This is how it starts to look like a psyop that is just supposed to make redpillers look like crazy assholes to people open to redpilling.

Do you dipshits want to redpill people or not?

How was I mad? I was just asking a legitimate question.

How do you guys discern real truthful conspiracies from the ones which are only main to for bait?

I can't so I'm asking.

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1/8 weak bait

Concern shill and his partner team up for a thread. Sage this bait. All pedos including the faggot OP who is covering for them get the rope.

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Eh, I probably caught a few extra in the mass of clicking.

How do you discern? With something this big, it's hard to investigate every little thing unless you have lots of time, which most don't. Most people just use their gut, which is where I get worried about the PG theory. Most people are just going to dismiss it because on the surface it comes off as something a schizophrenic came up with.

I'm not saying there's no such thing as a conspiracy, but this particular one is weird in that it doesn't have any victims that I can recall going public. It's so massive, and yet it's 100% leakproof?

That's the same ID, you mong.

Incorrect. The franklin scandal, casa pia, the finders case, the dutroux affair, and the ongoing elite pedophilia allegations are enough to show conclusively that very large interconnected pedophile rings exist and that a culture of extreme evil involving this and other things exists among the elite of the elites. It is worse than pizzagate. The best researchers on this were warning people about the pizzagate investigation being subjected from the start.

There is no doubt this phenomenon exists and is worse than anyone imagines. You are either willfully blind or malevolent to deny it

Please prove you aren't a manlet bitch and punch the Hillary voting traitors in your family right in their faces. Do it now. Beat them bad for betraying you and the family.

Guys, pizzagate is 100% real. The illuminati reptilian Jews don't want you to know, but I know it's true because I've done my research on Jow Forums which is always accurate. Remember, if at any time anyone disagrees with you, the most powerful way to fight their critical thinking is to say "womp womp" and call them a shill.

Can you explain the franklin scandal, the finders case, casa pia, the dutroux affair, or the UK pedo dossier? Please help me understand what this shit means

>franklin scandal, the finders case, casa pia, the dutroux affair, or the UK pedo dossier?
Some of those have been found to be hoaxes, and some have been found to be true. So what? Any evidence for Pizzagate being true? Evidence please, not coincidences or "hmmmm" moments. Evidence.

>I mean, come the fuck on, it's just so silly
If 20 Muslim men are able to traffic thousands of kids around Europe the elite can traffic kids around the world without knowing.

Wake up. GOD is figurative word. GOD is energy, source, consciousness that includes everything and beyond. You are also part of it. All the religions are teaching about this truth, hidden within words to those who are ready to see. Are you ready?


With these you can enter the rabbit hole. This is most important redpill. Redpill of life.

Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.

I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with our spirit.

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satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.

Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.

There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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(((they))) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).


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They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

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sage not pol related

These are good too



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Incorrect. Nick Bryant, at legal risk to himself, published the most damning documents from the first grand jury concerning the franklin scandal. He conclusively.proved that the first grand jury was tainted by the district attorney at that time. The attorney himself was directly implicated in the affair. It was, as the corrupted journalists said "a carefully drafted hoax" to cover up a vip pedophile ring and blackmail operation among many other nefarious acts.

The Dutroux affair was worse than even the investigators thought at the time. Same with casa pia, and the finders case, and especially the shit still going on in the UK.

You are intentionally covering for pedophiles. You don't have to do this anymore. Fight the evil

Sure it is. Politicians and powerbrokers committing heinous acts and covering them up directly relates to this place

There are a few million elites in the world. Statistically, some of them are going to be pedos. Statistically, a handful have the desire to rape kids en masse. Each one of them has the money to pull it off. Even relatively unimportant people like Harvey Weinstein managed to rape and sexually assault dozens of famous women without getting caught for decades. Is it really unbelievable that a few dozen elite pedos would get together to organize rape parties and that they would hire unscrupulous lawyers to set up shell companies to hide it?

I'm not saying pizzagate in particular is even 10% correct. Pizzagaters are like 9/11 Truthers and Birthers, they see signs of a massive conspiracy everywhere. Open minded people don't see a pizzagate thread and think everyone on Jow Forums is a Pizzagater. /b/ was the center of 9/11 Truthers for, like, 6 years and /b/tards never developed a reputation for being conspiracy nuts.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attack Pizzagaters to protect Jow Forums's reputation. Ignore them and they'll self-contain and eventually go away. It's like the leftists on Jow Forums are so embarrassed to be in the same room as the Pizzagaters that they think they have to go full Jim Crow.

Dude, many of the politicians that were blackmailed weren't pedos. A culture of corruption in a stable republic is passed to new generations, getting worse each time. It has never stopped. Read about the rise in power of the Clintons, their mentors and their allies along the way groups often fall to the lowest common moral denominator, it is pack mentality. Even people who may be somewhat decent yet weak can get mixed up in this or get blaxkmailed

I don't know what blackmail has to do with what I said?

Blackmail can make normal people do heinous things. Read about Craig Spence and his house filled with surveillance equipment. Read his direct ties to the franklin scandal. Read about his hidden room full of camera monitors that watched every room in his house during his "parties". Read about his intelligence background and connections, knowing the most prominent "Madame" in DC, and his bizarre suicide

Oh I get you now. Yeah, money can let you get away with a hell of a lot. It takes a lot to hush up a rape party, but these things have happened and do happen. It's like a terrorist organization. For every terrorist, there's about 10 people who directly or indirectly contribute to the cause, even if most of them are just looking the other way knowing full well what they are allowing to happen on their watch.

I understand that in Britain there is considerable evidence of high level politicians and officials getting blacked mail into covering up a pedo scandal.

We live in a time where we've been drip fed fake news our entire lives and anything close to real news gets discredited in a mass of conspiracy theories.

Yeah bro it is bad in the UK. MPs and PMs involved. One PM was accused by multiple sources of throwing a couple of the used kids overboard into the ocean. I think is name was Heath, but could be wrong


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this is 2nd level /x/ bullshit .../x/ is this way ----->

Scandals and cover ups by politicians is a political topic, putz"perfect pizza"/

>red pilling is most effective when normies are confronted with concrete, objective, factual information that shatters their worldview
>huwhite males will always be aware that everything they hear can be a lie
>kikes/kike shills don’t want this

Red pilling normies cold turkey 24/7, m8.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.