Republicans aren't racis-

>republicans aren't racis-

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Other urls found in this thread:

that's correct
and "riot" is the wrong word by a mile

Too many words m8. Lost interest. Maybe try a less offensive font and color.

I think this is a bit telling how pathetic people in our country are due to I don't see liberals rioting over these people, their own joke implies they care less about brown kids than Republican's do guns.


Leftists care about kids when it fits their agenda.. otherwise kids are just a "choice".

im racist.

Attached: truth.jpg (2048x1654, 869K)

Well they better be happy we didnt buy those brown children with ourhard earned money.

yeah cause guns don’t kill people immigrant kids do.

How do you plan on putting my gun in a cage. Also false equivalence, read the sticky.


The lib that posted that going to be participating in the confiscation? Hope so.

2 things
A) You do lock up your guns in a gun safe
B) Guns from owners. Brown Children. I can own brown children?

Don't shitlib women brag about how many abortions they've gotten? Pretty hypocritical 2bh f4m.

>le faget walltext

I'm pretty sure if I commit a crime the state absolutely separates me from my guns.

This one is retarded even for occupy dims. And that's saying something.

Does the Bill of Feelings say that my right to immigrants shall not be infringed?

Well I mean are you surprised the left considers brown people its possession?

Why don't liberals understand false equivelance?


pretty sure you do lock up guns and seperate them from their owners if those enter the country illegally

Attached: thinking ritsu.jpg (616x774, 91K)

>shitskins shouldn't live in their own shitholes

Attached: fuck borders and law and shit.png (634x566, 30K)

I think you meant "violently remove treasonous elites and their brainwashed minions"


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It's only logical

Only one of those two things is dangerous to American society though

all of the Republican Main Street Partnership (70 republicans), and at least half of the Republican Study Committee (80 of the 160 republicans) are against this.

The only guys into this shit are the freaks in the Freedom Caucus.

That stunt was not "right-wing" it's just cruel, but sends a message to discourage unlawful entry.

It was Laura Bush, and so many other Republicans that twisted Trump's arm to stop it.

The discharge petition was spearheaded by 20 or more Republican moderates that want a DACA fix.

When a deranged policy manages to fester out of control, it will be the moderates that should receive credit for preventing it from spiraling out of control.

brown people aren't crimi-

but they are not brown, they are latinos, ain't the same shit retarded liberal.
Why leftshits always talk about color? they are racist as fuck

false equivalence falacy. Try again, faggot.

I'm not an expert on the amerilard constitution, but I'm fairly sure it doesn't say
>the right of illegal border crossers to no be locked into cages shall not be infringed

But my gun is my property. Humans aren't property. False equivalency.

>Humans aren't property.
Key word is aren't.

the left can't meme

Argument makes no sense. The Republicans separated all the brown children from their owners in 1865.

Came here to post this.

The left can't womp womp

womp womp, faggot

i am racist though

They could literally shoot each beaner in the fucking face as soon as they tried to cross the border and I wouldn't give a shit.

them numerals my dude.

But really though MY RIGHTS MY COUNTRY over their little "brown" or whatever who cares kids.

>separating brown children from their owners
>their owners
Gee, no wonder Democrats are rioting.

>leftists have self control and are peacefu-

Attached: tolerant left with weapons.jpg (536x2642, 348K)

womp womp

Brown children? I thought they were called Poc. Or they can be called CoC, children of color. Kek

Womp womp

Attached: 1529477625894.png (406x500, 92K)

>locking up guns in cages
Holy shit they honestly think that guns are creatures.

Im more likely to be killed by a beaner than my own gun.

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Stop replying to 0 effort "1 post by this ID" threads you imbeciles

the entire nation be aroused to such an extent that we can take
exceedingly hard measures exacting the greatest sacrifices with-
out running the risk of not being understood or of suddenly being
left in the lurch by the will of the masses.

For, seriously to attack this plague, tremendous sacrifices and
equally great labors are necessary.

The fight against syphilis demands a fight against prostitution,
against prejudices, old habits, against previous conceptions, gen-
eral views among them not least the false prudery of certain

The first prerequisite for even the moral right to combat these
things is the facilitation of earlier marriage for the coming gen-
eration. In late marriage alone lies the compulsion to retain an
institution which, twist and turn as you like, is and remains a
disgrace to humanity, an institution which is damned ill-suited
to a being who with his usual modesty likes to regard himself as
the 'image' of God.

Prostitution is a disgrace to humanity, but it cannot be elim-
inated by moral lectures, pious intentions, etc. ; its limitation and
final abolition presuppose the elimination of innumerable pre-
conditions. The first is and remains the creation of an oppor-
tunity for early marriage as compatible with human nature —
particularly for the man, as the woman in any case is only the
passive part.

