Do you have leftist friends in real life?

How do you deal with them when you disagree on politics?

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I'm an immigrant so its ok for me to be racist

Most people I know are left of center and anti-Trump, but also anti SJW. Although they unknowingly support most of what Trump does anyway, they just blindly believe the headlines.
So... I disagree with some things, agree about most.

Fake agreement so I can fuck them if they're a woman, or get free/easy shit out of them if they're a man.

Liberal fucktard's been carpooling me to work for > 2 year now. Whines about Trump all the time, and I just pretend to agree or feign ignorance.

It's hilarious. Saves me $200 a month on gasoline here, in Los Angeles.

all about the subtle red pills

i usualy point out the facts and that he can look it up if he wants. it always stops there 'cause they know they would be punched in the face for calling me a nazi for my opinions. but this is eastern europe, we dont have white guilt disease.

>being friends with the mentally ill

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i dont talk to them about politics

parasite detected

Sjws are weak, even the smart ones, i win every argument by being a hardass

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>posting on Jow Forums
>having friends
pick one

People have friends?

I just fuck the lose female ones.

Instead of saying the Jews did it just say *they* and everyone will know what the fuck your saying and not be upset.

They just laugh at me when I say that Hitler did nothing wrong. However, most lefties agree on many of my Rothschild points regarding central banking, the EU, the debt crisis of 2008, the war in the Ukraine, the CIA's war on drugs, the 9/11 debacle and Osama Ben Laden and the Jews/Israel.

I pay my taxes and make more than $140k/year - and he gets to use the fast lane on the freeway + get an ear that will listen to him bitch about why the Electoral System is flawed and how "We're finally gonna get him, because they're putting children in cages/Obama is the reason the economy is good he just inherited it/He hasn't actually done anything with North Korea - did you read it?..."

But well meme'd, my friend.

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No, I'm jacked and I make fun of most of them at my school

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O hi Ted Barrus.

not anymore. i lost some after making jokes like some of my relatives died in the kz too, except they fell drunken from the watchtower.

true story man, true story (she was a stupid libtard bitch anyway, you cant deal with these people you have to leave them)

I've had. Until around Five years ago I hardly cared or noticed that SJW epidemic and Relations weren't that political.
I later found out they were downright Antifa.

I tell them they are right then i prove it to them using their own programing against them. Then they can see just how stupid it sounds when they hear it. They get mad but they can't direct their anger at me. So they just fall back on "Well ya but..."

>the CIA's war on drugs
Nigger loving redditor spotted.

how can you be friends with someone who wants you dead?

this is pretty much all you can do with them. sad.

I had a mixed race friend that was half-white and half-Mexican. Half of his family was poor beaners and the white half was a really wealthy, old money family. The spic genes caused him to be a failure in life so now he goes around totally denouncing his white side and blaming white people for everything, saying we should give the US back to Mexico and all this crazy SJW shit. He didn't show his true colors until we had been friends for almost 3 years. Thought I could talk sense to him but I couldn't. Oh well.

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You fags need some social skills. Take a page from the psychopaths book.

Don't reveal power level.
Listen and feign interest.
Joke and don't be too serious.
Make a well thought out point every now and then, keep it short.
Be perceptive to the response and be quick to pull the break and go into understanding / humor mode to show that you are light hearted and not too serious.
Again, listen and feign interest.
Understand that people that don't sit on pol all day do not have your views or your knowledge.
Realise you are a fanatic, mod behaviour accordingly.
Switch subjects to non-inflammable ones.
90% of the shit that comes out of your mouth should be non-political, light hearted, socially acceptable and enjoyable conversation.
If you want to brainwash someone feed crumbs during a longer relationship and always pull out of discussions when they respond poorly.
When they realise you pull out because you think they are dumb but you never tell them and sugar coat it, they are going to try to prove to you that they can handle it if they like you.

Honestly you just kind a need a feel for these things you absolute autists.

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Almost everyone I talk to irl are apolitical. Normies just don't give a fuck.

