Someone NEEDS to remix the WOMP WOMP thing with the "HOW DARE YOU?!" reaction with this song.
Other urls found in this thread:
Really? I made this image just for this thread and NOBODY replied....
>look guys i made a minimal effort so that a complete stranger would put in waaaaay more effort
and then theres this asshole
I'm more of an ideas guy.
>im lazy and not too bright
I am lazy, I'll give you that.
It's impossible to get a clear soundbite of the actual womp because they're talking over each other.
>i cant wait more than ten minutes for someone to give me attention
womp womp :^)
hi /x/
t. Zac Petkanas
Okay, I tried image searching to no avail. Explain this please.
>if this thread dies, a small bit of me dies with it
what is this stupid meme and why are you redditors spamming it
A meme that came out of nowhere a day ago. I remembered the 56% face was everywhere when it was new.
christ was a shitfest, people trying to seem moral while they're not, crocodile tears galore and lying out of their asses
thanks dude
If this lad had to forcefully shoot someone to protect himself I bet he'd fucking lose his mind immediately.
Also Rachel is a weird name for a boy.
woah how'd you do that
this thread is of importance
He took a screenshot of this:
All the fake fucking tears and outrage is actually making me mad rather than amused
why am I not surprised that a thread about a reddit meme is full of memeflags and newfags
Can't comp the womp, jew