This is America

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When did America become Mexico?

or it's a pic of brits without a TV license

And it's beautiful.

>This is America

yeah 4 years ago

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Thats a nice fucking cage.

Its a picture of Britons after being rounded up for trying to butter their toast with an unlicensed plastic spork.



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Yeah let's just let them roam free in the streets and see how long they last

hang on a minute bong faggot, so its ok for lefties to spread old photos saying its our president's doing but we can't then bring up old photos as proof positive it was going under obama? wow, you all sound like a bunch of suppressive authoritarians, oh wait i forgot who i'm talking to people who demand we give up rights and say/think just as you all again demand, kys

how can I buy this Bruce Nauman's shit ?!

I'm genuinely okay with this. The only way I'd make it better is add gas.

This is England

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That's not my America! My America would shoot anyone caught trying to cross the border. Those who still sneak in would be given ten years of solitary confinement followed by deportation. Anyone caught here illegally a second time would be put to death. We are far too kind and it is time we take off the gloves and hard knuckle these invaders until they give up.


Did the Obama gubmints seperate children from their parents?

>Parents commit crime with their kids in their hands
>parents get locked up
>their kids get held in a facility before processing
>somehow this is the state's fault
100% of the blame goes towards the shitty parents committing crimes with fucking children in tow.

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I don't understand what my fellow Brit is getting at in the OP. If they mean to be critical they need only look at our detention centers and see they're basically the same but with more money wasted on making it not look like a cage or pen. I, for one, would be happier if my taxes weren't going on building a whole wall and the more economic solution of using cheap secure fencing was used.

Shut up cunt


This. We need a shoot-on-sight policy for illegal immigration.

half the USA belong to the mexican at one time or another

Yes blame the parents seeking a better life for their children

Pay no attention to the corrupt government- have some candy.

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That's not steel cage match?

Always has been, always will be
Nothing will ever change it
No crocodile tears
No false news stories
Welcome to America, now get out

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Did you get your knife yet loisence yet you yellow-toothed queer

I see no white people there.
Why should we care ?

If an actual american citizen commits a crime, he or she goes to jail/prison. They don't get to bring their families with them.

Why is it such a travesty when illegal spics have the same thing happen to them?

We're gonna need a bigger cage

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Where's their "Obama-foil" blankets?

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>bix nood mufugga muh dik


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It's a good start. Now deport them too.

They ought to line them all up and blow their brains out. Then their parent next. Then distribute the video of it all over Mexico and let them know this is what happens when you and your kind try to invade our country. We will kill every single last person who crosses that boarder wall.

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1st time misnomer crime that they literally had no other choice to do if they wanted to live.

Imagine this, you're in a car at a stop light with your children in the back seat and see in your mirror a man with a hockey mask and machete running right for your car. If you run the red light the state will arrest you and take your children away for breaking the law. If you don't run the light you and your children will be murdered.

This isn't an exaggeration or hyperbole, this is pretty much the exact same situation they're facing.

...And? It's called having a country. Parents who endanger their kids to commit crimes need to have their children taken from them.

Obama did it too.

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

We'll probably get to that point with how fucking retarded the people in this country are getting.

>This isn't an exaggeration or hyperbole

I think it 100% is kek

Whoa that's a lot of spacing there fella, you sure you're on the right site?

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>this is america
Someone make that meme song edit

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Don't body-shame us you fucking bigot.

Nice copy-pasta, even though it is getting a bit moldy now; at least two days old.
That being said: I could not agree more!

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>access to clean bathrooms
>clean, healthy meals
>roof over their head
>Probably got a big TV for some entertainment
Oh these poor fucking people, tacocaust is in full effect :(


¡Ay carumba, think of the six millón, mang!

>>This isn't an exaggeration or hyperbole
>I think it 100% is kek

Actually, the reality is MORE DIRE than the situation I described. In reality you don't have 1 man with a machete chasing you and your kids. You have an entire Mexican drug cartel with lots of guns hunting you down.

I'd say if you didn't illegally cross the boarder then they're bad parents and should have their kids taken away. If the left were as insane and crazy as the alt-right were, we'd be handing our children over to illegal immigrants for being such good parents risking their lives to protect them.

[smacks lips]

das rite

>if at first you don't succeed 1056 times....

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But they add such vibrant diversity while simultaneously blending in and adhering to our values. It's a win-win.

