So you guy's are cool with kids being in cages?

So you guy's are cool with kids being in cages?

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If they are spics

what part of womp womp do you not understand

And the final solution to this problem is to unite the families, on a bus to mexico city


BASED cannibal
also RARE

What else do you propose to do with them while their parents are in prison?

This. I support the peaceful and humane repatriation of all illegal aliens currently residing in the US.

(obama era picture)

The only thing I'm not cool with are the cages being in the U.S.

womp womp

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Haha, no one can answer this question

I prefer them in graves, but cages is ok too.

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Doesn’t bother me, just wish the cage was on the other side of the border and not funded by my dime.

Apparently it's better than where they're coming from....

Yes, serves as a good warning to other wannabe trespassers on US soil.

They can alternatively start doing ths
as far as I'm concerned.

the fact of the matter is people are being absolutely heartless as children are being ripped from their families, numbered, thrown in an actual cage (in a country they've never known), and all we as Americans say are "rules are rules" for a change that is a misdemeanor. Did their parents do wrong? Yes. But what is lawful isn't always moral.... this isn't moral.

We've created internment camps for children

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not sure why we have to pay for the bus ride for them to go back home while the coyote gets to their money. might be cheaper to just machine gun them down at the border and let them rot in the sun like israel does

>So you guy's are cool with kids being in cages?

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They can go back at any time.


I'd still like to hear an answer

Kill yourself

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The people they came with may not even be their parents. You want them locked up with their trafficker?



I don't see kids. I see dogs

what race are they?

Yes. I’d keep them in those airline kennels stacked six high if it was my choice. Shit, I’d feed them puppy chow also.

womp womp

>they didnt say anything when it was obama keeping them in cages
>they didnt say anything when obama shipped in kids by the bus full and it was later found most of those kids ended up in child sex trafficking. oops
>they didnt say anything when trump actually tries to improve the immigration system, which would reduce such instances, but is obstructed
>they didnt say anything till they thought trump was at fault and thats why what they say cant be taken seriously
its probably not even trumps fault, theyre probably only behind bars for a couple days until they can be vetted. and theyre probably not waiting as long under trump as they did under obama at first before he just started shipping people in to supply sex traffickers


Jews are losing every day.

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We should prevent kids from getting to cages by shooting anyone approaching the boarder. Make a kiosk in a safe zone for applying for asylum. It automatically rejects everyone.

They have to go back

Your photo is from 2014

whomp whomp

Leftists want the entire families released where they can go underground, be issued new identities by left-wing organizations and vote democrat, and have generations of brown children

Yes, can we stop having this thread now?

Their parents shouldn't have tried crossing the border illegally. It's their parent's fault. Fuck them.

>george, its me, hillary
>i told you never to call me here
>my tits are in a wringer, george, all of ours are! if we don't come up with something, that ig report and all these questions are gonna bury all of us!
>what's this us, my dear? I'm half a world away!
>he knows everything, george... even where you have your other money... and what we've been doing with it
>are you getting it, now, soros? he. has. everything. all he has to do is crack the door open and everyone will want to know! we need a diversion, now!
>are those camps we installed to house our kids we sell still there?
>i'll call everyone... maybe we can use them one more time before we need to sell them...
>we only need to delay selling them for a little while. maybe a few weeks till the report dies down
>well, hillary, we can't hold them long... lots of us aren't getting any younger... without them, anyway!
>hahaha... why mr. soros... did you just make a joke?

They willingly walked to those cages.
If they wanted to stay out of a cage, they would have stayed home in their own country.

>asking a board that idolizes Hitler if they are OK with something not even as bad

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They are not white so they are garbage
Just kill them
Mexicans are not human just a clump of cells.

Those kids? Yes

hahaa it was obama

Obama era pic
Nigger the as hitler incarnate

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.


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I agree.

Their parents should never have subjected their children to this by committing illegal acts with known consequences.

>b-b-but america is wrong to defend itself

Fuck off with your victim blaming. America has every right and a moral obligation to defend their borders from criminals.

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You bet they do. All these kids locked up will make for a very boring summer for the dems at their "parties".

Dragging your kids across a country absolutely rife with murder, rape, and human trafficking is akin to chugging a fifth of whiskey, chasing it down with a six pack, packing your kids in the car and driving across 5 lanes of highway to beat the train crossing to get to the store.

