You know what to do.
You know what to do
Other urls found in this thread:
We're off to a great start.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
we're going to ben garrison her ass
Nothing to see here, please stay on topic and ignore this faggot
She just did all her rigging in the cities.
Aren't city people mostly brown and black sub 85 IQ welfare dependents though?
They're future doctors and engineers.
>being on welfare in the city
Good luck with that shit nigger.
I'm so glad I kept my "Sarah Anderson" font installed.
City people are city hicks. They aren't smart. In fact liberals are retarded.
Case in point: Macroevolution cannot be scientifically proven yet they all believe it. IDIOTS
Hello everyone. I'm going to say something that none of you will believe but I'll do it anyways. I hate, with so much passion, that you people take artists work and twist it into something it never intended to be. I understand that it's a common thing to do and it's part of the culture. But, I can't seem to live knowing you people are doing this to an artist I like, and I can't let you do it. So, I'm not gonna stand for it anymore. In exactly 1 years time I will have made enough money to buy this website. I will and the first thing I'm going to do is get rid of POL, R9K, and maybe B.
Well, that's my formal heads up. Don't believe me that's alright but I'm going to disrupt the routine and you will not see it coming. The ones who remember this post will know I was telling the truth. 1 year folks that's all I'm giving you. Not to change your behavior but to enjoy this site while it lasts
-Mr F
Don't think I didn't notice that filename, user.
Was this the original?
Pretty sure if you're a single black woman with 3 children in the city, welfare is easy to get. I think the stats here is like over 80% of single non-white mothers are on welfare. Atleast here in the US.
Good luck dealing with the Israeli government operatives who already own this site
good one m8
>nobody has made a "black on black crime statistics" one yet
Hi everyone, I'd like to say what you can not believe, but I'll do that again. With much passion I do not do the artist and you do not want to do things. I understand it easily and part of the culture. But I do not think you know you're doing with your favorite artists. I can not leave you. Then I will no longer deceive. Just a year ago, I made money to buy this site. I want POL, R9K and maybe B away.
Now it's my formal leader. I do not think it's ok, but it's normal. Who believes this article understands that I'm speaking the truth. The people of the year that I gave you. Enjoy this page without changing behavior
-Mr Fa
Damn she's a Q.T.
I unironically would
post her feet
7/10 would rape
yes, please take away our containment boards
Herro ereryrone. I say. You no berieve. I hate what you do artist! No more! No ries! I make money, I buy site.
I reader now. Not ok! I speaking truth. No ries! Enjoy behavior for one year!
-Mr Fag
Oh you!
I bet you say that to all the girls, animals, household objects, street signs, rocks...
womp womp
Here's the better blank version.
Why would anyone wilfully subject themselves to city life?
All the really rich people retire to the country and suburbs, if you weren't a townie chancer eternally convinced they were gonna "Make it" you'd know that.
Hry one. I s. Yu belly. I hat artits and no more truts. I ham money and I sit.
I drrr! Bad! Spurty fact, one year love you good!
-Mr Fagg
not bad leaf
I womp womp for year! I buy womp womp very cost!
Post more?
Post more.
Good one
I've lost my words
There, all better
Self aware humor is the best
pretty sure burger memes are made by Americans
Claiming Sarah Anderson as my waifu. I want to nurture her into a conservative wife that is also into kinky stuff.
What kind of kinky stuff, user?
HURR xDDDD is dISS *upvotes to show he gets it* xPPPP LE LOS MAYM?? :DDDDDDDDD
this is terrible bait.
have a pity (you).
I've seen this post millions of times since the election and I have a question. Aren't city people in America basically niggers?
Feet stuff probably
K keep me posted, so I know when to migrate to a different Bangladeshi tapestry weaving forum
Dear Mr. F,
No one cares about your blog. I'm not going to bother to read that.
the rest of the world
Oh, you know... Stuff...
Only if she wears stockings. Cute ones, with a ribbon on the side...
Good one
Would you let her peg you?
Here you go friend
Alright, i don’t even know how to continue this. Could be Google, Youtube, Anti Defamation league, Communism, Twitter, Reddit, whatever
Only ironically.
Post more edits
That meme isn't even from Reddit, idiot.
Besides, how come you know what's going on with Reddit? Hmmm...
Cold and Sneaky.
If its as far down the gutter as iFunny, I'm sure its on reddit
How is that logic supposed to work?
iFunny is where reddit refuse goes to die.
W-what did she mean by this?
Are these actually her original comics?
I have lost respect for her ...
I checked his IP.. leads back to Soroes. your done 4 kiddo.
>not being on welfare in the city
The south and west sides of Chicago are pretty much all on welfare.
Lol my wife does that shit all the time
In the small chance you aren't larping, all you will do is create far more of what you hate. Jow Forums is a containment board.
Welcome to hell. You're free to leave, but you won't stop transformative art, ever.
Because they used to be funny by depicting awkward situation from social life one could identifiy with in some sense, and not degenerate crap like those two pics.
what a faggot
What was the original text?
>Jow Forums is a containment board. Welcome to hell.
You said it best. That's what people don't seem to get about Jow Forums. It's for containment.
This, stick to your guns and fight against fucking degenerate behaviour.