Is there a chance that Muhammad was just a schizophrenic and over a billion people are following someone's delusions of...

Is there a chance that Muhammad was just a schizophrenic and over a billion people are following someone's delusions of being the prophet?

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Obiously. The man was brain damaged.

this applies to pretty much every religion

I've heard epilepsy, and that he claimed visions when he had a seizure. Heard the same about Moses tho


Same could be said for jesus

More than a chance.

No he just had a Nestorian monk tell him he was going to be a prophet one day when he was little, and the madman actually did it lmao

I guess people believed a mentally retarded guy that he is a prophet


that's entirely and exactly what happened....

Mohamed stole large parts.. as much as 1/3rd of the bible to create his rambling angry rants.

When jews and christians thought he was a weirdo he went Turbo-crazy and murdered everyone who disagreed...

>Fucking NAILED IT
Now go tell Europe

Religion is a tool to control the masses, nothing more.

Muhammad is a pedophile also. What a farce of a religion.

high chance
or he was using lies to manipulate people and be a disgusting degenerate pedo

>a chance

You should really start to consider the evolutionary pressures which led to organized religion. Protip: a population paranoid and 'afraid' of an 'All-seeing Eye in the Heavens' does practically self-police against saboteurs of societal order. Crucial if you go beyond the pop density of tribal societies as direct policing by group members becomes impractical.

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The Tanakh was written a thousand years after moses was around... its just a story about jews getting their asses kicked for hundreds of years by the Egyptians and Assyrians.

Israel was nothing but a dusty fuck hole for raiders for a long time

>t.Christ cuck thinking God gives a shit about his meaningless existence

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Also keep in mind religion was created back when people lived in mud huts and feared the sun, basically. Telling them some magical man in the sky watched them like Santa Claus 24/7 would instill deep fear into anyone back then.

Now however, we know better. Well, the ones who aren't brain dead or conditioned to be slaves.

It's literally as simple as that religious scumfucks. Take notes.

Yes. Same could be for all religions.

Judaism is actually Israelites LARPing as Zoroastrians because Persians were nice to them
Subsequent Abrahamic religions therefore invalid


big chance

Goat syphilis and fell off his camel one too many times.

Aren't zoroastrians the Iraqis that pray to the big bird dude?

both moses and mohammed both had specific places that they had to go for visions. burning acacia bush, plus the temple incense was burnt on acacia bark coals according to alvestha rabbinical tradition, acacia also common where muhammed was, he would have burnt it in his cave at night to stay warm. This plant contains high amounts of DMT, which is the chjemical that make you dream. Drea,ms are another way god communicates.

>be pedophile who rapes 8 year old girls
>dont want to be stoned to death for raping 8 year old girls
>create entire religion to convince people its ok to rape 8 year old girls
>absolutely fuck up an entire region of the world in the process of raping 8 year old girls
>at least you get to rape 8 year old girls though

>dreams are another way god communicates

Just fucking stop.

That's not true dude. There is no study that confirms DMT makes you dream. It's only speculation (same as saying that DMT is released during death - we don't know, but it's improbable).

Not sure about that, but he was a chauvinist for sure

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Tbf taking into account that schizophrenia affects 1 in 100 people the odds are pretty fucking high that somebody thinking theyre the messenger of God were just mentally ill.

That's Yazidi, Zoroastrianism is Good vs Evil dualism incorrectly portrayed as worshipping fire
Befor babylonian exile Israelites were pagans, after Persians allowed them to return they became monotheist

heard this hot take about Jesus in highschool over 10 years ago.

Muhammed was illiterate.
He orated to scribes the Quran.
A lot of people don't know this - but the arabic language is codified - each letter and word has a numerical value.
The top scribes of the day could tell other top writers of the day because the numbers would be symmetrical or add up perfectly.
The Quran is a very lengthy document and has a perfect numerical summation.
How can an illiterate person orate such a document unless though holy guidance?

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Well, it wasn't really Muhammed who made Koran, but his descendants, as far as I'm aware of it

Not really. The gospels are pretty consistent on the big stuff and aside from the desert adventures and the last supper he was pretty down to earth.

Mohammed on the other hand was horribly inconsistent and had wide swings between beliefs. Love people of the book to Chopping their heads off.
Granted the gospels also went through a bit of revision at the consul of Nicaea so take that as you may.

> Lol bones before flesh is so acurate with the creation of a baby
> Perfect book
> Muhamad was a pedophile and a war lord
> Religion of Piss
Muslims BTFO !

He first tried to convert the Jews of Mecca to his religion by claiming to be a prophet of Abraham. He was kicked out and went to Medina and the rest is a blood soaked history of betrayal, pedophila, and lucky timing to hit the west while it was weakened by plague and cold weather.

sounds like it almost might be fake and or gay

Go back to goat fucking.
It is a rambling pile of garbage that allows for any behavior to take place as long as you praise allah at the end. It was a religion for making soldiers.

its proven that muhammad had temporal lobe epilespy.
his experiences like supposedly meeting the angel gabriel sound exactly like seizures.
i have had full blown endogenous psychedelic experiences and realistic hallucinations due to this shit.

t. temporal lobe epileptic

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mohammad is Qanon

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Not a single chance

Pretty much