Why are liberals smarter than conservatives?
Why are liberals smarter than conservatives?
Why do leftists only count whites as liberals?
Because they say so on social media
>No source
>No metrics
IQ gets higher as number of african americans and mexicans decrease.....
midwest highest IQ... lowest number of blacks per capita...also most of those states went red last election
I don't think it's a liberal/conservative thing user. pic related.
If they're so smart why can't they win elections?
>Why are liberals smarter
>everyone living in a blue state is liberal
I've got the image on my PC with sources for white Americans. It's true non-whites drag the scores for the south down, but in general white in the north have slightly higher IQs. Texas is the only southern state in the Top 10, with like 4 of 6 New England states in the Top 10.
>be west virginia
>nearly 100% white
>dumbest state in the us
we are poor and our schoolbooks are from 1994 and we cant even afford to fix our roads
pls send help
>Why are liberals smarter than conservatives?
Because they aren't!
Liberals think with their heart.
Conservatives think with their BRAIN.
Libtards are fukkking MORONS!
>Why do loser liberals think they are smarter than conservatives?
Fixed it for you.
BTW Two masters degrees in gender studies does not make you smart.
>still no source
>still no metrics
WV isn't anywhere near as bad is places like detroit, st louis, birmingham
Btw the last few days showed that the libs can't back their immigration views other than "muh feeling".
Most of the high IQ states in the middle are red states retard. Southern red states have loads of niggers to kind of fudge up the numbers.
most of the "smart states" are red states
you played yourself
Since when does IQ matter? It's an evil white social construct, anyway. :^]
My mom is from Logan, WV.
the higher institutions are jewed, so it's no matter that smart people will get into these places and get transformed into leftoids
They sharpened their minds by getting a women's studies degree.
>College grade percentage
maybe because liberals like to take part in gender and feminism 101,African dance therapy 101 and shit like that?
Main is the whittest state at 98% white yet its not the highest IQ what do?
>the states with the most niggers and spics have the lowest iq
>comparing states with large rural populations to dense, urban states
>not looking at this data on a city or neighborhood level
Why is OP always a faggot?
It literally correlates with how white a state is.
But conservative liberal has more to do with rural/urban and wealth not intelligence
>live in melting pot cities, learn how to cooperate with various peoples and cultures
>technologically literate
>appreciation for the arts
>knows the future has more dimensions and isn't as simple as the life in the past but with that comes economic success, technological advancement, breakthroughs in medicine and smoothing out the edges of harsh cultural/societal pressures
You tell me. The only reason the Right loves rural people so much is because they can abuse their ignorance with fear and hate mongering.
Please overlay this with the percentage of non-whites, then you will see the true causation.
Does that help you sleep at night, Cletus?
University indoctrination.
there's a lot more to see
the only answer
Wow, SC could not be any more correct. I'm genuinely amazed I haven't been killed in an accident yet.
I actually find it’s kind of layered:
Brain dead retards are mostly on the left for gibs
Slightly smarter but still retarded are your white hicks, conservative for bullshit reasons like Jesus
That’s about half the population
Middle class - almost all white your average intelligence working stiff. They lean conservative unless they are in a Union
Then we have the smarter people
Basic bitch college graduate in soft studies like women’s studies. They are smart but mostly just because they had an easy life and are able to learn about non essential bullshit like women’s studies
Hard studies college graduates Your stems and they are mostly conservative
The overeducated- people with masters and phds in nonsense so they are smart but idiotic and they are almost 100% left and work in acedemia and for the government being overpaid for what they do but still maxed or at 75k
The entrepreneur/buisnessman these people are smart, even if they aren’t educated. These people make up the bulk of the upper class, everything from your local buisness leader to a guy like trump
And last and least the actual geniuses- these people are to smart to function normally and they are almost universally left
Being smart doesn’t mean you will be effective or succefull, it helps but it certainly doesn’t garuntee it
>higher violent crime rates
>inflated cost of living
You tell me, why a bunch of brainwashed, mass consumerized, pretentious, dim wits who live in a 3 square block area should speak for the people that literally provide the means for that lifestyle
>who is the unabongobomber
>who is le based jew hating chess player
explain pic related, then
Southern women are easier to fugg
All I see is whites are smarter than niggers and beaners. And niggers/beaners vote left
>exceptions disprove the rule
You are a lefty in your thinking fag boy
Even if they were, their mullato children certainly won’t be.
Best state in the union once again.
Capitalism at work baby more opportunity+ lower costs = massive influx
Phoenix metro is about to be the tenth largest, our fastest growing industries are tech, advanced manufacturing, logistics and finance
2nd tier city no longer you nigger faggots
im too fucking lazy to bring out le sources on high iq right wing people
your right though, the left has neil dgrasse tyson
The opposite. Republicans buy in every time to shit like abortions and social issues. Economically they've never done anything of value for this country at a state or national level.
Not smarter. They are arrogant and believe everything they hear from the media and parrot back that bullshit like it makes ‘em smart.
But also smarter
Your own map contradicts this
the gop really is dumb on abortion, I will give you that
as for state level
Don't niggers get free SAT points?
Democrats invented deregulation and started the globalist turn in mid '90ies. Not so clever and quite short-thinking.
populations don't matter..................?
Virginia here can confirm. WV are literal retards playing with legos in the coal mines.
Your mom is a dumb bitch then.
The liberal state of Kansas.
The South is the only area you can point to for “Muh dumb conservatives”. Everywhere else, it is liberals who are less intelligent. Also, because of African American population growth, Alabama is going to become a blue state. Florida will soon follow, as more and more immigrants from the non-white nations of Latin America arrive. Map related has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with race.
>the closer to the border, the dumber the general populus gets
wow, a real thinker
No its basically a small number of firms and companies run by conservative minded individuals keeping things afloat with hordes of Liberals sponging off the backs of their progress. The Liberal mindset is always to borrow someone else's money, spend it all to make things look pretty to entice the voters, then run away when the bill is due and blame the other party for economic hardship. There are no intelligent Liberals, only brainless parrots doing what they've been trained.
Why does Oklahoma always have to be fuck crossed by all of its neighbors?
Nice sauce fagit
They pretend to be smarter.
Somebody were saying that all masters and phds ar far left. That's untrue, just the most idiotic of them, that happen to be the juicest and/or the most oldtime wealthy (like nobody in the family got a real job since XIX century). These people love to speak publicly about their political opinion, also because it give you extra points in academic milieu.
For the same reason, the smartest, not juice, and not born parasites, tend to don't show off. They have usually complex political opinions, not easily labelable, and don't fall for the memes.
I think there might be more to it than that