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Doesn't exists. You morons don't know how to hide very well do you? What about the rest of the Mexicans then? Hmmm? Are they all, every single one of them living in fear at this moment from the big ol scary cartel (that our government runs COUGH) ?

Explain the surge of criminals crossing the border. Explain why Mexico is dumping their prisons into our country. You are really stupid mate

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Britain invented the concentration camp during the Boer War.

This guy talks like a GTA:SA character lmao.

That's mexico squatting.
This is america.

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I like how Horsey only knows how to draw like 3 different faces.

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>(((American lifestyle)))

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>Explain the surge of criminals crossing the border. Explain why Mexico is dumping their prisons into our country. You are really stupid mate
>muh pristine white's only boys club

womp womp


Nice lazy response faggot kek I knew I'd wear you down like the weak willed homo you are

>If the left were as insane and crazy

You are. All of you. Fucking losers mate lol

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>5 posts and several paragraphs later
>get ass blasted by 2 words

womp fucking womp

You can't form an argument based on reality so you make up horseshit fantasies to somehow connect your horribly disfigured worldview to reality.

You're wrong. Plain and simple, and you know it. I could school your ass with both hands tied behind my back, typing with my fucking nose

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What website is this

And it's fucking great !


Half of the North American territory did, which now belongs to the U.S.. It was not the U.S. or really any significant half-part of it when they owned it.


White people killed our way across this continent once and we'll do it again, SOON.

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And this is Mexico. Why the fuck would we allow people from one of the most violent countries on Earth to just pour unchecked into our country?

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This is lunchtime at East LA high school, faggot.

It's like Jow Forums but for niggers!

Uncle tom

Brown people behind bars/webs, I see nothing wrong here.

You love your liberal slavemasters more than you think

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i thought u retards said obama had open borders?

smoke and mirrors...

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Soon we'll have all of Mexico too.

Well, maybe the borders weren't open, but look at how much more comfy the kids were during his admin.

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Thousands of children are seperated from their US citizens when they are arrested EVERY FUCKING DAY

Thousands of children are taken from their US citizen parents and put into DCFS EVERY FUCKING DAY

Where is the left's outrage over THIS?

Why do Democrats only care about illegal alien's children and ignore CITIZENS OF THE USA???

Who do they really care about?

>Horsey thinks this is an insult to Trump voters

Niggas be mad bix nood on dis site dis shit enlightenin mane

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>Obama era
>90% get released to live with families in America waiting trail
>10% get put in detention centers

>Trump Era
>9% get released
>91% get put in detention centers
>even children under 1 year old get put in jail

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What's the problem here, should they detain the parents but just let the kids in? I don't understand the logic, you don't get to break the law just because you're young.


So you're saying their country is full of hockey mask murderers but NONE of those murderors are going to cross the border with them and the illegal lawbreaking migrants in "family units" ( of over half of which turn out to be bogus ) are true blue innocent angels?

Sounds like a good reason to let NONE of them in.

Wow, Obama really de transformed it!
...but why he do wear de mask?

There you go again, making shit up. Obama was such a great faggot wasn't he?

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unironically this

if they want to exclude the dramatic effects, we have halls just like this or had at least when we got zerged... why not just man the doors? why the cage?

>bunch of mexiniggers in a cage
oy vey
>bunch of mexiniggers in a hall

unless they are trying to trigger a response? I honestly dunno, given how us prisons work

>cartels can't operate in America
you are a fucking retard

>1 post by this ID

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its almost like their parents have complete control over breaking the law or not.

if you were to get arrested as a single parent. You would be taken into custody and your child would be taken into protective services.

Why should illegal migrants have rights a legal citizen would not? why are you so easily manipulated to turning your back on logic by simple pictures?

Horsey went off the deep end during the election.

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That half nigger loves cocaine and homosex

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>those murderers are going to cross the border with them
Pretty sure the criminals want to stay on their side of the border where they're safe from US law. Crossing the boarder would put them in legal jeopardy. Also, most of them are pretty easy to spot. pic related

>( of over half of which turn out to be bogus )
citation needed

Innocent until proven guilty. People on probation don't have children taken unless except for extreme circumstances. These people have legit legal defense for "breaking the law" and even if they're convicted, an American citizen would never have their children removed if it's a 1st time misnomer like these people.

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Horse Island

I was worring this was norse, but it is not from Hrossey, orkneys. it's from norfolks. can still be.. danish or norse, but I hope not at least... God damnit it is isn't it?

Looks good to me.

Make Mexico great again