It's funny being racist but seriously don't be racist. Skin color has nothing to do with someone's mental qualities

It's funny being racist but seriously don't be racist. Skin color has nothing to do with someone's mental qualities.

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So why do niggers cause the most crime?


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It's fun. Goes without saying. However, I do feel there's something to be said about those with dark skin often behaving more like animals than humans. Can I prove it scientifically? Dunno, but just watch the news and read twitter.

True, skin color doesn't have anything to do with mental qualities, those are separate allele clusters. The phenotype is just representative of the genotype, and skin color is an easily identifiable trait.

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>Skin color has nothing to do with someone's mental qualities.

among other visual indicator it's a sign of genetic traits

Additional analyses revealed that these associations were not confounded by a measure of concentrated disadvantage that captures the effects of race, poverty, and other social disadvantages of the county.

DNA acquired from breeding with Neanderthals may explain why people of European descent respond differently to infection than those of African descent, two studies suggest. The findings might also offer insight into why people of African descent are more prone to autoimmune diseases caused by an overactive immune system.

Europeans have three times more Neanderthal genes for lipid catabolism than Asians or Africans

Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits
Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior
The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.

>These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.

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Thank you american fren

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always brother, I'm European (born and 100%genetic)

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You need some race realism.

Look into he I.Q. statistics as it pertains to race.

Science says otherwise /thread

Check out this d00d if you haven't already

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Thank you for the link ..I have heard of them but haven't watched anything from AH *yet. I'll cue it for viewing today.

Nice try nigger.

Fuck you leaf. I can hate whomever I want.

50% of niggers in America have sub 85-IQ

Attached: 50% of nigs sub85.png (2550x3300, 274K)

yes it does

>Skin color has nothing to do with someone's mental qualities.
youre right, race does. albino niggers are still stupid.

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but brown people are all shit. their only good qualities come from whites. u dumb nigger

>Skin color has nothing to do with someone's mental qualities.
Correct, because skin color isn't race. Race has a great deal to do with mental abilities. For example, virtually everything you see around you was invented by a white person. The other races COMBINED invented maybe one ten-thousandth as much as we did.
You're welcome.

I live in the whitest country in the EU and i have had the pleasure of working with some of the more """intelligent""" melanin-enhanced induviduals from Africa.
All i can is that you amerifats needs to take care of your nigger problem if you want to be great again.

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>A fucking leaf


t. Mohammed

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You're right, but there's a strong correlation and ignoring a visual indicator of potential danger is unwise. We shouldn't kill them on sight but we shouldn't let our guard down either.

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