Why is it so republican??
Why is it so republican??
Cause they are cowboys who don't need uncle Sam to dictate their lives?
Only suburban and rural retards live there.
They aren't psychologically damaged by overcrowding (behavioral soup effect)
Keep Yourself Safe, homosexual
Sorry, "behavior sink" not soup lmfao
Inhospitable desolate hellhole void of human life. Only people crazy enough to live there are complete psychopaths and feral niggers.
Delet this thread and stay far far fucking away. Forget you ever heard of this place.
Because cowboys fucking work for a living
Lots and lots of guns
Nah. There’s not a lot of anything.
That's a desert in South America, you idiot.
Oh. Oh wait. Let me guess: you're full.
All red western counties are Mormon.
Only queers and steers live there.
sounds like cowboys vote against their own economic interests because Repukelishits hate the working class Americans
im moving to Cheyenne in the fall with all my liberal democrat family and we plan to vote for lefties
...with a strong feeling of mutual friendship...
What? Why would you believe that?
Jow Forums btfo
Because Hillary eats children.
Sign this
>Thinking the major economic activity of Wyoming is ranching, not oil
Liberal retardation strikes again. We'll be looking for you in Cheyenne. Been a while since we had a good fag drag