Thanks for the quality meme, amigo

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I did.

I don't mind if someone is a lefty and I can tolerate their stupidity and just let it slide. They, on the other hand, simply cannot tolerate any view, opinion, joke, statement, mild dissent, or anything else that conflicts with their narrow world view without them flipping the fuck out and ostracizing you regardless of how long you've been 'friends.' Fuck 'em

That's basically how I was redpilling my roommate last year. Worked a little, the guy is open to more redpilling at the very least.

We usually agree on things like that we got too many immigrants and such..

I have a good friend who is so ultra left it's off the charts. He uses greetings in other languages, calls everything racist, shills for socialism.
I've cast aside many friends who haven't grown up yet. But he's actually a decent guy in all other areas so I tolerate his bs. Well, not tolerate, openly mock. I can't keep a poker face when he tells me Trump will cause WW3, or that Syrians aren't responsible for the mess their country is in.
I've let him know without doubt I like him as a person, but I believe his beliefs are completely and totally retarded.

too tiresome. tried all that shit, got tired, said screw it and you kike shit

also your flag checks out no wonder you're all fucked. stay real man, fuck these people

This user gets it

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living the lie only makes you miserable. get free and remove all that shit from your chest. amazing things can happen.... lots of right wing wonders out there

Made a truce with a friend to never talk politics with a friend after our last heated debate. Asshole breaks his promise to get points with a girl I was talking to a few weeks. Immediately dropped. Fuck him.

no, he doesn't get shit. he's a self-procrastrinating cuck with a psychosis like his pic

im so fucking woke i have one friend
and he doesn't even live here anymore
sometimes he gets mad because i know too much
it's basically pointless
the chances of meeting someone with equal knowledge is too low to care

I only have one liberal friend left, a guy who I've been friends with for 14 years, and it's because he can keep his fucking mouth shut about politics when we hang out. I've BTFO'd him so many times on politics that I honestly respect him for still wanting to be my friend, and he's learned now to talk about anything but politics with me.

Every other liberal friend I've either cut out of my life, or they cut me out of theirs. All of my remaining friends are neocons, white nationalists, gun nuts, rednecks, or natsocs (or some combination of those things.)

Fuck off Satan, we won't fall for your tricks here

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I can totally relate to this. But having all of that knowledge will make you a very rich and powerful person one day if you know how to use it properly so don't sweat it. You will meet new friends along the way.

Holy shit man, im an alt-leftist, commie, antifa faggot, but i also make jokes like this. Am I retarded?

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Just dont talk politics m8

>live free like me behind my meme flag on 4chins.

Yes, but not because of the jokes

they get BTFO on the regular

a given conversation usually ends with them saying "oh I'm not very informed about that, i'll look into it" or something like "but muh feelz"
they generally don't stay "lefties" for long

but remember, i only discuss when THEY initiate, i don't sperg out trying to convince people for no apparent reason

if you know what you're doing, it's pretty fucking easy to snap people out if their brainwashing (it helps if you're successful and good looking too)

the key is to focus on the media first (they lie us into wars that kill millions, but now you believe them? are you a warmonger?) and everything else follows easily - also, it's much better to ask key questions than try to beat them over the head, you should "learn and discover" the truth WITH them, or better yet, give them clues and let them "figure it out on their own"

I live in San Diego and am not a cave dweller, so yes. I don't inject my political opinions unless people inquire about them, in which case I'm still libertarian so we'll probably mostly disagree on taxes. I could debate them on social issues that we disagree on. I'm also half-Syrian, so whenever they pull the White male card I can guilt trip them into suicide.

I've seen it coming. Anyway wish you a great day :).

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If I do they seem to know better than to try that shit around me I guess.

My entire house. Its hard to live here right now.

I call them faggots when they act like faggots

I just let them believe they’ve won and let them hog the conversation until it’s time to switch topics. BECAUSE, that’s how they lost in 2016. Talking like an adult would bring them more to the center - they won’t do that. It’s like children that insist on being held back in school. Well, ok.

