I Think Children Being Ripped From Their Families At the Border is Halarious

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These families are coming from dangerous countries to seek better lives, faggot.

Don't bring your children with you if you're going to commit a felony cocksucker.

That makes it all the funnier when they get ripped apart. Besides, they are freeloading scum.

fuck off we're full

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is this loss?

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They just found a loophole to making more babies since they probably don't believe in abortion

Those countries are dangerous because of the people who live there. When they come here, they're bringing their problems with them.

My grandparents came through Ellis Island, legally, as was expected. If you get right down to it, they are endangering their children by braving dangerous border deserts and human traffickers.

Do it legally or fuck off

Or better yet improve the shit hole they live in

everyone but me gotta learn trump is the best

Exactly. Zhey are child abusers for dragging childre. Across 700 miles of desert

Fuck them and their shit hole country

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children or not, letting mexicans inside your country is bad to do, america. they will grow to breed twice as you do and do half the work.

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I like that they sleep in tin foil. Pretty funny, if you imagine all the loud crinkling in the middle of the night.

Literally ripped from their mothers' begging, outstretched arms.

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Congrats. But in turn they have made our own country more dangerous and bothersome. Our politics are in a shitty endless cycle of identity politics that should never have been allowed to fester in the first place.

Thats because you are unloved and hated in life.

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keeps the ayys away. they should be thanking us

In general Trump is a huge horses ass, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

The catch and release program is total bullshit. When an American parent breaks the law and either has to go to jail to away trial or to prison after trial, we don't give them a free pass for the good of their children. Why should we give illegal immigrants a free pass just because they have kids?

The only thing the democrats will be happy with is full catch and release, which means letting the illegal immigrant go free until their hearings, during which time they might pop out some additional kids or simply drop off the radar.

Having kids doesn't get you out of anything if you're an American, it should not get you out of anything if you're a foreigner either.

I wish those children were ripped apart in front of their families.
Then the famies set on fire in cages

I think you mean 'ripped from the loving arms of their families'.

they are not owed one in the first place, especially when breaking the law searching for it, fuck 'em and fuck you

Ever make campfire potatoes?
Throw in some butter and onions
Turn up the heat

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Take off the meme flag
Disregarding the inhumanity of it even while acknowledging the fact that it is logical procedure and has been for quite a while before the current administration is retarded and so are you

these fucks know the risk of breaking the law. showing weakness will further encourage these parasites.

Womp womp

>I think you mean 'saved from the criminal arms of their criminal parents and oher criminals (gangs, clinton human traffickifickiing nezworks, etc)'.

I unironically also found it profoundly humorous

>use the kids as an anchor and political/emotional leverage
>We'll keep the kids, you go back now
>adios muchachos

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youtube.com/watch?v=GEuRGM4_I_g. Look like I found the communistic twitter fiends.


Don't they realize Congress under Obama created the 'catch and release' policy if they are with children? They just give them a court date to report and let them go. Then families, with children shot upon illegal crossings.

Maybe they should've tried to enter the country LEGALLY so they could avoid this.... wow... are all mexicans low IQ or is it just you, pedro?

Looks like the summer camp I went to in middle school. This must be like staying in a Ritz-Carlton for these poor depraved war torn children that have been surviving off of lizard skins in the desert their whole life.

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By better lives do you mean all of the gibs their fat south American asses could dream of?

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