How lost, how incomprehensible a part of humanity has be-
come today can be seen from the fact that mothers in so-called
'good' society can not seldom be heard to say that they are glad
to have found their child a husband who has sown his wild oats,
etc. Since there is hardly any lack of these, but rather the con-
trary, the poor girl will be happy to find one of these worn-out
Siegfrieds, 1 and the children will be the visible result of this

'sensible' marriage. If we bear in mind that, aside from this,
propagation as such is limited as much as possible, so that Nature
is prevented from making any choice, since naturally every
creature, regardless how miserable, must be preserved, the only
question that remains is why such an institution exists at all any
more and what purpose it is supposed to serve? Isn't it exactly
the same as prostitution itself? Hasn't duty toward posterity
passed completely out of the picture? Or do people fail to realize
what a curse on the part of their children and children's children
they are heaping on themselves by such criminal frivolity in
observing the ultimate natural law as well as our ultimate natural
obligation? *

Thus, the civilized peoples degenerate and gradually perish.

And marriage cannot be an end in itself, but must serve the
one higher goal, the increase and preservation of the species and
the race. This alone is its meaning and its task.

Under these conditions its soundness can only be judged by the
way in which it fulfills this task. For this reason alone early mar-
-riage is sound, for it gives the young marriage that strength from
which alone a healthy and resistant offspring can arise. To be
sure, it can be. made possible only by quite a number of social
conditions without which early marriage is not even thinkable.
Therefore, a solution of this question, small as it is, cannot occur
without incisive measures of a social sort. The importance of
these should be most understandable at a time when the 'social'
-republic, if only byits incompetence in the solution of the housing
question, simply prevents numerous marriages and thus en-
courages prostitution.

Our absurd way of regulating salaries, which concerns itself
much too little with the question of the family and its sustenance,
is one more reason that makes many an early marriage im-

marriage than at present can generally take place. This is the
very first premise for a solution of this question.

In the second place, education and training must eradicate a
number of evils about which today no one bothers at all. Above
all, in our present education a balance must be created between
mental instruction and physical training. The institution that is
called a Gymnasium today is a mockery of the Greek model. In
our educational system it has been utterly forgotten that in the
long run a healthy mind can dwell only in a healthy body. Espe-
cially if we bear in mind the mass of the people, aside from a few
exceptions, this statement becomes absolutely valid.

In pre-War Germany there was a period in which no one con-
cerned himself in the least about this truth. They simply went
on sinning against the body and thought that in the one-sided
training of the 'mind,' they possessed a sure guaranty for the
greatness of the nation. A mistake whose consequences began to
be felt sooner than was expected. It is no accident that the Bol-
shevistic wave never found better soil than in places inhabited
by a population degenerated by hunger and constant under-
nourishment: in Central Germany, Saxony, and the Ruhr. But in
all these districts the so-called intelligentsia no longer offers any
serious resistance to this Jewish disease, for the simple reason that
this intelligentsia is itself completely degenerate physically,
though less for reasons of poverty than for reasons of education.
In times when not the mind but the fist decides, the purely intel-
lectual emphasis of our education in the upper classes makes them
incapable of defending themselves, let alone enforcing their will.
Not infrequently the first reason for personal cowardice lies in
physical weaknesses.

The excessive emphasis on purely intellectual instruction and
the neglect of physical training also encourage the emergence of

that the healthy young man will expect different things from the
woman than a prematurely corrupted weakling.

Thus, the whole system of education must be so organized as
to use the boy's free time for the useful training of his body. He
has no right to hang about in idleness during these years, to make
the streets and movie-houses unsafe; after his day's work he
should steel and harden his young body, so that later life will not
find him too soft. To begin this and also carry it out, to direct
and guide it, is the task of education, and not just the pumping
of so-called wisdom. We must also do away with the conception
that the treatment of the body is the affair of every individual.
There is no freedom to sin at the cost of posterity and hence of
the race.

Parallel to the training of the body, a struggle against the poi-
soning of the soul must begin. Our whole public life today is like
a hothouse for sexual ideas and stimulations. Just look at the bill
of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you
will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food,
particularly for the youth. In shop windows and billboards the
vilest means are used to attract the attention of the crowd.
Anyone who has not lost the ability to think himself into their
soul must realize that this must cause great damage in the youth.
This sensual, sultry atmosphere leads to ideas and stimulations at
a time when the boy should have no understanding of such things.
The result of this kind of education can be studied in present-day
youth, and it is not exactly gratifying. They mature too early and
consequently grow old before their time. Sometimes the public
learns of court proceedings which permit shattering insights into
the emotional life of our fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds. Who
will be surprised that even in these age-groups syphilis begins to
seek its victims? And is it not deplorable to see a good number of

My guns are legal.

ruthlessly and without wavering in the face of all the shouting
and screaming that will naturally be let loose. If we do not lift
the youth out of the morass of their present-day environment,
they will drown in it. Anyone who refuses to see these things sup-
ports them, and thereby makes himself an accomplice in the slow
prostitution of our future which, whether we like it or not, lies
in the coming generation. This cleansing of our culture must be
extended to nearly all fields. Theater, art, literature, cinema,
press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all mani-
festations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral,
political, and cultural idea. Public life must be freed from the
stifling perfume of our modern eroticism, just as it must be freed
from all unmanly, prudish hypocrisy. In all these things the goal
and the road must be determined by concern for the preservation
of the health of our people in body and soul. The right of per-
sonal freedom recedes before the duty to preserve the race.