No one wants to talk to me about politics (or debate me, for that matter) besides an American boomer (a professor at my university) who's rather liberal. We try to be respectful to each other but he's so bluepilled (he's quite intelligent though). He keeps using NYT/WaPo articles to talk about Trump, you can imagine how frustrated one can get. I know a few feminists but they never talk about their beliefs when I'm around, because I used to go on tirades in public against the (((left))). I'm not even revealing my power level that much since I try not to discuss JQ-related stuff but I guess even without that I come off as too autistic

1 post by this ID


Turn them to hard line right wingers in weeks

I mostly try to ignore them because saying anything always results in REEEEEEE.

Last time I spoke to one of them we were talking about G7, for whatever reason they refused to believe Trump proposed free trade at G7. Dipshit could only laugh then started hurling insults towards me and told everyone that I read fake news.

Hard to say they're my friends, more like acquaintances who jump off their leash about politics.

go back to plebbit

I had many but it’s impossible to respect them now

>tries to look sexy
>has cocked eyes.
(_o)o_) LOL

I have lefty and righty friends. We've basically learned that we're stubborn as fuck on Politics, so we don't really get into heated debates. Rather we try to just show each other the more logical version of the other sida.

I half-heartedly tried to fuck a hippie girl in one of my classes. she was rather dumb, smoked weed everyday, and her favorite song was by bob marley. she had a great figure and big tits though. but when i checked her facebook i saw that she did a bunch of volunteer work in jamaica and tons of pics were of her with black dudes.

Best friend's a leftist (sargonite type rather than SJW type, so not completely insufferable), got drunk once and threatened to kill him, was pretty cash.

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I have 100% leftard zombie family members, I just told them I don't care about politics anymore.

Which is a lie of course, but why get ganged up on? I'll just spread my toxin here

I'm not swayed by the propaganda that you kids swallow whole either.
Pretty much if anybody regurgitates infotainment from the right or left, I mock them.
But I usually crack jokes 99.9% of the time anyways.
I played baby dick fuck on an accordion at a wedding, my friends don't exactly pop a monocle when I call them names, political disagreements are tame compared to the bullshit that I generally spew in their direction just for fun.

I'm an IT contractor. All my friends are builders, engineers, other contractors. No communists here.

t. radical centrist

i have a few. i can't really talk to most of them since as soon as we get 2 sentences into politics, they get angry right away. they don't even know my real views. they're very full of angst.

also one of them of them is a woman, and talking to women about politics is like talking to a fish about algebra.

I wonder if this works
///// \\\\\\\\
//// ___ \\\\\\\
///(_o)o_) \\\\\\\
// | | \\\\\\\
| \/ |||||||||
| 0 ||||||||
\ |||

That's basically what she looks like.

wow it fucked up but actually made it look almost photorealistic.

more or less this. Sometimes the news might be on and I will give my honest opinion, maybe we'll disagree but it's always civil. I don't go out of my way to start a topic on politics though.

it only works when you use unicode spaces as opposed to the standard space key

Man you are so retarded.
Also you made me laugh.

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make fun of their stupid opinions. they think i'm just playin.

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When that statue of the civil war dude was being pulled down a friend I had rageblocked me when I posted antifa violence from the day. He said I was “always siding with the Nazis”- I told him he had no idea what a Nazi actually was.

Now he’s catapulting to the left and I btfo his opinions on the regular.

>pro abortion
>pro feminism
>pro open borders

And all that nonsense.

I live in CA and I don't talk about my politics with people.

I don't know anyone conservative or center-right

Yeah, I knew a girl who was half black/half white. Her black dad left, but she ended up hating her white side of the family, and is now a huge SJW retard.

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Democrat here, I don't have any right winger friends in real life, they are just too stupid to converse with. that and I don't live in a trailer and I have a real job so I don't know many.

I bang a married hardcore lefty and she gets mad when I make fun of niggers but after a few years she's nearly redpilled. Your bitch loves this KKK dick.

