Should we spend more money on space research, Jow Forums...

Should we spend more money on space research, Jow Forums? NASA used to be almost 5% of the US federal budget; now it's down to 0.47% of the budget. Other nations have cut back even more; the old Soviet space program is a shell of what it used to be. Are we making a mistake by spending our resources on gibs for illegals instead of space exploration and research?

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ya. lets make an orbiting space city.

What makes you think TPTB haven't been investing in space projects?
They've been doing it for a long time.

Only materialists give a shit about space. You can throw your own money up there.

Nasa is too corrupt, Glumpf is stepping his games up and stepping his chains up.

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No, we need to take care of our own planet. We don't have the technology and resources to build a functioning civilization on other planets yet. (((Elon Musk))) and company and suck a big fat one.


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Nasa and soviet space race was possible only because it was something new. There is nothing new to space so there is no point in spending resources on space exploration. Also technological wise our space tech is too primitive even spaceX.

Let's see if Musk can get his Big Fucking Rocket and Spaceship flying. It's a pretty good test of whether today's technology is up to the job or not.

We MUST. It is a matter of national security. Asteroid mining is necessary for the continued growth of industry and commerce. Asteroid mining is the most effective way of maintaining the hegemony of the dollar. There are quadrillions of dollars worth of resources in near-Earth asteroids.

this is a valid argument tho. There are too many issues right now to care about your space nerd fantasies.

It's about raising the quality of life of human beings. We do not have enough intelligent, healthy people to sustain a fully spacefaring society. This direction will require genetic engineering and AI integration, and we will all be more individual, more free, more secure, and more fulfilled because of it.

Also, near-Earth asteroid mining is the best way to employ advanced black budget technologies without destroying the fragile petrodollar and the world dependence on oil. Oil will still be used in manufacturing.

The worst part is that the public thinks we spend WAY more on space than we actually do. If I recall correctly, there was a poll floating around in the early 2000s that found folks thought we spent like 25-50% of the federal budget on NASA. We could probably get away with some bullshit law that was like "let's reduce NASA's funding to only 10% of the federal budget" and get space colonies in a few years.

That said, NASA is a bloated federal agency that suffers from half a century of big government rot. The boondoggle of the shuttle program, and the go-nowhere ISS are examples of the problem. I'm not saying they're useless, they're better than nothing. But they were projects that lacked vision or a clear end goal. We need big objectives, like establishing asteroid mining, or human colonization.

>being this leafed

You understand the universe is for all intents and purposes infinite right? Like the Earth is a small speck of sand compared to the resources available in space.

Fuck this gay planet. I'd rather live in a moon cave.

NASA can have more of our budget when the government eliminates about a million federal jobs to pay for it

No, it is far from a valid argument. In fact, it's completely invalid, and dangerous.

I don't want a larger global population. I want a society of quality over quantity. We need a smooth economic transition.

The technological marvels resulting from humanity learning how to overcome the adversities of space are numerous and revolutionary. The same technologies used to supply the poor with adequate nutrition in the middle of a desert are useful on Mars, and solving such a problem on Mars makes solving the problem on Earth that much easier (provided other humans aren't obstructing progress).

This is a good thing. Imagine one sort of advanced propulsion with a tremendous energy output being weaponized in the hands of extremists.

However, talent has been sucked up from the general population. How petty to look down on general human society when talent has been absorbed and applied elsewhere.

It's time. Humanity will adjust.

NASA projects seem to work best when they are developed and run by small teams of professional scientists, with NASA providing support in the form of launches, command facilities/employees, etc. But not actually developing the projects within the agency itself.

We made the decision to try fixing the world.

The United States is a young country. It feels like Western civilization is under attack, but this chapter of Western civilization and humanity is only 100 years old. We are getting started.

Between the unique space capabilities of distinct government agencies, I hope we spend at least that much. The Rumsfeld conspiracy about the trillions of missing dollars being poured into space technologies would be wonderful.

Not so fucking fast you racist.

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ALL foreign aid and benefits to illegals should funneled to NASA.