Attached: God Emperor Trump.jpg (734x950, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Watching here:


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Love Drumpf

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Here's what will happen:


Trump promised you sovereignty, that's the most freedom Americans have ever seen in a century, and he has so far kept all his promises.

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you should be ashamed of yourself but your anti-depressants and opioid addiction keep you from feeling any shame

>They didn't tell him the Earth is flat

Shifty kikes

ah, just as Trump talks about going to space and the "space force".

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Lol leaf thinks Trump bloviating on Fox means anything

The eagle should be Netanyahu shitting on Trumps head and it would be perfect.

Lol, the Jew thinks that anyone believes the MSM anymore.

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wasn't "on faux" news, it was probably right-side broadcasting because there were no interruptions or shitty propaganda ticker scrolling on the bottom

ANYWAYS, Trump called out crooked Hillary
Called the IG report a scam and the people are corrupt.
The FBI and DOJ are going to get fucked!

I hope that one day Americans will no longer be under Rothschild debt and considered slaves by them.
God bless Trump

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shut the fuck up leaf

God Bless that Leaf. God bless Trump. God SMITE Israel and Zionism.

Right-hand path, it's good for America.

Lol you inbred redneck fucks will believe anything Trump says

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And what were tehy before Trump?

>Praising Trump
>Hating Israel

You evidently cant have both

>Israeli foreign ministry officials tell me they are concerned that U.S. withdrawal from the UN human rights council will make it harder to block anti-Israeli initiatives on the council. The officials say that even though they feel the council is extremely biased against Israel, U.S. membership helped to soften or fend off some anti-Israeli steps.

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Trump: Let me grab you by the pussy

Pol basedboy LARPing as A Nazi: GOD BLESS TRUMP

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Are you trying to say he can't even shill right without fucking up?

Im trying to say that he fucks up Israel without even making it look like he's against Israel. That's called 4D chess and that's why you hate that meme. BECAUSE YOU KEEP GETTING PLAYED LIKE A FUCKING FIDDLE.

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What do you call recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital? Checkmate in 3?

4D chess. Once again.

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His dick in your ass when he mistakes your onions ass for Ivanka ?

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That trickle down should be coming anytime now!!!!!

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Damn user, got no response? Sounds he really tore you a new one eh?


dude keep the salt comming

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safe space force treaty incoming. Sign up for the SSF Today!

II think thats......still a bigger turnout compared to his inauguration

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The 40k Emperor of Mankind was born in Anatolia. He's also described as having tan skin and dark hair. Read the books.

Nice numerals and meme fren

Who the fuck cares. This is real life and Trump is the God Emperor

I'm making an extra $400 a month because of the tax cut. It's working.


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What is your yearly income user

Trump is 300 lbs of lard is nothing but a crybaby. He dodged the draft multiple times for "bone spurs." He's a weak coward.

Is it weird you guys have been on here freaking out for 2 years and nothing has happened kek. This board was so much better pre-Trump

Benjamin Netanyahu is the weakest most pathetic piece of shit I've ever seen. He thinks that people actually take him seriously but whenever he leaves the room everyone laughs their ass off because of how pathetic he is.

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lol trump talks about hockey - 99.5% white sport, burgers are silent.

burgers love their nigger sports dont they.

>this guy disagrees with me and doesn't like Trump, so he must be Jewish!
Take your meds.

Yes just tell Melania to come to my room, I have to see her Gaza stip

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t-t-this is why t-t-t-trump w-w-won

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an extra $400!!!! holy shit!!! what's it like being rich???

Benjamin: She didn't tell me I was her first, I swear asshole isnt that good anyways. Motioning to guy beside: Someone send some pornstar to his room

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Still waiting for those boots on the ground in Syria, faggot leaf

>300 pounds of lard
>dodged draft multiple times

>Boots on ground
For what? ISIS is no longer the land owning military threat, now its going underground and outsight. The only thing left to do is rebuild, train and get home to wife before tyrone tries anything.

Death Death and More Death

Hail Trump
Hail Victory

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Hes right you know.

People are slowly waking up to deep state tactics

>For what?
But you and your shill friends promised us that we'd all be dying in another Jewish war by now, remember? Are you admitting that all of you were full of shit and just pushing the narrative you're paid to push?

Nah, most of the population is awake at this point...

Thats not true. Just this very story is proof msm still has plenty of convincing power

Wow you'd rather boots on the ground than do some productive, sounds like a mutt. Tell you what Ill meet you there if you get boots there

No they fucking don't. How is that proof? because the MSM keeps spamming it? It's like a real life slide thread, nobody cares but it's still being spammed.

Then why did trump cave and sign it. Pol isnt america. You obviously still have no idea that america is majority made of stupids. And they get their info from msm. If the msm was ineffective. Trump would not have caved.

Trump signed it because its showing that the MSM isn't looking for a solution just something to chimp out about.

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I dont know why you bothered to write all that, just tell him MSM stands MAINSTREAM media

>I hope that one day Americans will no longer be under Rothschild debt and considered slaves by them.
Then tell any American friends you have about this:

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Wrong again. The msm is running this idiot story that bush and obama ran. To get any and all attention away from the IG report. You would know this if you were smarter. And trump caved to he could destroy this story and hope it gets more attention back to the IG repirt. But the msm isnt going to let this go. They are gonna spin this for as long as they can until the IG report is donei

Dude I know you're a shill just fucking leave already. You and the other Jews are all fucking braindead anyways. You probably actually make normies hate Jews more by shilling here.

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Deep state CANNOT afford to let the american people ( the stupids) not the smart americans. Grasp the truth or their attention spans. Cause if that happens. Heads WILL roll. Like hillarys and allies.

A shill. Fuck you are dumb.

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We must FIGHT to find new memes, to mine them from deep down in the earth unlocking their potential to give their energy to the awakening of the God Emperor.

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>tfw I might be able to visit Agartha

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Border children bringing zika virus

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