I have no friends

I used to reveal my power level all the times with colleagues, associates, friends of friends, etc, but now I just don't have the energy anymore. These days someone can rattle on about how amazing the latest episode of John Oliver was, and I'll usually just respond with a non-committal "haha yeah". I don't know what's made me this way. Maybe it's age.

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lol holy shit

Thanks for the pro-tip.

>created a photorealistic Ana Kasparian text painting effortlessly.
Pick one.

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This is hilariously true

You know what's weird? she actually kinda has a point.
You don't "accidentally" go into student debt the way you can accidentally get pregnant.

I am like you user.

None of these anons here on Jow Forums would ever recognize me in real life.

Almost all my friends are leftist to a degree. I have a few republican friends, but I feel even they have been corrupted by leftist moral relativism because our culture is off the rails shifting culturally left. I have only one friend who is solid conservative.

As for how I deal with it, I have a degree in polical science and I think it has made me good at getting on peoples level and then getting them to see leftist positions are consistently flawed without seeming like I am super conservative and putting them on defense. I also probably have mild aspergers and enjoy politics, so I have a higher tolerance level for bullshit than most people.

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Shhhheeeeeeeee's not wrong

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>Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. Ensure a strong national defense, prevent the spread of communism in Central America, work for a Middle East peace settlement, prevent U.S. military involvement overseas. We have to ensure that America is a respected world power. Now that’s not to belittle our domestic problems, which are equally important, if not more. Better and more affordable long-term care for the elderly, control and find a cure for the AIDS epidemic, clean up environmental damage from toxic waste and pollution, improve the quality of primary and secondary education, strengthen laws to crack down on crime and illegal drugs. We also have to ensure that college education is affordable for the middle class and protect Social Security for senior citizens plus conserve natural resources and wilderness areas and reduce the influence of political action committees.

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Yes a lot. Mind you my name is Sven and back in 2010 when I first voted for SD, they barely got into the government (4% requirement) and everyone was furious. If I even said I voted for SD I'd instantly be branded racist, fascist, nazi and pretty much the worst possible thing you can imagine.

It got people thinking tho and the leftists kept doing the usual shit and in 2014, SD got 13% and our mainstream media made the entire first page black with the number 13% on it, symbolising that this is extremely bad and proclaimed that 87% of the country is against you. This carried on a while, people kept yelling at people who voted SD, but more and more people came out and said they voted for them and the media kept pushing the racist narrative.

Now 2018 there's a new election coming up and last I checked they're BELIEVED to get 19.5%

And the best part about all this? I have seen tons of hardcore leftists calling me and others racist suddenly and openly saying the vote for SD

Still tons of leftists as friends who refuse profoundly to change opinnions and we simply dont discuss politics at all except sometimes when we're drunk and I can feel that burning sensation of them seeing me as a racist scumbag.. I only hope they can feel my view of them as retards as strong as I.

> Not earned less than £70k a year for the last 20 years. Currently on +/- £130k year as an IT consultant
Funnily enough, the only friends I kept over the last 20 odd years were quite (lower case 'c') conservative ones.

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Eberyone O went to high school with watches the daily show to be told what and how to think and feel about everything. Needless to say they are extremely dim and can not be reasoned with. They also have the memory of hillary clinton when it comes to wrongdoings carried out by obama and democrats.

Theyd gladly ruin the future of their own children because its so sad and a few million uneducated beaner children and adults wont cause much harm.

>1 post by this ID
This is a datamining thread. Stop replying. Sage.

What the fuck else am I supposed to post, you retard?

Never understood why people get so attached to a political philosophy that doesn't serve their long term requirements.

If you want something, why they hell would you expect that to be given to you? I mean it's different to something you need, right?

Yes, because im not a far leftist lunatic who desperately hates all people who disagree with me, I have many left thinking friends.
We agree to disagree because we are adults.

I think your reasonable leftist friends are just going through a phase user. They are closet conservatives.