Don't back down.
Don't show weakness.
Don't give them an inch.
Don't back down.
Don't show weakness.
Don't give them an inch.
Other urls found in this thread:
The day hes on the floor with anti-fascists mocking him as he squeals for sympathy will be one of the best days ever
All Nazis and their families belong under the dirt - still alive
Some people say the womp womp meme is forced but god dammit... that video is funny as shit hahahha.
their concerns bore me
Never give leftists any ground, never apologize.
He clearly lurks. He knows to never admit defeat or apologize because it makes the leftists double down on insanity
Smart man
and now they'll forget about it in a day's time. NEVER apologize or they smell blood in the water
>meme flag
>arguably the gayest meme flag
Really gets the noggin joggin
kill yourself OP
Is this a v for vendetta quote?
This. Other than pol, his refusal to apologize had already forced the left to move on.
finally looked it up.. my kek runneth over
seeing that fag get triggered is so pleasing hahah.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this "WOMP WOMP" statement thing?
Trump just caved in to all libshit demands like 12 hours ago. This alt right retard delusion.
The gayest meme flag is shitmerica's.
he instantly took back momentum. nobody will talk about that shit in another week.
its overdone but it isnt forced and at least the source is actually funny
Good, fuck the 10 year old mongoloid idiot.
>a fucking leaf
Tha whistles go wooommmmp
Someone put pic related’s pannels in the golden ration
(womp womp)
That's not contestable in the slightest
Repent faggot
>accuses someone of having a gay flag
>is a leaf
Opinion irrelevant
>i heard a story about a 10yr old retarded girl being taken away from her paren-
if there was ever a moment for the guy to just say seething that was the moment
WOMP WOMP might be one of the greatest memes ever. It is the perfect response to demagoguery.
Okay, but you have to admit your flag looks kind of shitty.
its just so fucking funny and a real classic of a response. who the fuck would expect to hear a RNC compaign manager say womp womp in return to some retarded mexican kid being locked in jail hahhaa.
Yours is a FUCKING LEAF. You really have no room to talk. USA flag is much more aesthetically appealing.
never apologize to liberals, ever
Ball is back in congress's court
We all know how adept congress is at passing immigration bills
Just watch, the blame will be shifted to congress after they fail to string together an acceptable resolution
it's the perfect response to ANYTHING
I'm using it in all my lefty-pol shilling that George Soros is paying me to do.
It's such a nice meme you guys got there. Would be a shame of something were to happened to it....
What is with leftists using my hero academia reaction images? The anime is 100 percent against your worldviews
"How dare you!? How dare you!? " What a fucking faggot I swear
Antifa are nazis.... the fuck is this bigger rambling about? Maybe you should know beyond a third grade comprehension of politica before commenting. But then again you are a leftist retard so it's just par for the course.
The journalist is using appeal to emotion. It's an invalid argument that he also thinks is bulletproof because anyone would have to concede that 'this is horrible.' His reaction makes it even better.
All Might is modeled after Trump.
>How absolutely dare you sir
I couldn't give a better example of faked outrage if I tried
>Yours is a FUCKING LEAF. You really have no room to talk. USA flag is much more aesthetically appealing.
It sticks out in a good way imo. Would you have preferred we kept the old one given to us by the crown instead?
This bullshit manipulative tactic will not win them any votes. This is the same crap the Republicans did at the end of the Bush years. It backfired horribly.
Yeah trannys stick out too in proper company.
Yes you should have kept the one with the union jack on it.
Yes, you fucking commie shill.
to fart is also an option
>muh blablabalbabla poor babies donald trump
>I'm sorry did you just fart!
same principle
just do whatever to interrupt their phony speak
he sounds so plastic too
If you give an inch, leftists take a foot. The right needs to stop cucking and stand firm.
Yes. Canada fought under that flag during both world wars. The last time that flag was used, Canada was 97% white and still had a future. The fucking leaf represents the beginning of the end of this country with the opening of the flood gates to pajeets and chinks.
The guys reaction to it is priceless. They really just can't handle being openly mocked. Complete meltdown.
just stick your tounge out and raspberry them *BPLUUUUUP*
I'm thinking the guy is never going to backpedal on this. IIRC, he body slammed some faggot during the primaries and told the media to fuck off afterward.
Shame Trump dropped him. I understand the move, but still a shame.
>Omg this is a mongoloid 10 year old child
>and you just farted
I can see this working. Thenewspapers will say that retard got farted on
Yeah this is basically trolling for sport now.
First time I was just listening and I thought it was a woman talking saying "how dare you" turns out it was just a faggot
>to fart is also an option
The best part about this meme is how infantile the right is regressing. They can't even make logical arguments anymore. They can only shout "SHILL', two scoops and womp womp. Their brains will atrophy from disuse and degeneracy and then they won't be able of independent thinking anymore!!
Is she hot? I've seen some hot tard girls. Also, since Downs Syndrome people are basically kids no matter how old they are, is banging an underage retard really illegal?
The reason womp womp is so effective is that Leftists are weaklings whose primary strategy is to throw a tantrum until the adult in the room gives in to their demands. Just about every Leftist victory is actually a needless conservative surrender. When you say, "womp womp" you are saying that you do not care about the Leftist's feelings and will not be giving them what they want no matter what arguments they make. Since the Leftist is incapable of doing anything on their own and must extract victory from others, womp womp completely shuts them down.
Low effort bait. Sad. They aren't sending their best.
Womp Womp
oh shit was that the same guy?
fucking based
You have one option left
Fucking 50+ years of detailed, researched, logical arguments got us no where.
Because the left is FUCKING RETARDED.
We finally discovered what works.
>two scoops
>two terms
>two genders
>two womps
That looks like a 5 year old strung out on coke made it
i love womp womp. such low effort for so big payoff
>loosing so hard you regress to toddler status
Is that a antifa member running from a bird?
You imply that the time for debate is not long since dead and buried.
"Did you just shit yourself!? How absolutely dare you, sir"
if they debate with logic and reasonable discussion reciprocate and smack them with facts and solid arguments. normies reading will decide who they side with
if they argue with emotional blackmail and from a point of feelings WOMP WOMP. normies will laugh and automatically take your side because funny
It's a blend of your national flag and one of your army flags
The best attempt so far.
6 seconds of Independence
it was 8 seconds u shitlord
someone really needs to do this
>OMG You farted, you monster
womp womp
>if they argue with emotional blackmail
You want logical and reasonable discussion.
Trump is using emotional blackmail to get the boarder wall. Some rando on the news does the same to get his way and WOMP WOMP becomes the new meme. The point of him saying WOMP WOMP was to deflect the emotional burden that Trump had created. The emotional burden keeps getting tossed around like a hot potato and WOMP WOMP was him just passing it along to the next guy. We all know who ended up with the hot potatoes in the end. TRUMP CAVED!
Never apologize when you are right since the left never apologizes when they are wrong which is always.
to fart like that also indicates that you don't give a shit, that is pretty international this womp womp is not
only anglos knows what womp womp means, I am actually very surprised about the massive reaction. it is good though it is very good. But here nobody would understand. a fart though
but I get it, you can't just go on fox news and fart, they will cut you I get that ofc
my second wife was tarded. she ended up becoming a pilot!
Never apologize to libtards. They see it as a sign of weakness not an apology.
I often find myself wondering if you faggots actually believe the shit you are spewing or are just desperately trying to meme it but still havent figured out how meme magic works (don't worry, you wont figure it out)