Only after these measures are carried out can the medical strug-
gle against the plague itself be carried through with any prospect
of success. But here, too, there must be no half-measures; the
gravest and most ruthless decisions will have to be made. It is a
half-measure to let incurably sick people steadily contaminate
the remaining healthy ones. This is in keeping with the humani-
tarianism which, to avoid hurting one individual, lets a hundred
others perish. The demand that defective people be prevented
from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of the
clearest reason and if systematically executed represents the
most humane act of mankind. It will spare millions of unfortu-
nates undeserved sufferings, and consequently will lead to a rising
improvement of health as a whole. The determination to proceed


pares the way for it is one of the most gigantic tasks of humanity,
gigantic because we are facing, not the solution of a single ques-
tion, but the elimination of a large number of evils which bring
about this plague as a resultant manifestation. For in this case
the sickening of the body is only the consequence of a sickening of
the moral, social, and racial instincts.

But if out of smugness, or even cowardice, this battle is not
fought to its end, then take a look at the peoples five hundred
years from now. I think you will find but few images of God, un-
less you want to profane the Almighty.

But how did they try to deal with this plague in old Germany?
Viewed calmly, the answer is really dismal. Assuredly, govern-
ment circles well recognized the terrible evils, though perhaps
they were not quite able to ponder the consequences; but in the
struggle against it they failed totally, and instead of thorough-
going reforms preferred to take pitiful measures. They tinkered
with the disease and left the causes untouched. They submitted
the individual prostitute to a medical examination, supervised
her as best they could, and, in case they established disease, put
her in some hospital from which after a superficial cure they again
let her loose on the rest of humanity.

To be sure, they had introduced a 'protective paragraph' ac-
cording to which anyone who was not entirely healthy or cured
must avoid sexual intercourse under penalty of the law. Surely
this measure is sound in itself, but in its practical application it
was almost a total failure. In the first place, the woman, in case
she is smitten by misfortune — if only due to our, or rather her,
education — will in most cases refuse to be dragged into court as
a witness against the wretched thief of her health — often under
the most embarrassing attendant

fortunately he often runs across the path of this plague after
ample consumption of alcohol, since in this condition he is least
able to judge the qualities of his 'fair one,' a fact which is only too
well known to the diseased prostitute, and always causes her to
angle after men in this ideal condition. And the upshot of it all
is that the man who gets an unpleasant surprise later can, even
by thoroughly racking his brains, not remember his kind bene-
factress, which should not be surprising in a city like Berlin or
even Munich. In addition, it must be considered that often we
have to deal with visitors from the provinces who are completely
befuddled by all the magic of the big city.

Finally, however: who can know whether he is sick or healthy?
Are there not numerous cases in which a patient apparently cured
relapses and causes frightful mischief without himself suspecting
it at first?

Thus, the practical effect of this protection by legal punish-
ment of a guilty infection is in reality practically nil. Exactly the
same is true of the supervision of prostitutes; and finally r the
cure itself, even today, is dubious. Only one thing is certain:
despite all measures the plague spread more, and more, giving
striking confirmation of their ineffectualness.

The fight against the prostitution of the people's soul was a
failure all along the line, or rather, that is, nothing at all was done.

Let anyone who is inclined to take this lightly just study the
basic statistical facts on the dissemination of this plague, compare
its growth in the last hundred years, and then imagine its further
development — and he would really need the simplicity of an ass
to keep an unpleasant shudder from running down his back.

The weakness and half-heaxtedness of the position taken in old
Germany toward so terrible a phenomenon may be evaluated as
a visible sign of a people's decay. // the power to fight for one's own

do not mean what today is designated by the word 'civilization.'
The latter, on the contrary, rather seems hostile to a truly high
standard of thinking and living.

Even before the turn of the century an element began to in-
trude into our art which up to that time could be regarded as
entirely foreign and unknown. To be sure, even in earlier times
there were occasional aberrations of taste, but such cases were
rather artistic derailments, to which posterity could attribute at
least a certain historical value, than products no longer of an
artistic degeneration, but of a spiritual degeneration that had
reached the point of destroying the spirit. In them the political
collapse, which later became more visible, was culturally in-

Art Bolshevism is the only possible cultural form and spiritual
expression of Bolshevism as a whole.

