You Rage you Loose

You Rage you Loose

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's a sex show worker called Alex the Dog.

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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Go back to Canada with the Graphs. Anyone can put that together

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Kind of makes me laugh but then I remember this is actually reality so then I get annoyed

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"City people all voted for Hillary."
>Medium Sized City (75%)
>Small City (85%)
>Very Small City (86.3%)
So you make one claim, but post an image that directly contradicts your retarded point.The absolute state of Hillary voters.

I'm upset that you even thought it would be okay to post that.

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looks like summer is here lads

You know what's even worse? A leaf in this fucking thread so back the fuck off

Fuck off to your dog wife, leaf. Nobody gives a rats ass about your non-country opinion.

Insert graph into ass. Also, check'em

did you smoke too much marijuana or what?

>gets caught being a newfag
>y-your a leaf
every time. try lurking before you post faggots, if you get so buttdestroyed when people notice you're brand new

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Doesnt change the fact that you are autistic

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Video edition.

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I've seen you in other threads. You keep posting the same reply to anyone who calls you a leaf. As if you're a paid shill. Who the fuck is paying you and what the fuck are they distracting from?


this is a fb debate i had recently

>imb4 jewbook, debating on social media is gay blah blah

i know - couldn't help it

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Based af

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>everyone I don't like is a paid shill
>all controversy is incentivized, truly nobody actually thinks I'm a faggot
Guess how I know you came here from a reddit hugbox

I saw this reply too, who the fuck do you think you're fooling at this point?

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Guess how I know a dog licked your ball sack today?

You can keep screaming about reddit boogeymen all you like, you're still a leaf and no one likes you.

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Niggers will never be replaced with monkies

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You boys have been cutting your maple syrup with corn syrup and you expect ME to conform you leaf ideology? Goddammit MODS MODS MODS

I say the exact same thing when newfags call me a leaf. Maybe if you fucking retards didn't give him (you)s then he would stop. Do you really, honestly think people have to be paid to b8 people? It's funny seeing people get upset and you make it too easy. I you're so upset at being called a newfag it's almost certainly because you are one.

Not gonna lie I fucking lost


What can i say folks this rage thread is failing hard. Were gonna clean this thread right up

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Your forgetting moron Pol would be dead if we

didn't find out about this website you should

thank us

That one always manages to really piss me off


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>come into you rage you lose thread
>get furious at a shitposting leaf
I guess you're all losers

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>people in propaganda media center points vote for propaganda

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Fall into a Vagano

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Whatever fag.


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t. vegan faggot that cares about animals

why can't you at least make likable shitposts like aussies?

what the fuck

I mean I knew it was bad but...

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you did that to yourself

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abusing animals is literally nigger behavior. are you a nigger?


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animals are food, animal abuse is pointless but obsessing over animals is gay as fuck are you a woman?

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>when the redditfugees start forming their own ethnic enclave

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Alright that pissed me off. I lost.

this isn't funny you cunt!!!

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Go back to cutting your shit with cornsyrp. Got yah! kekusticals. Muh Rugh daddytesti

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How can he be gay if he is a woman

why do americans have such thin skin

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lesbians are not real

You will never be Danish.

>unnecessarily torturing animals
Do you know how I know you are a nigger?


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>all species of animals are food
yep, subhuman confirmed. I bet cat is mighty tasty on your kebab, muhammad

As a matter of fact, as I recall pet ownership is banned under islam. the memes are real

To the shitposting baiting Kraut itt, fuck off dude go do kraut shit like rough anal sex or lose some world wars. Christ man

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So you're calling him a lesbian?

Soon they will kneel to the leaf.

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Since when are you eating cats you mongoloid?

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I live in a city. Its full of retards.

This stupid cuck doesn't even acknowledge what they did to Tommy or he cowardly snakes away and then throws Alex under the bus.... 02 to his account

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faggot morality, intent doesnt matter the result does.
>all species of animals are subordinates to humans
no u
they probably taste really bad, but is that pic real?

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>no u
>A german is calling a man a lesbian (confused about gender) and he doesn't care about animal rights (so also a non-white)
Color me shocked

Are you okay, mutt? Run out of your prescription pills?

Oy vey

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veganism is fucked up for health humans are not meant to care about animals, stop being weak

revisionist history makes me so nervous cause I always wonder if what we're told about even 100 some years ago is even true at all

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clear winner

I don't give a shit because it's a cat. If she treated a doggo bad I would rage.

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Basic animal rights (aka don't act like a chinese to animals) has nothing to do with eating meat. Stop being low IQ.

Okay (((European)))

plus look at her last name, she would do something like that regardless

>you are one ugly motherf-

I don’t know? None of it hurts anymore.

For mah burgers

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what? how will you not be vegan when you dont kill animals?

Just fuckin end it, I swear to God, I will fly to the UK and shoot up the entire bloody BBC HQ.

Also here is a pic that will make most of this autistic Cambodian boat building forum mad.

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>South Dakota

saved lol

It seems so

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