Simply invading Mexico and disposing of the cartels and corrupt politicans would be a cheaper, faster...

Simply invading Mexico and disposing of the cartels and corrupt politicans would be a cheaper, faster, and more effective solution than building the wall.

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I would be fine with this if the Mexican people want it. Otherwise I don't give a fuck, and we aren't the world police.

yes but who wants to own mexico?

Neocons, not even once. Nation building days are over.

If we keep trying to clean up the third world we will never have a SPACE FORCE.

Good fucking luck. Literally the whole system is corrupt top to bottom just like in every other Latin American country. It's cultual. Generations of people with the same mind set who will do the same fuckin thing and you'll have the same problem in 20 years.

Just a compromise for tactical nuclear strikes and chem/bio

but then you would have to expose the CIA and all the drug revenue would be taxed or made illegal

Mexico is not so much the problem, DHS turns them around and pushed them back home, the problem right now is Central America, got to treat them different

Congress needs to do the same to them we do to Mexicans

You could start with Washington, chum.

The vast majority of these migrants are coming from Central America. Mexicans are less than half of all Hispanics in the US and the vast majority of the ones currently trying to get through border security are from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and even as far South as Venezuela or Ecuador

Salvadorans are an enormous part of California right now

Problem is, cartels from the south would eventually move to mexico. To fix mexico you either have to secure its south border, or fix all latinamerica.

This would probably just result in refugees. Think the middle eastern conflicts, that just drove muslims into europe.

i support an invasion of Mexico. I think many Mexicans would, as well.

it would be messy, but I think US could tame Mexico.

wall lasts longer.
anyone stupid enough to let the cartels flourish once will eventually fuck things up again.

No. You put 500,000$ bounties on all their heads. No war necessary.

mexico is literally letting these ppl go thru their southern wall into the USA, we should just send them to canada


Why would the government go against its closest allies?


Absolutely. We need to keep them out and then march right up their anuses and clean out the putrified shit they call a homeland.

Just fucking annex Mexico already.

It's mexico's problem not ours.

Invading Mexico and disposing of the Mexicans is the only permanent solution

You don't speak for anyone, Ahmed.

Who cares what they want. All they want is beer and chicharonnes

that would not be profitable for the US gubberment :)

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Flaggot threads are slide threads

Draft all refugees
Arm them and point them at Mexico
Do what they do best
Rape kill steal

Mexico will pay for a wall pronto

Don't fuck with the jesus

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>Simply invading Mexico and genociding all the Mexicans
>if the Mexican people want it
Who acres what tehy want? they are the problem?
We need to push the border south, it's impossible to maintain because it's too fucking long. It won't be bad land after the genociding of the spics currently there.