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So straight to deportations then.

lol this cant go wrong for the nigress

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>"I'll show that black women can be equals!"
>commits treason because of propaganda
Good job, 'Bottoms'.

But what about Tops??

this is really confusing if you don't realize her name is "Bottoms"


Lock her up

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Are jails and prisons not federally funded? This is nothing but a virtue signal and another stain on the democratic party. I sometimes wonder if they really want to work towards their own demise because the Democrats won't exist by 2024.

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Nigger with jew-granted authority is promoting lawlessness and chaos along tribal lines.

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California is begging for "refugees". What's the problem? Send them directly to the sanctuary state

Who cares? Atlanta couldn't be more of a shithole if it tried.

A war between spic/nigs would be funny though

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im so done
these people all need bullets
can we start the war already

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Y'all should look into her, she's the exact image of what Dems want from their "progressive" candidates; be sure to read up on her relationship with Kasim and the members of his corrupt as government she keeps around.

Waiting for all these fuckin yanks who moved here the past 4 years to finally turn it red because atlanta is full of fucking cucks

I thought our jails were privatized?

When is Trump going to use US Marshals to arrest libshits holding office that are breaking federal law?

Fuck you nigger, it’s hard enough already just send em back you faggot

>laws don't matter
yaaaaaassss slay queen

The Tops is a ring-a-ding place, Baby.

smack her on da bottom

For those that don't know, this is most likely a PR stunt for her, to reacquire favor from the Dem voters who got her into office, because her favorability has significantly dropped since the last mayors dirty laundry has been coming out, after her election, and after he had supported her.

I wish she’d focus on the chicken bone epidemic.

Atlanta will never be red again. I was at Lenox mall last weekend and maybe 1 out of 3 people were White. I don’t see how the Republicans will keep Georgia in the future with the demographic shift taking place.

2024 is a problem. Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida are all gonna be more spic'd. Remember that Soros is pushing for voting rights for felons in Florida in 2018. If the prop passes (there are 1.2 million felons in the state) there's no way it stays red even in 2020


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They are privatized but get subsidized by the government. If it sounds like a giant handout it's because it is

Why are blacks so much more empathetic than whites? Are whites inherently violent and human decency?

I wouldn't be so sure, theres lots of people moving here and kicking out blacl people

Blacks are still slaves, the Democrats never gave them up. They don't have a choice in what they support otherwise they don't get to become mayors or presidents.

>chitlin eatin nigger city

stop posting

The malls in Atlanta are no representation of Georgia's general population. Lenox mall as a demographic sample lel