Lemme ask you this; if I, as a citizen, decided to walk from NY to Florida to escape high taxes, crossing no foreign borders, and made my kids walk with me, in the middle of summer, if I got caught, would my kids be taken away?

If Trump gets them out of the cages,
We will protest to get them back in the cages!

This is the main point. Yuo have NO IDEA if these are actually theri parents.

80% of females report being sexually assaulted while trying to cross the border illegally.

Yooouuuu wanna throw them in a cage together?

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Would prefer gas chambers, but this is good enough.

Hitler did nothing wrong

yea. fuck them, get them out of our country it's their parents fault they're in that situation in the first place. I don't care about some random beanos kids that are in a rough spot cause their parents are fucking idiots. fuck off shill

how many people did you eat today?

Yes. Especially if they’re third worlders. I’d be far less humane if I’d ruled this country. Just be happy I’m not president.


that really womps my womps

We can send them all to you if you care that much.

If you’re gonna take the time to write so much, you may as well at least make it funny


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What a beautiful pasta. Can I save it and use it later to bait libshits?

It it keeps them out of the hands of human traffickers, pedophiles, and other democrats, yes.

>what part of womp womp do you not understand?
the second womp

you're right
let's legislate everything emotionally instead

lel they have to go back

1# You are an idiot for posting such a lame comment. 2# KYS and make room for an poor immigrant child in your family. 3# Maybe you should do drugs with Peter Fonda.

i don't understand the reddit spacing.
what is the purpose? why are people doing this?
as a media designer i feel very disgusted by this nonsense.


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boys should be ripped apart and fed to the dogs
the girls should be violated to death.

I made this, just for you.

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I am cool with thous kids being in cages. It is called "in group preference" get some you colossal faggot.


>muh feels
fuck off cunt

Almost like they don't belong in America and should be kicked into Mexican desert

Heard last night that at one time, 90% of the kids in one of the camps were victims of sex traffickers.

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You said nothing until now, so you're the one that's cool with it. You're just trying to score political points.

Don't use a possessive apostrophe.

I'm better with grinding up illegals and making a product from the slurry. We could probably figure out how to make fuel from it.

If I trespassed on any kind of private of government owned land with my child under my arm we would be inevitably separated. Due process.

I agree with tackling immigration as long as america isn't creating internment camps.

It's 2018, and we should be better then this. Funding is a joke period.

The administration we have defunded so many necessary programs and thrown them into unnecessary things(as every administration has done before, I know) that we have the money to not put people in cages.

We just are not using it.

How we are currently treating this situation is a human rights violation.

By Trumps own words, he views many of these immigrants as animals.

So, until we have a government(as a whole not just top admin) that's willing to stop fighting for their political parties and start fighting for whats actually right, this BS will never stop. The judicial process here blows.

And I'm not saying what the parents did was right, but I'm so tired of hearing people heartlessly say "well rules are rules."

Those are babies. Stop.

And this is why, its important to vote for competent politicians who aremt swayed by greed, or power, or archaic views on humanity

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Pick one, faggot

We should do what the Democrats want.
Give them back to the smugglers and pedo rapists. After all, that's the moral thing to do.

>akin to chugging a fifth of whiskey, chasing it down with a six pack, packing your kids in the car and driving
so you're homophobic

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If it means their parents don't get catch-and-released to go wander off, yes.

Better yet, they can all stay together. In a cage. Then once the paperwork's done, they can all go back on the deportation bus.

Nah, fuck 'em

I prefer them in your house seeing as you love them so much

Friendly reminder that Mr. Nobel Peace Prize has deported more illegals and authorised the killing of more civilians and children via drone than any president before him.

>current year argument
So it was ok in 2016 but its 2018 now and we've come a long way since then.

Cages are cruel. We should keep them free range.

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Its a felony you fucktard.


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you are dying - kick them all out NOW!

Body of ‘raped dog’ found inside Greek refugee camp

But he's black, so it's all ok, you bigot

That's what "peace" is to those people

>leftists justify social degradation with moral relativity for years
>try and make moral arguments in current year
lol no one cares fag

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I retagged your photo filename for you

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