Tell me, you fucking racists.
California is one of most diverse state and it is BEST state in US.
Please teach me WHY the fuck You think multiculturalism don't work?
Tell me, you fucking racists.
California is one of most diverse state and it is BEST state in US.
Please teach me WHY the fuck You think multiculturalism don't work?
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According to who?
by statistics
GDP largest.
per capita is also one of highest
this state honestly kind of sucks. more homeless people than i've seen anywhere else (and i've lived in every major region of the USA) and a lot of extra taxes at every turn, with no proof the money goes to anything except the pockets of politicians. the weather is great, and the people that i meet day to day are amazing, but the state of the State is not good, amigo.
Best state has to be Washington. Always wanted to live in Seattle or work in Redmond for Microsoft or Amazon.
It's still a crime ridden, dirty, homeless infested shithole
So basically people who accused Trump of russian colusion have a bear for emblem, interesting.
>Lets all go on a whirlwind journey through "The history of multiculturalism" Hop on in my time machine and lets go for a ride!
Here you can see the ancient middle east. These are the Isrealites. Here are the Hittites. Here are the Sumerians. Here are the Babylonians. Here are the Caananites. Here are the Egyptians.
All these people are ALL middle eastern. They all have the same skin colour, the same facial features, the same hair, they are the same race. It is very difficult to tell the difference between them, except for their cultural differences. Some wear their hair a certain way, others have certain clothes, some have piercings or tattoos. They are all the same race, but they have very different cultures.
And they all fucking hate each other. They have spent the last 3000 years murdering each other, and will spend the next 2000 years doing the same. Oh look, it's 600 AD, and here's Mohommad. He is the exact same desert sand race as everyone else here. He just started a new religion! They call it "Islam" And now it is at war with everyone. And will continue to be at war with everyone for more than 1400 years.
Lets fast forward a bit and head over to China. Ahh, China. So historic. So cultural. What is this? Communism? Surely this won't turn out horribly (Psst.... it does.) But some Chinese don't like communism, so they leave and start a new country they call "Taiwan" And now the Chinese and Taiwanese fucking hate each other.
Actually, hmm, lets go back a bit, to the Americas, pre colonization. Look at all these First Nations peoples. Aboriginals. The Irquois, The Cherokee, the Ma-Chis, the Apache, the Algonquin. Surely the noble Indian would be able to overcome... nope. They, despite being the same race, also spent their entire histories slaughtering each other due to cultural differences.
And now, we come to modern day California.
Because it doesnt mr english teacher.
Visit the north of Paris or any "vibrant diverse" place, and enjoy. Or not.
Sage btw.
Nothing wrong with diversity in people. Multiculturalism is a meme pushed by Hollywood.
Best weather doesn’t mean best state. SF and LA are both hellholes. You’re 50% Mexican and 30% gay. Crime and STDs everywhere.
Science says that people hate, they just bottle it up and don’t speak about it publically.
Still can't bathe and wash clothes at the same time.
As a Californian, I can assure you that multiculturalism does not work at all. We might have the best state, but it has everything to do with the natural beauty and resources here and nothing to do with the politics.
You're a fucking idiot, Tojo.
>2nd most homeless in US
Theres places that look like a 3rd world country.
But yeah theres some rich ppl that fuel the "best" parts that you're talking about. I wonder what the diversity amongst them is
Shut the fuck up Japan. I don't want to hear you talking about multiculturalism.
The almost minority of Whites subsidize the blacks and Mexicans. They essentially get a free ride. Hence, the high taxes.
Highest taxes
Highest housing cost
Highest consumer goods costs
Lowest performing in education for kids
Highest in crime
Home to anti white, anti male, anti christianity, anti hetrosexual.
The only thing to like is the geology and the weather.
Singapore shows us how multiculturalism can work.
California shows how not to do it.
California literally has the highest poverty rate adjusted for cost of living.
Former SF resident here, guy was literally stabbed by a crackhead 3 minutes from my former place next to the beach/park. Golden Gate Park is populated by homeless druggies.
I'm sure blacks and hispanics in california are a public burden there too, just like they are in the entire country.
The wealth in california is created by whites and asians.
Underrated post.
>best state
Massive levels of gang activity, prostitution and dangerous abuse of drugs.
Californians are diseased how could you squander such a naturally beautiful state. Your country would be better off without most of the residents in California
I live in LA. Its a giant homeless shite hole... The media which is based in LA COMPLETELY ignore it... And no one is trying to get this people up and going again. Jews don't give a fuck except for their own kind...
cheap spic labour nibba .
Basically most of the wealth comes from Jews in Hollywood and Whites and Asians in Silicon Valley. And they all live in gated ivory towers so they don't have to deal with the problems their world views create.
>Highest rate of homelessness in the US, despite highest GDP
>Highest rate of childhood poverty, despite highest GDP
>Among the lowest IQ in the country, and dropping like a stone
>Most expensive housing in the country
>most indebted state in the country
Yeah sounds like a ball, and it doesn't even take into account that multiculturalism makes people miserable.
Not California, but still proof that diversity and multiculturalism is unsustainable.
Nice shitpost attempt nigger.
CAfag here. I went to a gay pride parade in LA this month.
Someone was stabbing people with AIDS filled needles.
It's basically a post apocalyptic shithole
Nothing more true. I'm not Mexican, black, or Asian. There are tons of Mexicans in SoCal. They may tolerate or like me, but I am not nor never will be one of them. They have their own culture and shit. I am not part of it at all and feel isolated due to this.
How can I feel happy when I feel like a foreigner in my own country?
Multiculturalism work only for non-white strangers. When white country they immigrated become 3rd world country they can alawys go back where they came from. Whites can't. And California is on the way to become 3rd world country.
Fuck off Jap. This is state of the hyper rich and hyper poor. Come here and mosey around the shit-tier towns in LA and come back to me with this "greatest state" crap.
I live in California and I fucking hate it. I hate 99% of everyone in this shithole. Fuck you all. Southern California is hell.
Potholes all over the roads down here in the city. Jesus Christ you can't drive more than a mile without hitting one. All the city funding goes to keeping Tayqueesha and her 12 kids fat and Maria and her 100 kids even fatter, so the roads break down and look like shit and there's hobos EVERYWHERE. I dare you fucks to go to Downtown San Diego and just walk around.
Tons of you fucks will be here next month for your bugman bitchtits Comic Con garbage so when you're here do me a favor and look around at all the shitty failing infrastructure.
FUCK CALIFORNIA. I'm a fascist but I would gladly hold the door shut from the inside if this state was put in a gas chamber.
San Fran is a shithole.
I think it's because they're stupid
lol oh noooo. liberal ideals are so failing one of the most successful states in the country oh nooooo hahaha
According to this post, Saudi Arabia is a paradise because they have high GDP
What part of California are you referring to
+1. Socal is a shithole. (Here now)
Surplus to what? California is still over a trillion in the hole and has shit infrastructure.
Roads near me will break your suspension if you don't treat it like an obstacle course. Guess we need 30 million more mexicans.
I know that feeling my dude. Make sure to be super nice to any White people you come across, we're few and far between in this state.
try hearing to a walmart in san jose and get back to me. it turns out hollywood is full of shit
i never was in california and even i know its a shithole