I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and input.
Here's the final result. I hope it's to everyone's satisfaction. I'll be trying to pump out more videos like this every week so stay tuned.
The video
Other urls found in this thread:
holy shit this is beautiful
good work user
*cringes in english*
superb :)
Inspirational. Thank you.
Thank you brother
*cringes in moon language*
fucking love Owen Benjamin
based af
Similar feelings drove me to choose Imagine and turning it around into reality.
I left the kike comment ;)
But in all seriousness, this masterpiece brought a tear to my eye. Please have this piece archived.
Thank you!
Perfect timing considering it is White Pride month, which I have been told by the blacks is every month.
just beautiful
"have something to kill and die for"
What is this kike bullshit?
I'm glad you like it my man!
>length 3:33
Also, it's actually 3:34
Already reported and posted in my very active discord, enjoy it while it lasts white supremacist scum :)
Reported for what exactly?
People of light will reing supreme.
going around hating stuff only because it triggers you, won't do any benefit for your health in a long term.
Hate speech and nazi propaganda. :)
Fuck you nazi.
get over your mommy or daddy issues
Have you fucking seen this shit?
This is snap worth not people of light and normies didnt even asked.
Only thing I would remove is the JFK headshot. Seriously out of place. It ruins the presentation.
Aside from that it is very good. The lyrics could use a little work but honestly I didn't contribute anything and the end product is very good.
What fucking hate speech? There is nothing about Nazis in the video.
Don't listen to him. He thinks the people marching are germans and can't see that it is an american helmet.
Fucking commie bastards
A bit too belligerent for my own taste, but the idea is there, the audio from 9/11 ruins a bit the flow of the song though. Also nice voice!
Why the lambda thought?
isn't it supposed to be an homosexual activist symbol? Is it a jewish trick?
I know it's supposed to represent the spartan soldiers unity or something (opposing Athenian pederasty and degeneracy or something) but why this particular one?
It's also the symbol of the movement génération identitaire in France, is the movement international and also exist in Sweden?
addition to the opinion that the JFK headshot should not be included:
This is supposed to leave people with a feeling of nostalgia and optimism. Watching a head explode is a jarring shock. This is propaganda 101. You are combining elements which do not lead to a cohesive whole.
kennedy was a piece of shit but overall its great
This is so fucking gay
wrote a gay poem about people of light you can use in a future video IF you want
You say nazi like it's a bad thing. I mean it's not like hatespeech is even real lmfao
hence my question
Saving it
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'll make sure to take these things into consideration for future videos.
I'd suggest changing the lyric "Something to kill and die for" to "something to fight and die for."
Holy shit, now I remember back when I made a video like that. Well, kind of like that. I just wanted to make a copy of The Lion, pretty much.
Logged back onto my old YT account and it's been hidden by the jews. Who would have thought.
I remember that asked Jow Forums for material I could use in the video and you guys were pretty helpful. Anyways, good vid OP.
Good idea
kitschy as fuck.
>faggy Enya-esqu cover of a faggy john lenon song
>white women in wheat fields me-me
>muh white unity
How do you explain that the gay AND the natios share the same symbol (greek lambda)?
How do you explain that the L in LGBT come from Lesbos (Sappho's greek island) and that lambda in greek is actually the letter L (as is Lacedaemon, home of Sparta) used as liberty by the homosexual activist movement?
No other symbols available? Had to use a "kinda gay" movie from jewish hollyhood and borrow a gay activism logo? Do i smell jewish subversion or am i just an autist?
I'm sorry you were raped as a child user. I hope you realize what happened and stop reliving your trauma with gay sex.
>the swastika is just a firewheel
You're just being autistic.
Oh you're that guy. Your last video I looked at was getting shoahed already. You have drawn (((their))) ire.
Varför gör du inte "Yu-hooo" första gången
Also i just found out the aquarius was in fact soros's open society (open society > cospe > sos mediteranne > aquarius)
based viking, may Odin help you along your golden path.
>muh white Christian unity
that's kinda what we're going for... Plus this is a hugely popular song. In the US there are license plates for this stupid song. If we rework and nail this, its taking a central piece of socialist propaganda art and turning it into a rallying call for white Christians to wake up.
aquarius > Age of Aquarius > Aqurian Conspiracy > JEWS//MASONS
I am not denying this still needs work, but this prototype has gotten me excited!
Learn to mix music retard. Record your voice, THEN the guitar. Fuck sake you are losing to lefties
Half Life 3 confirmed
or you could go with live & die for
put the focus on purpose instead of a sense of conflict
Dude, limited resources. But I agree, this needs some audio polishing and visual tweaking.
Can you post the lyrics here so we can work on this? Or is this the final product?
maybe, just felt like pointing that out
you got to admit, 300 is pretty gay thought (and they are fighting persians not arabs)
just thought maybe it could be the globalists trying to make the nationalist youth secretly worship a gay symbol or something
shill it on twitter ?
I don't think it's ready yet.
>Aqurian Conspiracy
uh oh... Aleister and his degenerate friends at it again
I thought you were being sarcastic...
the name of the boat reminded me of pic related
And you say nothing about the twin towers exploding?
open society > cospe > sos mediteranne > aquarius > Age of Aquarius > Aqurian Conspiracy > jews/masons
this is fucking important and deserve a thread
i gtg but i'll make one later if nobody does
Bruh, you went hard... Yoohoo.
Shed and a tear and now my nose is running, OP.
It's not too late, minna.
There is still hope ...
There was a time this existed.
It's a building being destroyed. You know what it means without seeing the gore of it. We are talking about propaganda projected into the normiesphere. As an american, those visuals have a completely different impact. If you want to include JFK, use first his portrait and then the headline reporting his assassination.
It is about creating a feeling, and that is the moment of repose and opposition in the propaganda piece. You do not want the bad/adversary to be the most impactful image in your propaganda and a guy's head literally exploding from the shot of a high-powered rifle is definitely the outlier in that piece.
The edited cover is good OP, but here are some of my suggestions:
Make it lo-fi, record your vocals and the geetah during the same recording and don't use any reverb of effects
The video is trash either make a new one or I'll do it for you
Remove the whole spartan warrior thing and instead use evolutionary symbolism and the struggle of life.
Remove the clip of the woman smoking, that's very degenerate.
Show lots of clips of families and children.
The video is very flawed but your idea was going somewhere.
was gonna say cringe but it was actually pretty good. Nice work
naziphobia is as disgusting as pedophobia or transphobia
>KYS bigot