Anyone to whom this seems strange need only subject the art
of the happily Bolshevized states to an examination, and, to his
horror, he will be confronted by the morbid excrescences of in-
sane and degenerate men, with which, since the turn of the cen-
tury, we have become familiar under the collective concepts of
cubism and dadaism, as the official and recognized art of those
states. Even in the short period of the Bavarian Republic of
Councils, this phenomenon appeared. Even here it could be
seen that all the official posters, propagandist drawings in the
newspapers, etc., bore the imprint, not only of political but of
cultural decay.

No more than a political collapse of the present magnitude
would have been conceivable sixty years ago was a cultural col-
lapse such as began to manifest itself in futurist and cubist works
since 1900 thinkable. Sixty years ago an exhibition of so-called
dadaistic 'experiences' would have seemed simply impossible and
its organizers would have ended up in the madhouse, while today
they even preside over art associations. This

from being driven into the arms of spiritual madness. And this
is where such a development would some day inevitably end.
For on the day when this type of art really corresponded to the
general view of things, one of the gravest transformations of
humanity would have occurred: the regressive development of
the human mind would have begun and the end would be scarcely

Once we pass the development of our cultural life in the last
twenty-five years in review from this standpoint, we shall be hor-
rified to see how far we are already engaged in this regression.
Everywhere we encounter seeds which represent the beginnings
of parasitic growths which must sooner or later be the ruin of
our culture. In them, too, we can recognize the symptoms of
decay of a slowly rotting world. Woe to the peoples who can no
longer master this disease!

Such diseases could be seen in Germany in nearly every field of
art and culture. Everything seemed to have passed the high
point and to be hastening toward the abyss. The theater was
sinking manifestly lower and even then would have disappeared
completely as a cultural factor if the Court Theaters at least had
not turned against the prostitution of art. If we disregard them
and a few other praiseworthy examples, the offerings of the stage
were of such a nature that it would have been more profitable for
the nation to keep away from them entirely. It was a sad sign of
inner decay that the youth could no longer be sent into most of
these so-called 'abodes of art' — a fact which was admitted with
shameless frankness by a general display of the penny-arcade
warning: 'Young people are not admitted!'

Bear in mind that such precautionary measures had to be taken
in the places which should have existed primarily for the educa-
tion of the youth and not for the delectation of old and jaded
sections of the population. What would the great dramatists of

pared to the heroes of the newer German poetic art? Old, out-
worn, outmoded, nay, obsolete. For that was the characteristic
thing about that period: not that the period itself produced
nothing but filth, but that in the bargain it befouled everything
that was really great in the past. This, to be sure, is a phenome-
non that can always be observed at such times. The baser and
more contemptible the products of the time and its people, the
more it hates the witnesses to the greater nobility and dignity of
a former day. In such times the people would best like to efface
the memory of mankind's past completely, so that by excluding
every possibility of comparison they could pass off their own
trash as 'art.' Hence every new institution, the more wretched
and miserable it is, will try all the harder to extinguish the last
traces of the past time, whereas every true renascence of human-
ity can start with an easy mind from the good achievements of
past generations; in fact, can often make them truly appreciated
for the first time. It does not have to fear that it will pale before
the past; no, of itself it contributes so valuable an addition to the
general store of human culture that often, in order to make this
culture fully appreciated, it strives to keep alive the memory of
former achievements, thus making sure that the present will fully
understand the new gift. Only those who can give nothing val-
uable to the world, but try to act as if they were going to give it
God knows what, will hate everything that was previously given
and would best like to negatcor even destroy it.

The truth of this is by no means limited to the field of general
culture, but applies to politics as well. Revolutionary new move-
ments will hate the old forms in proportion to their own inferi-
ority. Here, too, we can see how eagerness to make their own
trash appear to be something noteworthy leads to blind hatred

Depends. Did the guns try to enter the country illegally?
Is there a possibility for the guns to be victim of a sex slave network?

>Guns! The Master Race!
KeK. Wot?

Attached: 67D4978F-32C8-4456-910B-BECDC557B73A.jpg (500x374, 40K)

Who says the left can't meme?

Attached: MFW_SoTiresome.jpg (250x250, 46K)

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Being a self-defeating parody of yourself isn't proper memeing. That is if you're memeing for the intent of bolstering your own movement.

>Censor last name everywhere but the mugshot
lmao Fiona McCrossin

The Obama administration released immigrant children into the care of human traffickers.

Would you rather have "that" or a supervised incarceration?

... brown guns ?

Actually of you bring firearms across the border illegally you can fully expect them to be seized and then receive a hefty prison term.

>racism is locking up criminals and seperating children from potential traffickers
Sorry guys, but I'm with trump on this one